Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4200: Random Dragon【Seventy Four/One Hundred】

"You get up first."

"Master, you accept me first and I will get up again. Don't worry, I only need a nine-tier pill. I am a random dragon, very easy to raise." Xuan Yu held Lin Feng's thigh. He said seriously, "Master!"

Lin Feng's mouth twitched when he heard Xuan Yu's sonorous master.

This part-time job is a little devil in the world. If he really promises this kid, Lin Feng knows in his heart that he really doesn't know what will happen in the future!

"Your grandpa is here."

Lin Feng yelled, Xuan Yu stood up immediately, and there was no one outside. Xuan Yu turned around and Lin Feng had closed the yard, "Take a rest today."

After a word came out, all the dragons outside were scattered, Xuan Yu drooped his face.

"Brother Xuanyu, are you still going to fight?" Tuantuan leaned forward and asked in a low voice.

"not going."

Xuan Yu turned and left.

"Let's go." Tai Yang whispered.

"Brother Xuanyu!" Tuan Tuan followed, Tai Yang shook his head with a depressed expression. Why is it so difficult to find a dragon to fight these years?

Taeyang turned around and went to the battlefield.

Lin Feng also went to Bidouchang shortly after Xuanyu left.

Fight with the dragons.

Lin Feng concealed his breath a little, and directly challenged him.

"My name is Yunduo, and I am your opponent." Opposite Lin Feng was a pretty girl. The girl's gaze swept across Lin Feng's body and then said, "You have to be prepared, I am not It's so easy to spare you!"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Spiritual strength training collided in the air, and both of them had forgotten to back away a bit. Yun Duo's eyes flashed with surprise, watching Lin Feng become solemn.

Lin Feng didn't go all out. This is just a place for everyone to exercise compared to the battlefield. At most, it is to chop vinegar and learn from each other. This Yun Duo's cultivation is good, but in front of Lin Feng, it is obviously a lot worse.

Soon, the original form of the cloud came out, a white dragon.

No wonder it is called a cloud.

Seeing the look of the dragon in front of him, Lin Feng's eyes also flashed an accident.

The whole body of Yun Duo is pure and white, and the whole body is like a work of art. Lin Feng can only smile, and he can see that there is such a beautiful dragon.

"Hey, what are you looking at!"

Yun Duo's attack fell on Lin Feng. Lin Feng didn't even move. Yun Duo was anxious and asked loudly.

"You are very beautiful," Lin Feng said with a smile, "I saw a white dragon for the first time."

"What's so strange about this, our elder is still a purple dragon!"

Purple dragon?

In Lin Feng's mind, it looked like a group of purple rushing past, and the corners of his mouth twitched. That scene must have been a shame.

Could this be the reason why the Great Elder was reluctant to come out after sleeping for 20,000 years? It must be the time to go out, because the public's aesthetic viewpoints are different, the elders are disgusted, and this is depressed, and has been asleep for 20,000 years.

The two continued to fight.

Lin Feng communicated with Yunduo while fighting. Yu Dao’s fighting consciousness was good and he knew a lot. A lot of mysterious jade was unfamiliar. Yunduo said all the brains here to Lin Feng. At this moment, to the entire dragon clan, Manli basically had an understanding.

After a battle was over, Lin Feng drove down, and Zhao Xuan blocked Lin Feng's path.

"I want to challenge you."

Zhao Xuan snorted and looked at Lin Feng, and said, "Lin Feng, is it better to prepare?"

"Not really."

Lin Feng shook his head, sighed and said, "You know, it's not easy to prepare."

"I want to fight with you!" Seeing Lin Feng's greasy mouth, Zhao Xuan snorted coldly, "Don't think that you can do whatever you want with my father protecting you. Today, I will tell my father who is more Fit to sit in that position!"

Lin Feng nodded when he heard Zhao Xuan's words.

"Let’s fight another day. I’ve already fought for a while. I’m a little tired. Let’s take a break. Fighting will begin sooner or later. We don’t need to worry, understand?"

Lin Feng patted Zhao Xuan on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Zhao Xuan looked at Lin Feng's back and sneered for a while.

This kid really considers himself the number one man!

Zhao Xuan snorted and turned away.

Lin Feng didn't worry and went back to the yard.

"Master, it's been a month. Isn't that old fellow Long Huan really unwilling to let you in, Master?" Everyone followed Lin Feng and became anxious.

"That's not true." Lin Feng shook his head and smiled, "It's only a month, and it's time for everyone to calm down. It's definitely impossible to start taking things out at this time. Wait. Wait."

Lin Feng waved his hand, his expression softened, and said, "Wait for the follow-up."

Lin Feng's voice was not high. Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ji Shuo nodded.

"We know, it's just that it's not a way to wait. There are still two dragon bloodlines that haven't been collected. It will take a while for us to get those two dragon bloodlines!"

"Are the two dragon bloodlines?" Lin Feng shook his head, "In this month, I have almost searched the entire dragon clan. The dragon clan does not have those two dragon bloodlines at all. The bloodline is not in the dragon clan at all, this dragon bloodline is either hidden or the dragon clan is placed in something else."

Lin Feng paused, only feeling a little pain in his head.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Feng finds it very troublesome now. It is definitely not an easy task to find out the blood of the dragon. It is probably a little difficult to talk about the dragon fantasy.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said, "No matter how things will develop, it is better for us to stabilize ourselves now."

"The master is right. Everyone knows the situation of the dragon race. Lin Feng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if the master is unstable, they will never have any way to deal with the master, so we, um Just wait with peace of mind."

Yushi's voice is not high.

Yun Shuangshuang jumped out.

"I think so too. Solve the dragon clan first, then the remaining two dragon bloodlines will naturally be easy. When the dragon bloodlines are gathered together, the master's task is considered complete."

"It's really a long process"

Chitaki murmured.

"I still remember the first time I saw the master, it was all a long time ago. I remember that the master was a good person at that time, and I like the master very much!"

Hearing Chitaki's words, Lin Feng shook his head a little bit dumbfounded.

"You don't like me like that. You are persecuted by me. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know the existence of the dragon bloodline."


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