Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4267: What a pity【Twenty Five/Thirty】

"Ha ha!"

Lin Feng laughed.

"Lin Feng, it is your ability to allow me to use this step. Don't try to pass through my black mist. My black mist is not only for the eyes, but also for the spiritual sense. Do you think you can go through it?"

Dongfang Jie's voice lingered in all directions of Lin Feng, and he couldn't find his coordinates at all.

Lin Feng did not move, and the power under his feet continued to spread in all directions. Lin Feng's expression became more and more calm, and his eyes swept around. After a long time, Lin Feng laughed.

Dongfang Jie's skills are really good, but it's a bit short.

Fengtong sword blocked the dagger, and Bai Yujian assassinated Dongfang Jie from behind. Dongfang Jie's body panicked and walked to the side. Spiritual strength training was already there waiting for him, and directly buckled Dongfang Jie's body.

At this moment, Lin Feng had already rushed to Dongfang Jie, and the sword of Fengtong shuttled past Dongfang Jie's body.

Dongfang Jie was a master assassin. Lin Feng knew that in assassination, he was definitely not Dongfang Jie’s opponent. Officially because he knew this, Lin Feng didn’t mean to use assassination methods when dealing with Dongfang Jie, but from Shot from the side.

You have a memory of hiding, I have a golden eye that pierces all falsehoods.

Lin Feng's eyes still had golden light, falling on Dongfang Jie's body, Lin Feng smiled.

"Your Excellency may have forgotten that since all this is vain, there should always be a way to crack it. Unfortunately, I know the way to crack it, sorry!"

Lin Feng's expression was calm, and he smiled and said to Dongfang Jie.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Dongfang Jie's body took a step back, gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Feng. There were already two wounds on his body. For Dongfang Jie's assassination, wounds were the last thing he should have.

Dongfang Jie's body character disappeared in front of Lin Feng once. This time, Lin Feng didn't rush to make a move, but threw out a few formations to block this space.

"Master, are you planning to lock this kid here?"

"Of course not. I want to kill this kid here to prevent him from escaping." Lin Feng looked at the front, waved his hand, and a few shuttles flew out towards eight directions, using the formation as a guide. , Basuo is the master, Lin Feng has made a temporary formation.

"You are going to hold on, don't let this kid run away!"

"Dongfang Jie is a trouble, but also a killer. I saw Yanran and Lin Ling. They couldn't kill me, and I didn't want this kid to go back and kill others. Do you know?"

Lin Feng frowned and said, "We absolutely can't leave this kid with a chance to kill us. What we want is to completely wipe this kid out!"

Lin Feng's breath suddenly lifted, and his body moved in one direction.

Dongfang Jie quickly fled, but Lin Feng still followed reluctantly.

This guy is definitely a dog!

Dongfang Jie was a little anxious, but there was a small wound on Lin Feng's forehead. As a result, Lin Feng had been following him all the way along the way, not letting him off. This guy was clearly on purpose!

Dongfang Jie's speed is getting faster and faster.

He knew that he could not complete the task tonight. For an assassin, since he could not complete the task, the best way was to leave, but he couldn't find a way to leave.

The entire space has been sealed off by Lin Feng.

How powerful is Lin Feng’s divine consciousness, a few shuttles can reach such a realm. Eight shuttles make a move, which is equivalent to eight divine souls locking up this space for Luo Tianshang. Even if Dongfang Jie has the intention, he can’t escape. .

"Don't think about running away."

Lin Feng followed Dongfang Jie and said with a smile, "Since everyone is ready to deal with you, do you really think you can escape?" Lin Feng smiled and said, "It's just you This little skill, although it is good, is still far behind."

Dongfang Jie stepped back a little.

"The strong immortal emperor, you are the second one." Lin Feng pointed to Dongfang Jie, his whole body still guarded, but the smile on his face was very brilliant, dazzling Dongfang Jie's eyes.

Dongfang Jie stepped back again, looking at Lin Feng, his expression was cold.

Seeing Dongfang Jie's appearance, Lin Feng smiled.

"I'm sorry."

The sword of Feng Tong directly penetrated Dongfang Jie's body. Dongfang Jie stood there without moving, but a weird smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Dongfang Jie's dagger appeared from behind Lin Feng and pierced at the location of Lin Feng's heart. Past.

Lin Feng hurriedly avoided, the dagger passed over Lin Feng's arm, leaving a small hole in Lin Feng's arm, blood fell on the ground, and the ground instantly made a sound of'chuck chick'.

Dagger, poisonous.

"This is the snake venom taken from the snake king of the snake of ten thousand poisons. Even if you are a cultivator, as long as you touch it, you will definitely die!" Seeing Lin Feng's move, Dongfang Jie's mouth was raised, and he laughed. Said.

"Lin Feng, you die first!"

"I said, Dongfang Batian didn't tell you that the old thing, I am a dragon, and the dragon is naturally restrained from snakes!" Lin Feng shook his arm, a detoxification pill went down, and the toxin was controlled instantly, Lin Feng He shook his head and said helplessly, "Sometimes I still have to talk about that old guy. That old guy is a little unreliable in doing things. Isn't this obviously bullying you for being a child and ignorant?"

Lin Feng said with some gloat on his face.

Hearing Lin Feng’s words, Dongfang Jie’s expression changed a bit. Bai Yujian and Fengtong Sword shot together and strangled Dongfang Jie’s body to pieces. Dongfang Jie’s mind flew out, and Lin didn’t wait to run. Feng was strangled.

Lin Feng picked up the dagger on the ground~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The dagger was wailing, as if it was practicing for his master.

"What's the point of following such a master who never sees the sun?" Lin Feng smiled when he saw the look of the dagger, "Come with me, your world should be in the broadest outside."

The dagger was picked up by Lin Feng. Lin Feng played around at will and threw it into the Chaos World. This thing was good, but Lin Feng really didn't use a dagger around him.

Lin Feng put away the formation and took the shuttles back

"Master, your shot just now was really cool. Tsk tsk, this thing will probably go around the owner in the future. I don't think that thing is a good thing. I want to bully you, Master!"

Following Lin Feng's side, Chitaki said in disgust.

"It's a pity that Dongfang Jie was deceived by the old Dongfang Batian, and you were beheaded by the master at this moment. I guess he is depressed enough."


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