Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4214: Black eats black[88/100]

"Maybe... it's a small group, or a group of bandits."

Compared with Zhongzhou, the western world does not know how much desolation is. The culture here is also very different from the outside. Such differences lead to the difference in culture and style here.

Feeling the slight changes in the surrounding environment, Lin Feng's mentality slowly softened.

"There are six demon beasts in front, and the cultivation base of these six demon beasts is probably in the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian." 1

Lin Feng glanced back at several people, and interrupted their communication.

"Yes, sir."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, several people nodded immediately.

Looking at each other, they all saw it clearly in each other's eyes.

This is probably the bandit.

There are many deserts in the Western world. There are very few valleys and rivers like this. There are high mountains, high waters and deep roads, and most of them are cultivators who have been convicted for some special reasons or who have fallen for other reasons.

Simply put, this is a paradise for grass bandits.

The cultivation base of the grass bandits is high or low, and the idle cultivators are not their opponents at all. They shuttle through these forests and know everything in the mountains and plains. Therefore, many times, many cultivators will not provoke them. Guys.

They were also fascinated by ghosts. Seeing that Xuanyu and Zhao Xuan were new faces, they thought that they should be outsiders and wanted to rob them well. As a result, they were arrested before they were robbed.

Seeing a few people took action, Lin Feng found a place to sit, Xuan Yu and Zhao Xuan sat beside Lin Feng.

"Brother Lin, continue to eat meat, these guys will have to deal with these monsters for three to five days. It's better to sit here so dry and eat barbecue!"

Xuan Yu flexed his fists and said with a smile, "I'll take care of the monster meat."

Seeing Xuanyu's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head.

This is a snack food!

Seeing the excitement on Xuanyu's face, Lin Feng shook his head, and took out some materials from it, "I don't have a lot of materials here, so let's take a look first."

As he said, Lin Feng lost it, "I won't participate, I'll take a break."

With that, Lin Feng flew directly to the tree.

With half-squinted eyes, Lin Feng's mind went directly into the chaos.

These people living in the chaotic world, Lin Feng has never taken care of them since he was brought in, but now, among them, they need to break through.

This thunder...

Lin Feng felt the breath of breakthrough, and suddenly became a little embarrassed.

"Master, I think this should be possible." Zhuyin followed Lin Feng and whispered, "After this girl broke through, although there is no thunder, you can feel that this girl can still practice, maybe because of Chaos Seed The reason, this girl doesn't need to experience Thunder Tribulation, she can also be promoted directly."

Lin Feng shook his head when he heard the candle Yin words.

"You're talking about lightness. This Chaos Seed is isolated from the outside world. Because of isolation, you can't feel the existence of Thunder Tribulation, but if she comes out, the Thunder Tribulation will accumulate every day, and she will still directly attack the girl. With her current cultivation base, it is almost impossible to withstand it."

Lin Feng shook his head and said helplessly.

"Then... Master, what do you say?"

Lin Feng was also a little bit distressed. He really couldn't think of a way to get some people at this moment, but if they were allowed to be promoted regardless of Lei Jie, it seemed a little bit bad.

Lin Feng was also a little depressed for a while.

"Look for Young Master Yangyang, maybe Young Master Yangyang can help create a thunder tribulation, so that they will have the breath of the tribulation, as long as the breath of the tribulation is there, the earphones will not be found."

Chitaki said with a smile.

"It's not impossible."

Yu Shi paused and said in a low voice, "However, there is another way. Our dragon race is also our own independent world, but in this independent world, we can all experience thunder catastrophe. That is because our world, Although it is an independent world, it is not as independent as imagined, but in this independence, there are other things."

Yu Shi whispered, "When this time is over, Master, you can go back to the Dragon Race and ask the two elders, they may know how to solve this matter."

Lin Feng nodded when he heard Yushi's words.

"Then wait, anyway, the independence of this world is necessary, but with the passage of time, I still hope that the world of Chaos Seeds can be as perfect as the outside world."

With that, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes." Yu Shi nodded, "Although this chaotic lotus seed is rare, it is not unacceptable. There are also many records in the history of immortals. Such records are too simple, for us, although they are very Hard things, but it may not be impossible to get them."

"But those worlds still bordered this world in the end. Our former Dragon King also had a small world in him. This small world is now the territory of the dragon race."

Yu Shi's voice was not very high, but it was sonorous and powerful, and Lin Feng's eyes immediately brightened.

"I have seen many records in the ancient books of the dragon clan, so this matter can be established."

"Then wait to go back and have a look."

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes.

The fighting outside continued. Although they were annoyed by the boys to deal with them, Xuanyu and Zhao Xuan did not go too far. When necessary, the two would still help them deal with the enemy. See these two boys. Lin Feng shook his head.

Still too young.

Although these two boys look cynical on the surface, they do things very authentically in the world.

Seeing the appearance of these guys, Lin Feng smiled.

Lin Feng's favor with these two boys has increased a lot.

Although arrogant, the nature of the two is very good.

"These guys are also thanks to the two dumb dragons Xuan Yu and Zhao Xuan. If they were changed to a bad temper, they would have been sent to the stomach." Xing Beng said in a cold tone. ,

"Mtlnovel~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you can help me." Lin Feng turned to look at Mtlnovel, and said in a low voice, "Although the combat effectiveness of these few is good, we have to deal with the big plan in front of me. I have more than my heart but my strength is insufficient."

"Yes, master!"

The violent body flew out instantly, falling in front, and a flame flew directly over.

The monster beast has been submerged by the violent flames, and has not reacted, the whole is already ripe, shaking on the ground a few times, and will not move anymore.


The disciple of the great Luo Jinxian who was next to this monster fell to the ground instantly, with an incredible look on his face, this...this is terrifying!

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Chapter 4214 black eat black 【88/100】(page 1/1)

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