Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4218: Get in the way【92/100】

"This is not the point, the point is that people don't need you to hurt at all." The candle said to Xuan Yu in a chilly tone.


Xuan Yu curled his lips and looked disdainful.

"Let's go, there is a teleportation formation in the small city in front that can speed up our speed." Lin Feng turned his head and said to Xuan Yu with a smile, "How can I be angry with a few weapon souls?"


Xuan Yu quickly followed Lin Feng, "Brother Lin, after arriving in the Holy City, shouldn't we go directly to the Dragon Tomb?"

"Maybe something needs to be prepared." Lin Feng paused and said in a low voice, "Although there are not many, but after all, we are going to other people's tribes as a guest. We still have to prepare things." Lin Feng said with a smile, "You are not cut. Have you killed a lot of monsters? Whether it's monster meat or materials, take it with you."

"No, Brother Lin, that's... thousands of monsters!"

"This person is here. It's easy to kill these thousands of monsters. So, you don't need to keep these thousands of monsters in your heart. Sooner or later it's yours. Yours, all you need to do is to settle these monsters well, but for these monsters, it’s different. For so many monsters beheaded by you, for them, there must be a psychological shadow. Yes, if you see a monster beast in the future, if it is more powerful than you, you should avoid it."

Lin Feng's voice was joking, and Xuanyu's body shook when he heard Lin Feng's words.

"Lin... Brother Lin, did you lie to me?"

"You are an upright dragon clan, what are you afraid of?" Seeing Xuanyu's appearance, Lin Feng patted Xuanyu's shoulder and said with a smile, "Don't worry, although the situation is in the eyes, you should also believe in yourself. This is not what you are afraid of. Within the range!"

Lin Feng’s face is all dangling. Seeing Lin Feng’s appearance, Xuanyu’s mouth bends.

"Brother Lin, I always feel that you are cheating me." After a while, Xuan Yu whispered, "Brother Lin, you are too...too stingy."

"I'm not cheating you, I'm telling the truth."

Hearing Lin Feng's serious words, Xuan Yu shook his head, telling the truth?

The truth kills people!

Especially Brother Lin, who is even more harmful!

"The road ahead is blocked, we can't pass." Zhao Xuan turned his head and said to Lin Feng, "There are many monks."

Lin Feng's eyebrows jumped and looked over.

"Who is here!"

"Who is this again?" Seeing a female voice came out, Lin Feng's eyes flashed with surprise, "Is this monk and woman still together?"

"Brother Lin, I just told you that there are two types of monks in this place, one is a vegetarian monk who avoids everything, and the other is a monk who doesn't know anything about wine and meat. These should all be wine and meat monks." Xuanyu smiled. Said, "These monks have always done things so hard that they won't divide you and me."

Lin Feng nodded.

"Let's take a look."

With that, Lin Feng speeded up.

There were about a dozen monks from the early days of Da Luo Jinxian, and a woman in the middle.

"My name is Sama, and I said, when you came here, did you see a woman named Lin Ling!"

When Sama said her name, she raised her head slightly and said with a proud face, "If you see someone who doesn't know it, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Lin Ling?" Lin Feng shook his head, "I haven't heard the name yet, and, girl, Sama, you are looking for someone. It's best to prepare a portrait. You say, whoever escapes from the crime will be gauze garbage. Uh, I told someone’s name, don’t you think?"

Lin Feng squinted, "No one would do this."

"Then have you seen this woman?"

A portrait spread out, and Lin Feng shook his head.

"I haven't seen it."

"You lied!" Sama waved his hand, and a long whip rushed towards Lin Feng. Lin Feng's eyes were narrowed. The next moment, he grabbed the long whip directly, and Sama wanted to withdraw her long whip. Whip, but tried several times without success.

Lin Feng's hand is like a copper wall and an iron wall. The whip is firmly imprisoned in it, and it is impossible to break free.

Rao is so, Lin Feng's expression is still normal.

"I don't care what you are going to do, but at least you have to make it clear to me." Lin Feng's voice was not too high, his eyes swept across the shaman, and he snorted coldly, and said: "Be arrogant, go to your father Tsundere by my side, I still have no turn to teach you a lesson."

With a flick of the long whip, Lin Feng threw Sama directly.

Several big guys looked at each other and came over to Lin Feng Chong'er. Before Lin Feng was in front of him, Xuan Yu and Zhao Xuan looked at each other, the two of them rushed up directly, smiled, and said: "I'll say a few He wants to fight to find us, just fight with us, his combat effectiveness is not good."

With that, the two people directly entangled several big men.

Sama looked at this scene with a gloomy face.

The cultivation bases of these big guys are of course not bad, but in front of Xuanyu and Zhao Xuan's, they are still not enough, especially when the two shots are fast and accurate enough, the big guys soon fell to the ground.

"Brother Lin, can you kill or not?"'

Xuan Yu turned to look at Lin Feng and asked.

"A group of mobs, it is estimated that they have not done bad things less, and it will be fine if they kill."

Lin Feng's voice was indifferent, and the bodies of several big men convulsed. Before they could say their begging for mercy, a long knife was cut across their necks, and Lin Feng's eyes fell on the shaman.

The shaman stepped back a bit,

"You... do you know who my father is?"

"Little girl, I don't know who your father is, but you'd better start running away now, otherwise, these two guys are not the masters of Lian Xiangxiyu." Lin Feng smiled, looked at Sama, and said with a smile.

A fright flashed in Sama's eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~, turned around and ran forward quickly.

"What a timid girl, Master, do you want to clean up Miss Lin Ling?"

"No, leave the girl alone. If I kill this girl, I guess that girl won't be very happy." Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "Without the guardian of these big guys, this Sama Can't run far."

Xuan Yu and Zhao Xuan returned to Lin Feng's side.

"Brother Lin, this trick is too powerful for you. This or something, Sama runs out alone. You have to face so many dangers, and you will definitely not be able to face it. At that time, you will handle it directly for Young Master Lin Ling. It's troublesome, and Young Master Lin Ling doesn't need a headache anymore."

Xuan Yu said to Lin Feng with a smile.

Lin Feng turned his head and glanced at Xuan Yu. He felt Lin Feng's gaze, Xuan Yu immediately lowered his head, smiled, and said, "That, I'll just talk about it."

Lin Feng nodded.


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