Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4136: Seek cooperation (11/100)

"Lin Feng, I'm leaving now."

Fishtail glanced at Lin Feng with some dismay, and said, "I'll come to see you later."

"it is good."

Lin Feng nodded and sent the tail of the fish to the port. As soon as the tail of the fish was touched, it immediately turned into a beautiful mermaid and entered the depths, disappearing in front of Lin Feng.

"Master, shall we follow it now?"

"Wait, there is someone else." Lin Feng glanced back and said with a smile.

"Master really wants to go with that Dongfang Ming?" Xingzheng whispered after hearing Lin Feng's words, "Thousands of opportunities can't deal with it."

"Yeah, it's not easy to deal with, so I don't believe it anymore with the guy Dongfang Ming. With Dongfang Ming leading the way, these guys can have other ideas."

Thinking of this, Lin Feng tickled the corner of his mouth.

"Maybe this guy surrendered in a blink of an eye, and it doesn't necessarily mean that we live with us."

"I don't think it's very reliable." Xingzhen said in a low voice, "Anyway, this Dongfang Ming is of the blood of the Dongfang family. In his bones, he is still a child of the Dongfang family, and the Dongfang family is the most important thing.

"How much can you avoid the Qianjimen, can't you?" Lin Feng smiled, "I don't want to take the Qianjimen Anxi guy over the central waters."

Lin Feng looked at the front, "Especially that Dongfang Yu, that guy has a gloomy face. It is much more difficult to deal with than Tang Zaitian's pure combat type."

Lin Feng sat in the harbor and watched the sunrise. Dongfang Ming didn't appear until noon.

"Brother Lin, I'm here. The idiot Dongfang Fool has been pestering me. It took me a lot of thought to come out." Dongfang Ming sighed and said helplessly, "That thing is not a good person."

Dongfangming stood in front of Lin Feng, "Let's set off now."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded, Dongfang Ming's face was smiling, and with a wave of his hand, a boat appeared on the river, "This is what my mother left for me. Although it doesn't look good, the speed is good. "

Lin Feng looked over, there was a flash of nostalgia on Dongfang Ming’s face. Lin Feng smiled, sat on the boat, and moved forward with Dongfang Ming. Dongfang Ming’s eyes were always looking forward, as if thinking Seeing what Dongfang Ming looked like, Lin Feng sighed.

"Let's go."

Sitting on the boat, Lin Feng said with a smile.

The ship immediately moved forward, Dongfang Ming lay on the ship, calling Lin Feng to lie beside him.

"Brother Lin, together."

Lin Feng nodded.

"This is interesting. You are the enemy of Qianjimen, the guy Dongfang Yu wants to deal with. As a result, we two are walking together now." Dongfang Ming cracked his mouth and showed a smile, "Exciting!"

Lin Feng smiled and did not speak.

Dongfang Mingwei closed his eyes.

Both of them did not speak, Lin Feng's mind was guarding the surroundings, and he also lay down for a rare rest.

Dongfangming's life is very chic.

"There is a small town ahead. This small town has no other characteristics, but it is full of beautiful beauties. Brother Lin wants to go and see it?" Dongfang Ming turned his head and looked at Lin Feng, and said with a smile.

"It's okay to go and see, but I won't go to the Fengyue place."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

"I won't go anymore. Before this, I was the wind of freedom. From now on, I just want to protect Xuan Xuan's body like a jade." Dongfang Ming turned the bow, "If this is the case, let's not go."

"You like Xuan Xuan very much?" Hearing Dongfang Ming's constantly chanting Xuan Xuan's name, Lin Feng was also heartened. Xuan Xuan said that he had the same name with his daughter!

"It's more than like it!" Dongfang Ming's eyes flashed with stars, "It's not love, she is the most beautiful thing in this world."

Dongfang Ming said with a smile, "It's my angel."

Seeing Dongfang Ming's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head. The person in front of him was completely in love, Lin Feng smiled.

"For her, I can even give up the surname Dongfang." After a long time, Dongfang Ming made a summary.

"The man in love."

Seeing Dongfang Ming's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head.

"Brother Lin, I'm telling you, I have never told anyone about these. Now you are the only one who knows Brother Lin. You don't know. In this family, many things are taboo. There are some things, and some things, which are not free at all. When I lived with my mother in the past, I was still very happy."

Dongfang Ming cracked his mouth and smiled.

Seeing Dongfang Ming's appearance, Lin Feng smiled.

"Mrs. Zun must be an interesting person."

"She is a mortal, the old thing in the family who lost her memory after being injured. When my mother was in the small mountain village where he was healing, the fetus was secretly knotted. He recovered the memory and left. My mother has been waiting for him and taking me raise."

Nostalgia flashed in Dongfang Ming's eyes, "Later, she died, and I went to him with the token. At Dongfang's house, I suffered a lot of grievances."

With a wave of Dongfang Ming's hand, a roll of parchment appeared in front of Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, let's cooperate. What I want is the Eastern family. What you want is the Qianjimen. As long as you are willing, we will cooperate. I will tell you the message of Qianjimen, but you have to help me kill These people from the East."

Dongfang Ming suddenly opened his mouth and smiled.

"At the beginning, if it weren't for them to hurt my mother, although my mother had no foundation, at least she could survive. In that case, I would never bypass them."

The hostility on Dongfang Ming radiated directly, and everything around him seemed to be restricted.

The Dongfang Ming in front of him was the real Dongfang Ming, his whole body exuding a strong hostility, and only killing intent was left in his eyes.


Lin Feng looked at Dongfang Ming~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and took the sheepskin roll.

The terms inside are very clear, and mutual obligations and responsibilities have long been separated.

"When things are done, I am willing to give up the benefits of the Qianchi Gate, how about?" Dongfang Ming looked down at Lin Feng and said, "You are the future dragon clan, and my future is to master the Qianchi Gate. We cooperate with each other, and it is the best for each other, right?"

Lin Feng looked at Dongfang Ming.

Dongfang Ming's eyes are sincere.

"What capital do you have to cooperate with me?"

Lin Feng put the parchment aside and asked with a smile.

"I know the concealed entrance of the Thousand Chance Gate. I have a plan for the guardian formation of the Thousand Chance Gate." Dongfang Ming waved his hand, and another roll of sheepskin was placed in front of Lin Feng, "I can use my demon Jie swear, I will cooperate with you from the heart, and I will never conceal anything."


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