Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4186: Focus on【Sixty One/One Hundred】

Lin Bian sighed and said.

Hearing what Lin Bian said, Lin Feng's heart trembled. After a while, Lin Feng sighed, nodded, and said, "You have his reason to say that. In that case, when I am free, I Just go and have a look."

Hearing Lin Feng said to look, the two nodded, smiled, and said: "I know you won't ignore Dad, Dad, thumbs up!"

Lin Feng shook his head.

"There is something to be done by you. Probably, I will tell you later, do a little better and don't leave any mistakes. This is very important to our death."

A divine sense fell in front of the two people, and the two of them looked at each other, and their faces immediately became more excited.

"This... Dad, how did you trick someone from the immortal emperor to work for us?"

Lin Bian's eyes lit up immediately, "Although this murloc has been attacked by the Thousand Chance Sect, this is a real immortal emperor strong. There is an immortal emperor who is in charge. Our Thousand Chance Sect is too big. Great plan!"

"So, we must do this thing well. This will be the future of our development in the future."

Lin Feng nodded and said with a serious face.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Lin Bian nodded and said: "Dad, don't worry, this matter is covered by me. I promise to complete the task successfully."

Seeing that both of them were happy, Lin Feng also nodded.

"Lin Ling's matter, you still have to pay more attention and tell me if there is any danger, you should notify me as soon as possible. I have some things to deal with, so I just leave."

After speaking, Lin Feng went out of the box.

With what Lin Feng explained, Lin Sifeng and Lin Bian drove to the sea almost overnight, and the murlocs were coming over. This was definitely a big surprise for them.

Such a surprise, I am sorry if I don't grasp it!

The two looked at each other, and both saw excitement in each other's eyes.

Leaving the mountain city, Lin Feng directly returned to the magic city with a one-time consumption formation. After leaving the magic city, Lin Feng rushed to the town directly.

That small town is the place closest to the entrance, and to enter the Dragon Tomb, you can only enter from that place.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and his face became more serious. He wanted to enter the Dragon Tomb, naturally to bring out what he needed.

Thinking of those things still there, Lin Feng's face became more serious.

Must get it!

Such thoughts formed in Lin Feng's mind. Lin Feng's face was serious, and he sighed in relief.

"Master, there are disciples of the Corpse Yin Sect here. In the past few years, the Corpse Yin Sect has been quiet a lot. Although it has developed a little in the fairy world, because of the assassination and control of the True Dragon Dagger over there, the Corpse Yin Sect disciples are all Started to move towards the site where Corpse Yin Sect was."

"These things are too much."

Lin Feng passed by the disciples of the Corpse Yin Sect. Before the disciples of the Corpse Yin Sect could react, they were already beheaded by Lin Feng.

Just as Lin Feng was about to leave the city, a huge body lay in front of Lin Feng.

It's Bohan.

Seeing Bohan again, Lin Feng's seriousness was much lower.

"Senior Bohan, long time no see." Lin Feng said with a smile on his face, saluting Bohan.

"Long time no see, where is Jiaojiao?"

Bo Han's voice was not high, and he glanced at Lin Feng's body.

Jiaojiao? What is the relationship between that girl and Bohan?

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment and realized that Jiaojiao was the corpse. Lin Feng hurriedly took out the corpse.

Bo Han stroked the face of the corpse and turned to look at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at Bo Han, neither humble nor overbearing, and Bo Han put down his hands, "You took good care of it, thank you."

"Senior is polite, this is what I should do." Lin Feng said with a gentle smile on his face, "I would also like to thank my senior for making the move. If it weren't for the senior's action, I might not be able to carry Jiaojiao now. Appeared."

Bo Han did not speak, but lowered his head to look at the person in front of him, and instead waved his hand, a breath fell directly on Jiaojiao's body.

As these breaths fell, the body of the copper corpse began to tremble constantly.

It was a long time before Bohan returned the body to Lin Feng.

"Boy, be kind to her. She is a good girl."

Bo Han shook his body, turned and left, with a bit of determination.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief when Bohan left.

Compared to Bo Han's tossing during this time, this corpse Yin Sect certainly didn't get much benefit.

"This old guy really loves this daughter, and this daughter really takes a lot of heart."

Candle Yin whispered.

"This is also normal. Parents all over the world are probably like this. They can do everything for their children."

Lin Feng walked forward slowly.

"Is the master before?"

"Of course." Lin Feng walked forward slowly, thinking of the past, Lin Feng's mouth raised a faint smile, he still remembered when his parents just smiled by his side and did everything for him. Although the family is not rich, his parents love him wholeheartedly.

Those days are very short and very beautiful.

The past days can't come back, but Lin Feng's heart always seems to be involved a little bit by something, and the corner of Lin Feng's mouth is hooked.

"But these pasts have passed, and after so many years, they have been a lot calmer." Lin Feng said with a smile, slowly closing his eyes, scenes of warmth flashed in his mind, and Lin Feng's body and mind also quieted down.

People follow their hearts.

Lin Feng’s Ejiao is not very slow, but every time one step is made, countless auras will be formed under Lin Feng’s feet. This formed aura envelops Lin Feng’s entire body around him, and the laws around him continue to follow. It flows.

Obviously it is the twelfth lunar month of winter, but the flowers on the ground are blooming in an instant, and the whole world is green.

It was a long time before Lin Feng opened his eyes.

"Master~www.wuxiaspot.com~ we are here."

Chitaki whispered, "This is where we came in, but I don't know if we can enter the Dragon Tomb here."

"We came from here, we can definitely enter here. As for the Dragon Tomb..." Lin Feng paused, "The Dragon Tomb is protected by restrictions, but it is not indestructible. It is important to get the dragon bloodline first."

Lin Feng's mind swept around and soon found a small hole.

Opening the opening, Lin Feng flew directly in.

This passage leads to the Yun family, and at the edge of these two things is the area where the Dragon Tomb is located.

This is the secret path of the Yun family. There are very few cultivators who can enter the demon world from the secret path of the Yun family, so naturally no one will discover the wonders here.

When Lin Feng passed by, the environment here was still a little quiet.

"Master, here it is!"


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