Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4193: Key【68/100】

Yuan Daozi nodded, waiting for Lin Feng to speak.

A clear sound fell, and Lin Feng held a golden key in his hand and shook in front of Yuan Daozi.

Yuan Daozi's body trembled, looking at Lin Feng, an accident flashed in his eyes.

He counted a thousand things, but he didn't count it in Lin Feng's hands. He actually had the key to enter the dragon clan.

Legend has it that the dragon has only one key outside. If this one is for the future owner of the dragon.

A lot of things formed in Yuan Daozi's mind instantly. Yuan Daozi is not a fool, and he is clear about what should be clear at this moment and not.

He thought he had seen everything, and this time, he was deceived by Yuanta.

"You... where did you get the key?"

Yuan Daozi had already seen stormy waves in his heart, but the expression on his face was still steady.

"I got it accidentally. Speaking of it, there is another reason for the great elder. If it wasn't for the great elder, I wouldn't get it.

Lin Feng looked at Yuan Daozi with a smile on his face and said. ,

Speaking of Yuanda University, Yuan Daozi's expression on his face narrowed, nodded, and said: "Since you got it, then go in."

Yuan Daozi walked inside, and Lin Feng followed Yuan Daozi.

"Speaking of it, it seems that there are only three keys. One is scattered in the secret realm to support the whole secret realm, one is in my Yuanmen, and the other one is always a mystery. I thought that the third one was just A legend, your kid gave me a surprise."

Yuan Daozi held the key in his hand.

Lin Feng followed behind and did not speak.

Yuan Daozi led Lin Feng all the way down.

Lin Feng looked around, Yuan Daozi told him, Lin Feng just covered it with simple words, and didn't mean to talk to Yuan Daozi more.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Yuan Daozi smiled, "You kid usually talks a lot, but at this time, you are silent."

Yuan Daozi suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at Lin Feng, and said, "Do you know what this is for?"

Lin Feng shook his head.

"This key is used to determine the master of the Yuanmen. Whoever wants to become the master of the Yuanmen must pass this level and enter with the key. Lin Feng, are you interested in the position of the master?" Yuan Daozi's eyes fixed on Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng doesn't have that management talent."

Lin Feng shook his head and said affirmatively, "I am not interested in managing Yuanmen."

"If this is the case, then don't go in. Once you go in, you will think you are a candidate. In fact, there are only some things that the master of Yuanmen should know."

Yuan Daozi smiled, "If you don't want to inherit the position of sect master, once you are selected, Lin Feng, even if you don't want to, I can't help you."

Lin Feng looked at Yuan Daozi with a smile,

Yuan Daozi was a little flustered by Lin Feng's gaze. Lin Feng didn't speak. Just looking at it, Yuan Daozi always felt a little weird, especially the smile on Lin Feng's face at this time.

"Lin Feng, what do you think of my proposal?"

"Very good." Lin Feng said with a smile, "but this may not have much to do with me. I am a vulgar person." Lin Feng coughed and said with a smile, "You know the doormaster, we This kind of vulgar person is very interested in unknown dangers."

Lin Feng's voice was not high, but Yuan Daozi understood what Lin Feng meant.

This kid is going in.

"Lin Feng, are you ready?"

"I'm thinking about it. Don't worry about the sect master. You can't worry about me doing things? I promise, I don't have any Xiqing area for the position of the sect master. Is it possible that this secret realm will be difficult or impossible?"

Lin Feng shook his body, "Sect Master, how do I get in."

"Just insert the key into the hole."

Yuan Daozi stepped aside and said.

Lin Feng looked at the door behind Yuan Daozi, no wonder if it had this shape, Lin Feng put the six-pointed star-shaped key in it.

Just as the key entered, a strong force from behind rushed towards Lin Feng, Lin Feng snorted coldly, and the Fengtong sword lay directly behind Lin Feng, Lin Feng's body quickly entered inside, Fengtong sword He disappeared in front of Yuan Daozi and followed Lin Feng in.

Lin Feng's speed was so fast that when Yuan Daozi didn't react, Lin Feng's body had disappeared.

"Damn boy!"

Seeing Lin Feng's entire body had entered, Yuan Daozi's face became more and more gloomy. He originally hoped that a gust of wind would blow Lin Feng in, but he didn't know that Lin Feng's reaction was too quick to give him Such an opportunity.

Naturally, Yuan Daozi didn't want to shoot in front of Lin Feng, so he could only watch Lin Feng enter.

The world inside the door is different.

Standing on the starlight, there was a warm breath surrounding Lin Feng's body, and Lin Feng only felt very comfortable.

"Master, don't covet the warmth here." Yushi's voice exploded in Lin Feng's mind. Lin Feng's body trembled, and a coolness penetrated into his body. Lin Feng returned to his mind, surrounded by In the endless darkness, only occasional twinkling starlight passed under his feet, where there are thousands of stars.

Lin Feng took his first step.

The world under his feet began to change rapidly, and Lin Feng kept his mind tight, not daring to relax easily.

This first step went on, Xingguang turned into a fourth level, and the earth under his feet was when he was just born.

The second step...

third step……

the fourth step……

Step by step, step by step, the surrounding world became more and more beautiful, and Lin Feng's heart also settled down a little bit.

Precipitation, but a little time, soon, this precipitation is gone.

Everything in front of him began to become clear and translucent, and another door appeared in front of Lin Feng, and soon the door opened.

This time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng really entered the starry sky.

"I have been here."

Looking at the familiar scenery in front of him, Lin Feng tickled the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "I am familiar with the environment here. When is it?"

Lin Feng looked down and thought.

"Ah, I remember. It was when I first entered Zhongzhou. At that time, my mind entered this starry sky world. Looking at it now, it is just as beautiful."

Lin Feng looked down and saw that his wife and children were smiling at him from below, and pressing the front immediately, the speed under his feet began to increase.

Step by step forward.

"Master, slow down. You have been here once, because the breath of the forehead dragon blood on you, the master, has brought your mind and power to you, but you are still unfamiliar with this space. ."

(End of this chapter)


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