Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4188: 1 copy is missing [sixty three / one hundred]

When Lin Feng came out from the inside, he saw Qisuo talking in full swing.

"I said you can do it. I'm so happy to talk here, tell me, what have you been talking about?" Lin Feng glanced at everyone and said with a smile, "Let me Also be curious."

"Master, did you get it?"

Qisuo leaned forward.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Although there are a few thousand-machine sect disciples in it, the cultivation base is still limited, the things have been obtained, let's go."

Lin Feng turned around to leave.

The sound of fighting came from behind, and then, an old voice appeared in Lin Feng's ear.

"Boy, the life and death of my Yun family is unclear, and you have already taken things away. I have only one request to take away our girl." It is the ancestor of the Yun family.

Looking at Shuoliu lying on the ground, Lin Feng frowned. Shuoliu's body was restricted by the ancestor of the Yun family.

"Boy, you need to refuse. This time you are more anxious than I am about what benefits you have gained. Therefore, this is something that should be done. If you can't do it well, don't want to take the blood of the dragon."

The voice of the ancestor of the Yun family was very quick. Although it was threatening, Lin Feng didn't say anything. He could hear that the ancestor of the Yun family was anxious.

"it is good."

Lin Feng held Shuoliu directly towards the exit of the Demon Realm.

Shuoliu lay in Lin Feng's arms, frowning, and the breath throughout his body fluctuated, but under the suppression of the formation, he couldn't open it at all.

Lin Feng shook his head when he saw the girl of the Yun family.

"Why is this!"

Holding Shuoliu directly to the exit of the Demon Realm, Lin Feng quickly disappeared towards the surroundings. Soon there was a disciple of Qianjimen covering the entire exit, and Lin Feng took Shuoliu into the valley far away from this area. Stayed down.

After a whole day, Shuoliu woke up.

"Thief, I want to kill you!"

Shuoliu's breath suddenly rose, and Lin Feng placed his hand on Shuoliu's shoulder.

"Miss Yun, sorry."

Lin Feng sighed and said helplessly, "Don't live up to Old Ancestor Yun's expectations of you."

"Lin Feng?" Shuo Liu turned his head to see Lin Feng, frowning, "Why are you, my family?"

Lin Feng stood there without speaking.

Shuoliu knelt on the ground, his expression sorrowful.

"Don’t let the living hate their enemies laugh, Miss Yun, the Yun family will depend on you in the future, maybe not you, many people in the Yun family have found a way to survive, and they are waiting for you to gather them together. Open a clear sky."

Lin Feng's voice was not high. Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shuoliu raised his head and looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's face was serious, and the speed of speaking was not fast, but the sonorous voice instantly infected Shuoliu, and Shuoliu nodded.

"Don't worry, I know, do you know what's going on there?"

Lin Feng shook his head.

"I don't know the specifics, but if you are alive now, it's fine."

Lin Feng's voice is not too high. Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shuoliu nodded. After a while, Shuoliu said, "You... are you the heir of the legendary Dragon King bloodline?"

Lin Feng touched his nose.

"If you just want to know that I have dragon blood from time to time, I do."

Lin Feng didn't admit it, Shuoliu nodded.

"I know, don't worry about Bai Yujian, I will stop this thing in my stomach forever, I will never say it, Lin Feng, thank you for saving me."

"Since I am grateful to me for saving you, just live on, remember that nothing in this world is as important as being alive."

Lin Feng said to Shuoliu seriously, "I hope that when I see you next time, you have already supported the entire Yun family."

Shuoliu sighed and nodded with a smile.

"thank you."

Shuoliu turned to leave, walked a few steps, and turned to look at Lin Feng again.

When I saw Lin Feng again, Shuoliu's mood was complicated.

Once, she also had a girlish heart. Lin Feng was actually a good person, good to people, and still a capable person, but now, Shuoliu knew that they would never be possible anymore, Lin Feng had gone too far. Soon, she won't be able to keep up soon.

She is a genius of the Yun family, but in front of Lin Feng, she is nothing.

"Actually, I imagined it once."

Shuoliu smiled and said, "At this time, there is no result."

Lin Feng smiled at Shuoliu, who turned and disappeared into the deep forest.

"Master, why don't you bring this girl." Chitaki whispered, "This girl is very talented. If you bring it, master, it will definitely be a big help for you in the future!"

"It's useless."

Lin Feng shook his head, "Her heart is pretending to be a family. Even if I keep her, she can't keep her heart, but for her family, she will come back to me sooner or later."

Lin Feng walked in the other direction, "Let's also go back to Yuanmen."

With that, Lin Feng's gaze fell on Yushi's body.

Yuya was silent and did not speak.


Lin Feng called out Yushi again, and Yushi later realized that it fell on Lin Feng's shoulder.

"the host."

"This is already the ninth dragon bloodline. I remember that every third dragon bloodline is a celestial moat, so in the seventh and eighth copies, I didn't refine their power for my own use. In order to wait for the ninth share, should you say it too."


"He explained it all."

Lin Feng waved his hand, and a drowsy dragon soul appeared on Lin Feng's palm.

"He said, the key to entering the Dragon Race is in your hands."

Lin Feng's voice was not high, Yushu was taken aback for a moment, and his expression was complicated.

Originally, he should be the ninth portion of the Dragon Bloodline absorbed. After absorbing him, he would directly take Lin Feng into the Dragon Tomb, but unfortunately, one portion was missing.

The dragon bloodline of the first dragon of the wood and Tai Yang are not by Lin Feng's side.

Yu Shi was silent for a long time before nodding~www.wuxiaspot.com~Yes, in my hand, but the key to the dragon clan needs the blood of Jiufen Dragon. "

"Enough now."

Lin Feng said with a smile, "Isn't it?"

Yuya nodded.

"You guy has hidden a lot of secrets. If it weren't for Yun Shuangshuang I told you today, it's just that you have to keep hiding me until Taiyang appears?"

Yushi did not speak.

The old master, the new master, the promise, and even the fulfillment of the contract, Yu Shi was very clear about what he did, he would not shirk, but this mouth was very strict.

"I didn't mean to blame you."

Lin Feng paused, then smiled and said, "It's just that the time is up. At this moment, we can set off. Is the location in Yuanmen?"


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