Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4254: Say hi [12/30]

The combat effectiveness of this kid has improved by more than one level in the past three years!

"This is a trouble!"

Dongfang Jiuxiang was startled by the thought in his mind, and then raised his head to look at Lin Feng, who was already close to him.

"Tsk tsk, concentrate on fighting." Lin Feng raised his head and Feng Tong sword rushed towards Dongfang Jiuxiang with his sword aura. When Dongfang Jiuxiang was still in a daze, the real attack fell on Dongfang. On Jiuxiang's body, Dongfang Jiuxiang still vomited blood, and his breath became a little bit weak.

"It's not the way you beat the dog in the water three years ago."

Seeing Dongfang Jiuxiang's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head, his face seemed to have some memories, seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Dongfang Jiuxiang took a step back.

"Lin Feng, what we owe to the Dragon Clan is now in your hands. As for this way of survival, we also have our own way of survival. You can't control it!" Dongfang Jiuxiang's eyes are cold, and his eyes are on Lin Feng's body. After scanning around, he gritted his teeth and said, "Our grievances were wiped out three years ago. You are here now to deliberately find something."

"That's wrong, what is it that I can't control it?" Lin Feng drew his ears, his eyes rolled around Dongfang Jiuxiang, smiled, and said: "This can't be written off in three years. Gratitude, right and wrong, there are so many right and wrong, can't you see it?"

Lin Feng clapped his hands, reducing the expression on his face.

"Dongfang Jiuxiang, fight, don't hide, don't wait for people in this way, I have closed the entire small world's external contact, and your distress signal, I have long stayed."

Lin Feng waved his hand and saw a divine sense in Lin Feng's hand. Lin Feng directly crushed it. This distress signal was completely broken into pieces. Lin Feng shrugged, his face was innocent.

"You..." Dongfang Jiuxiang's face was full of surprise.

At this time, he remembered that Lin Feng, this kid, seemed to be an excellent formation mage, who had used his own power to destroy the Heavenly Star Dou formation of the fairy rank eighth-level formation arranged by the Thousand Chance Gate.

Although the formation of this small world is also powerful, if Lin Feng wants to make a move...

At this time, Dongfang Jiuxiang just remembered, and it seemed that it was not too bad.

This kind of thought hovered in Dongfang Jiuxiang's heart for a long time. After Dongfang Jiuxiang seemed to have made a decision, he waved his hand and a spiritual power training directly matched Lin Feng's spiritual power training. Two people At the beginning of the battle, the whole hall instantly turned into powder, Dongfang Jiuxiang looked down at Lin Feng, his eyes were cold.

"Lin Feng, you are too overestimating your own methods."

Dongfang Jiuxiang lowered his head, with a bit of disdain on his face, and with a wave of his hand, the surrounding laws began to change slightly. Both Dewo and Jonah felt the washing of these forces in an instant, and the two secretly said nothing. Okay, I quickly returned to Dongfang Jiuxiang.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Jonah arrived first, and Dewo rode closely. After seeing Lin Feng on the opposite side, the expressions of the two changed slightly.

It's Lin Feng.

Three years later, Lin Feng returned.

"Hehe, long time no see."

Relative to the shock of the two people, Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a smile, "This time really flies very fast, I didn't expect we will meet again so soon." Lin Feng said with a smile, and glanced at him. Personally, the unruly expressions on his face made Dewo and Jonah's expressions instantly tense.

After three years of not seeing each other, they could clearly feel that Lin Feng's cultivation level had improved a lot.

In particular, Lin Feng seemed to be already at a certain level. This cultivation base was connected to the breath, and it was possible to trigger the thunder at any time.

"Three brothers and four brothers, be careful. I've seen this kid's battle information. This kid is a bastard. Every time he can't win, he uses Thunder Tribulation as a primer." Jonah's eyes were on Lin Feng's body. Bend down, staring at Lin Feng like a hunter.

"Oh, my research is quite deep." Lin Feng smiled when he heard Jonah's words, "Yes, I like you like this. I will save you a whole body later." Lin Feng opened his mouth. He bared his white teeth and said with a smile, "I will definitely give you an unexpected gift!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Jonah snorted coldly.

"This guy's mouth is also very poisonous, don't let him go in!"

"Look at you, you'd better be like a hedgehog when you want to stand up to protect yourself from me." Seeing Jonah's appearance, Lin Feng paused and said with a serious face: "If that's not the case, you Look, with your current appearance, I guess you still have to be beaten by me."

Feng Tongjian turned around Lin Feng and rushed towards Jonah. Jonah's pupils shrank slightly, and his whole body quickly moved back. He raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, his eyes were on guard.

"Don't let this kid go in, this kid is getting you to the bait!" Dongfang Jiuxiang snorted, and the spear crossed in front of Jonah. "Lin Feng, show off this in front of me, you are still tender. A little bit!"

"Sometimes, you all know that age is not the standard for measuring everything, just like you." Lin Feng paused and said again: "After living for tens of thousands of years, I think you are also a waste of life. If it's not in vain, how can it be so refreshing to be someone else's running dog?"

Lin Feng smiled, avoiding Dongfang Jiuxiang's attack, and floating out in the void.

"The power of space is superimposed on the power of time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing Lin Feng's shot, Dongfang Jiuxiang raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, and turned his eyes a little ecstasy. If he could kill Lin Feng , These belong to him!

The power of time and space, this is the stand-up collar that many cultivators dream of. Such power can't be found in the leisure outside, but now in Lin Feng's body, this power is displayed like this.

If he can take these powers as his own, what else does he need to worry about in the future?

Dongfang Jiuxiang licked his lips, his eyes fell on Lin Feng, and then he smiled at Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, if you just come here to make trouble, it's okay to fight with you and let you go, but you haven't been there for three years on this continent, and you have fallen to our three brothers this time. In my hand, this time, you deserve it."

Dongfang Jiuxiang's gaze fell on Lin Feng.

"If we are alone, maybe we are not your opponents, but the three of us are together, Lin Feng, do you really think that we are all soft persimmons?"


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