Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4192: Patience【67/100】

Having said that, Zhu Ming went to sleep directly.

"Master, master..."

Zhu Yin turned his head to look at Lin Feng.

"It's okay, don't be too anxious. This is forbidden to be blocked by the candle, and the power of the soul is consumed very much, so I fainted. If there are no big things, you can wait for him to wake up with peace of mind." , Lin Feng said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't lie to you."

The candle shade nodded, twitched the corners of his mouth, nodded, and said, "I know, Master, you must take care of this guy, but I have a good heart. If something happens to him, what will you do next? "


Lin Feng said with a smile, "Where there are so many in this world, what should we do? Just let it be cold."

Lin Feng said casually, "How?"

"the host……"

Candle Yin straightened his body. Seeing the body of Candle Yin, Lin Feng sighed, then shook his head, and said: "Okay, funny, don't worry, I have given it its soul source, and it is slowly recovering. Although the speed is still a bit slow, it is enough."

"Master, thank you very much."

Lin Feng walked out of the yard.

Yu Shi put a golden key in front of Lin Feng.

"This is the key to entering the dragon clan. To enter the dragon clan, you have to pass through Yuan Daozi. Are you sure you can?"

Lin Feng paused.

"After so many years, although the entrance of the dragon clan is in Yuanmen, there are actually other entrances and exits, but those entrances and exits, I may not know it. This is the only entrance you can enter for the master I know."

Yushi paused and said, "But the Yuanmen has been guarded for so many years, it may not be what it was before."

"Yuan Da didn't dare to absorb me. Yuan Daozi certainly didn't have the courage. Yuan Daozi still cherishes his little life so much. Besides, Luo Jianqing is there!"

Lin Feng tickled the corner of his mouth, "This Luo Jianqing appears to be listed on Yuan Daozi, but he is actually Yuan Daozi’s eyeliner, Yuan Daozi is still very clever, how much Yuan Daozi trusts now. Luo Jianqing, how shrewd Luo Jianqing is."

"It's no wonder that the old boy Luo Jianqing treats you so much, but it's also because you haven't been in Yuanmen for a long time. The relationship in this Yuanmen is complicated and there are many people in it. All of these methods are so harsh. Surprisingly, Master, you really picked up a ready-made bargain."

Lin Feng smiled and did not speak.

Before Lin Feng went to Yuan Daozi, Luo Jianqing personally presented the reward, saying that Yuan Daozi had prepared it.

"Look, let me just say it." Lin Feng said with a smile, playing with the things in his hands.

"What are you talking about?" Luo Jianqing asked in a low voice, confused, "Talking about the great elder's matter, the secret of the great elder, seems to have been punctured." Lin Feng's face was a little bit of a smile.

Luo Jianqing's body shook slightly before returning to normal.

"Lin Feng, what are you talking about, I don't seem to understand, who are you talking to?"

"Yeah, I'm talking to my friend of God's Sense."

Lin Feng put away things, "Thank you, the elder."

"So that's the case, then I'll go first." When he left, Luo Jianqing's body trembled fiercely. Of course he didn't believe what Lin Feng just said was talking to his friend. This kid did it on purpose. !

Luo Jianqing quickly went to the main hall to hand in the task.

"The sect master, the things have already been delivered, look..."

"What is his reaction?" Yuan Daozi asked, turning his head to look at Luo Jianqing.

Thinking of Lin Feng's gloominess when he spoke, Luo Jianqing's brow furrowed. Even though it has been so long, Lin Feng was only talking to his friends, but Luo Jianqing still felt a little uncomfortable at this time.

"what happened?"

"It's okay, the sect master, this kid is still very happy, after all he is still a young man, very sad about these babies, I heard that it was a reward from the sect master, so happy."

Yuan Daozi nodded when he heard Luo Jianqing's words.

"It turns out that this is the case. Go down first. I heard that your wife has returned. You should also spend time with her. Your parting takes a long time."


Luo Jianqing turned and went out. Yuan Daozi looked at Luo Jianqing's back, his expression darkened. When Luo Jianqing was gone, Yuan Daozi's aura suddenly increased, and everything around him turned into powder under his aura.

"Damn boy!"

Yuan Daozi said viciously.

"Father, what are you doing again?"

Yuan Chen came in from the outside, "Father, you taught me to tolerate Lin Feng's boy, why dad, you can't bear it yourself. Although Lin Feng's boy is strong, it's just like that. Why do you want to let him go like this? In the heart?"

Yuan Chen's voice was faint, and said with a bit of disgust, "Is it possible that you still have a hard time with the little guy Lin Feng in your heart?"

"I'm fine."

Yuan Daozi waved his hand, "You go to practice first, it will be time for the assessment after a while. Although I value you, you have to be clear that the master of Yuanmen was never selected by me."

"Don't worry, I know."

Yuan Chen said with a smile, "I will strictly follow your request, Dad."

"You have found Dongfang Ming's trail. If you find it, send someone to slaughter it, and give a lesson to Qianjimen. Recently, Qianjimen is too rampant. This doesn't take our Yuanmen at all. "


Yuan Chen turned around and went out.

The aura on Yuan Daozi's body slowly quieted, and everything around him slowly recovered, as if the shipment had never happened before.

Lin Feng consolidates the breath of dragon blood in the courtyard.

Although the dragon's bloodline had already reached his hand, the breath of Lin Feng's body was obviously still a little uncombined. After a short half month of recuperation, Lin Feng just sighed out of the yard.

When the two girls were absent, Lin Feng instantly felt that the entire yard seemed to be empty.

"How about the host~www.wuxiaspot.com~?"

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Ba Suo leaned forward.

"It's okay, let's go." Lin Feng shook his body and said with a smile, "By the way, how are our affairs handled this time?"

"It's basically handled, the master doesn't need to worry, let's go to the main hall now."

Lin Feng nodded.

When Lin Feng asked to see him, Yuan Daozi was taken aback.

"You little kid come to me, is there something?"

Yuan Daozi's gaze fell on Lin Feng, and he smiled and said, "The Great Elder is not here, if you have anything to do, just tell me and I will assist you."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Sect Master, I am here, there is only one thing."


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