Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4143: Bring someone in (18/100)

Fishtail pouted slightly, and when he heard it, he turned to smile and nodded.

"I see, Patriarch, don't worry."

Seeing the appearance of the fishtail, Yushu nodded with a smile. "You girl, you are getting more and more sensible."

Yushu touched the head of Yu's tail, "It's just that the boss didn't want to stay."

"Patriarch, I will always be with you. Don’t worry, how nice our murlocs are. Although I would like to go out to play when Yao Ziyi was a puppet, I will stay with the patriarch most of the time. of."

Fish Tail said seriously.

"Then... what if Lin Feng wants to take you away?" Yushu asked again, looking down at the fishtail.

"Then...then...then I will often come back to see you, the patriarch."

Yushu shook his head.

"You are still too young."

Fishtail sticks out his tongue, and his eyes are on Lin Feng's body.

Sweat dripped from Lin Feng's body, his face became paler and paler, and even his whole body was trembling slightly.

In the world of mind, Lin Feng was still facing a huge wave, and the wave ran directly towards Lin Feng, trying to suppress Lin Feng again and again.

Lin Feng clenched his teeth and persisted, rushing through the waves, his eyes became more determined.

I don’t know how long it lasted. When Lin Feng brought Yao Ziyi to Xilang to solve the problem, Lin Feng’s body fell on a good sleep again, and the boat was no longer in shape. Lin Feng still stood on it and continued to move forward. Row.

"It's about to succeed!"

Looking at the front, a faint smile appeared at the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, "Almost."

A ray of hope burst into Lin Feng's eyes, and when he was hungry, a bloodbath rushed towards Lin Feng with a big mouth.

The huge whale shark swallowed directly towards Lin Feng with lightning speed, and the rich behavior spread around. Feeling this, the corner of Lin Feng's mouth hooked.

"Do you want to deal with him?" Lin Feng's body rushed towards the front as he felt the aura getting closer and closer.

Lin Feng's speed was very fast. He bypassed the whale shark, but the next moment, the whale shark rushed towards Lin Feng again, a ugly tail and then aboard Lin Feng's boat. Lin Feng's boat was shattered by the whale shark. Aiming at Lin Feng again.

"It's not over yet?"

Feeling the anger of the big guy, Lin Feng's mouth hooked, and the breath on his body rose again.

The whale shark fought against Lin Feng regardless, Lin Feng was already exhausted when he dealt with the huge waves, not to mention that the big guy was getting faster and faster at this time.

Feeling his state, Lin Feng's mouth hooked, and the next moment, Lin Feng's body rushed directly towards the big guy.

Lin Feng's shot was very quick. Before the big guy could react, Lin Feng was already standing in front of the big guy.

"Human, looking for death!"

There was a bit of irritation in the whale shark's voice, and a spiritual force was directly thrown towards Lin Feng.

"And spiritual power?"

Lin Feng's body quickly moved back, and the sea water hit Lin Feng's body, making Lin Feng a lot more embarrassed.

"court death!"

The whale shark speeded up and rushed towards Lin Feng. Lin Feng was frightened by the speed of the whale shark. She hesitated as she moved back quickly, and the breath of her whole body also picked up.

"the host?"

The sound of candle shade came over. Lin Feng didn’t have time to control, and his whole body quickly began to change. The golden fist and the whale shark’s tail were aligned. There was a hole in the whale shark’s tail, and Lin Feng’s whole body flew away. Got out.

Lin Feng's body turned around in midair, and Lin Feng's entire body turned into a dragon and rushed towards the whale shark.

The rich aura on the dragon's body spread directly towards the whale shark, the whale shark's body paused, and Lin Feng's tail had already entangled the whale shark.

"Big guy, want to fight with me, you are a little weaker!"

Lin Feng's claws directly caught the whale shark's body, and the whale shark swam out of Lin Feng's entanglement, and once again attacked Lin Feng

The two huge bodies collided on the sea, and Lin Feng's injured body was hit by a whale shark, and the whole body was lowered. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and continued to meet him.

"Lin Feng, surrender, you can't hold on anymore."

Yushu's voice came in, and the corner of Lin Feng's mouth was hooked.

Can't hold on? No, he can still insist!

The breath of Lin Feng's whole body suddenly lifted, and the next moment, a stronger breath rolled towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng and the whale shark collided once again. Lin Feng's tail was wrapped around the whale shark. When the whale shark wanted to break free, Lin Feng pulled off an inverted scale on his body.

Lin Feng held the inverted scale in his hand and stroked over the whale shark's body. The next moment, Lin Feng landed directly on the whale shark's body, and the inverted scale passed through the whale shark's head. The whole body of the whale shark was constantly tossing in the sea. , Brought thousands of huge waves.

Lin Feng's body shook, looking like he might fall down at any time, Lin Feng shook his head and bit the tip of his tongue.

The pain at the tip of the tongue made Lin Feng's spirit better. Lin Feng tried to maintain his balance, and the white feather sword drew from the back of the whale shark. Lin Feng picked out a white tendon directly, as Lin Feng picked out the tendon. , The whole body of the whale shark fell quietly on the screen, Lin Feng's body trembled, and the next moment, the world in front of him instantly changed.

The transition between the world of mind and the real world made Lin Feng's body still unable to maintain balance. Lin Feng knelt on the ground and raised his head to look at Yushu.

The golden light in Lin Feng's eyes has not yet dissipated, and as the breath on his body dissipates little by little, Lin Feng's whole person looks quite flat.

"Okay." Lin Feng raised his head and looked at Yushu.

Yushu took a step back.

Just now in Lin Feng's eyes, Yushu felt a kind of fear from the depths of his soul.

This is from her body's instinct~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fishtail's face is a little pale, and her body has returned to the appearance of a mermaid. At this moment, she is looking at Lin Feng, panting slightly.

"Patriarch Yushu, am I finished?"

Lin Feng asked again.

Yushu was silent for a while before nodding.

Seeing Yushu nodded, there was a little more smile on his face, and he fainted in relief.

"Lin Feng!"

Fishtail rushed in front of Lin Feng, holding Lin Feng's body, and seeing that Lin Feng had no reaction at all, Fishtail raised his head and looked at Yushu.

"Take her to the old man in Cangshui. That old man is an alchemist. If he makes a move, this kid should be able to recover faster." Yushu turned his head and said.

Fishtail nodded, and quickly hugged Lin Feng's arm to hum the little tune out.


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