Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4187: Discovery【Sixty Two/One Hundred】

Chitaki reminded Lin Feng.

"You Qisuo are all outside, this time I can go in." Lin Feng looked at Qisuo, and said in a low voice, "The Thousand Chance Gate also enters here in all likelihood. The more dangerous things are at this time. The more you evade, the better you can keep everyone safe,"

Lin Feng glanced over everyone, and whispered, "Safety is the most important thing."

"Master, we know, you can go in with peace of mind, we will be ready for everything here."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Chitaki nodded and said solemnly, "There will be no disciples from the Qianjimen going in from here."

Lin Feng nodded and walked directly inside.

Yuya took the lead. Qisuo was quietly outside. Yuya was using his body. It has been a while since he got this machine body, but he still didn't get used to it.

Lin Feng broke the ban directly and went in.

It didn't take long for Lin Feng to enter, and indeed, a disciple from the Qianchi Sect broke the Yun Family's restrictions and entered.

"The master is really calculating, these disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect, really came in."

Seeing these disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect, Qi Shuo glanced at each other, and directly killed the disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect. Before the disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect could react, they were killed six.

The remaining Qianjimen disciples were shocked, and they didn't realize that they would be ambushed in this place. They stepped back quickly one by one, with a little panic in their eyes.

"It's still refreshing when fighting!"

Qisuo stood together, Yushi was at the forefront, and the power of the invisible space lingered around him. The disciples of Qianjimen who came over would more or less be affected by the governance of these spaces. Under such influence, the surrounding people The space began to change.

"I set up a small formation!" Zhuyin said with a smile, "Let's not care how powerful these guys are. Under my formation, they will definitely not be able to jump through my golden eyes."

Candle Yin licked his illusory lips, "At that time, all the disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect will not be able to enter this. They cannot enter this. They can only let us slaughter them. Hey, this is for us, but A great opportunity of a lifetime."

Looking at the candle shade, Yu Shi shook his head helplessly.

"That's what I said, but these guys are not fuel-efficient lamps. To really get these guys out, let alone you, even if it's me, it will take a lot of time. You think these few words are enough."

"Yushi, don't be possessed by the master,"

Seeing Yushi's appearance, Zhu Yin immediately said, "Anyway, we are also helping the master to block it. It is really unstoppable. We don't need to waste our minds to deal with it. These disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect are relatively rich and don't need money ."


"Nor can you say that, don't you find that Luo Tianshang is getting less and less?"

"The disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect who have come out to fight during this period are basically at the level of the Daluo Jinxian. There are really not many of Luo Tianshangxian. This shows that even if the Thousand Chance Sect is powerful, it will not cover the sky. Experts are still limited."

Chitaki said with a smile, "Let's kill one more now. For the master, there will be one less, right?"

"Qianjimen, already ready to move."

Yushi's expression was indifferent.

"For every immortal emperor, the allure of the dragon bloodline is too great. Collecting the dragon bloodline can realize the way to break through the gods. This is a common idea in the hearts of all cultivators. They will not Give up."

Yu Shi paused, "Not only the Thousand Chance Sect, countless immortal emperors, once they know that the dragon bloodline exists on the master, they will not let the master go."

"I have been staring at it a long time ago." Hou Tu sighed.

"Yeah, beside the master, there is a person called Yuanda. Although I don't know who that guy is, he seems to know everything about the master. He has already targeted the master a long time ago. Everyone is thinking of ways to take the owner as his own. That guy is a dangerous character, and the owner may not be the opponent of that character."

Poch whispered.

"Yushi, before, the boss believed you very much. Tell us, where is the entrance of the Dragon Tomb?"

Xingzheng stood in front of Yushi and asked seriously. "With this copy of the dragon's blood, it is already Jiufen, and it's time for the master to enter Hualong Pool."

Yushi was silent.

After a while, Yu Shi spoke.

"Far in the sky, close in front of you."

"it's here?"

Yuya shook his head.

"In Yuanmen, the reason why Yuanmen has been prosperous for so many years is that Yuanmen is a force cultivated by our dragon clan. Every Yuan Daozi is named and established by our dragon clan, so after so many years, there has been no People will think about where our dragons exist."

Yushi's voice is not high.

"That's because the dragons have always lived in the hinterland of Zhongzhou."

"I remember that when the master first went to Zhongzhou, he had an insight, but at that time, because the master’s cultivation level was too low, the place to go was not long. If the master persisted, would he be able to touch the dragon clan? Where it is."

Chitaki frowned and asked.

"It's not that easy. The dragons originally existed in a separate world, and that world was connected to the Yuanmen. As you said, my master had a low cultivation base at the time. Perhaps it was only because the master had dragon blood on his body at that time that I realized it. Those, but at that time his cultivation level was too low, and his sentiment has already been discovered in all likelihood."

"I'm still wondering how the Yuanda discovered the master. I think about it now. It should be that time. This Yuanda discovered the breath that escaped when the master felt it. It's really an old thing!"

Yuya stopped talking.

A group of people woke up instantly in their minds~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now they fully understood.

"After all, the owner has been cautiously hiding it. In fact, at that time, the owner had already been exposed."

This thought formed in their minds, and everyone trembled.

"It's no wonder that the old thing of Yuanda is so good to the master. When the master almost died, Yuanda saved his life. It turned out that Yuanda had an idea in his heart."

"They have been stocking in the fairy world for too long."

It took a long time for the candle to speak.

"Whether it is us or them, there is actually only one goal, and that is to become a god, but this road to godhood is not so easy to walk. For hundreds of thousands of years, no one has ever become a **** on this entire continent. And the only thing that can make them think of becoming gods is the blood of the dragon."

"A bunch of old madmen."

(End of this chapter)


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