Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4210: Special treatment【84/100】

"You are quiet, let's move on."

Lin Feng paused, looked at Xuan Yu and said, "When things are ready, we will set off. You are responsible for leading the way. I have never been to the west."

Upon hearing Lin Feng's words, Xuan Yu nodded immediately.

"Hey, I've been there, Zhao Xuan and I have been, don't worry, Brother Lin, we are familiar with that side!"

Lin Feng turned to look at Zhao Xuan.

Zhao Xuan pursed the corner of his mouth, his face still somewhat reserved, and said, "I went there once, and now I still have some memories."

Zhao Xuan’s voice was not high, his eyes rolled on Lin Feng’s body, “Generally speaking, it is still very good. There is beauty over there, but in general, most of the cultivators over there are with us. Zhongzhou is a little different."

"I know, the West, Elysium."

Lin Feng paused, the smile at the corner of his mouth suddenly caught.

In the memory of Dinghai Shenzhu, there are indeed many cultivators who came from the earth, but in the memory of Dinghai Shenzhu, those cultivators did not return to the earth in the end, but these civilizations remained. on the earth.

Lin Feng didn't know exactly what the top of this fairy spirit army was, but this Zhongzhou, this Western Paradise, has many records on the earth.

Is there any connection between the two?

In other words, the earth and the fairy world are actually connected?

This thought flashed through Lin Feng's mind. Lin Feng quickly adjusted his state, smiled, and said, "Okay, now that we are ready to go, I also have some things I hope you can understand. , Don’t come to that time, when we come to have differences, especially when fighting."

Lin Feng's gaze swept across the face of the man, his face was serious.

Both of them nodded.

"I hope that when it comes to fighting outside, everyone will be in agreement. Although this is only my personal opinion, but in any case, this security issue, right?"

"Also, after you go out, you need to hide your breath. After all, it is two dragons... No, three dragons are outside. If you all go out, many people will look at you. If I accept this Thousands of people’s eye-catching salutes, it is estimated that I was killed before I arrived there."

Lin Feng held two pills of medicine in his hand. ,

"This is the Concealed Pill. This pill can conceal the breath of the Dragon Race in your body. It is one every three days. Don't worry, the taste of this pill is not particularly grand. You can bear it and pass."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xuan Yu couldn't wait to open the bottle of pill and took one. Xuan Yu's body was almost deformed by pain when the pill entered, but Xuan Yu got up soon.

"Brother Lin, this is too uncomfortable."

"After all, I want to change the aura of your body. This bit of uncomfortableness has been the result of countless experiments. This is not particularly difficult."

Seeing Xuanyu's appearance, Lin Feng said with a smile.

Zhao Xuanton took one, the expression on his face did not change a bit.

Lin Feng smiled, Xuanyu led the way, and Zhao Xuan was at the back.

Dragons have teleportation formations that can directly reach there.

As soon as it fell on the ground, the scorching breath instantly enveloped Lin Feng's body.

"Brother Lin, let's go, we will take about three days to get to the oasis from here." Xuan Yu concealed the teleportation formation, and then said, "Don't worry, this place is very barren, even though it comes from the dragon clan. It's easy, but if you want to enter the dragon clan, this void channel will be opened. Unfamiliar cultivators, even the emperor, may not be able to step through the void channel."

"It seems that the Dragon Race will find convenience for themselves!"

Hearing Xuan Yufa's Lin Feng, Lin Feng's eyes flashed with surprise, and then he said with a smile.

"Where there is it, there is only going to the Devildom. Zhongzhou has a passage to the Western world. There are no passages in other places. This Western world also exists alone. Although it is connected to Zhongzhou, in fact, the Western world has Although his own channel is connected to ours, there is still a little distance."

Xuan Yu whispered.

"Anyway, the disciples in the clan can't come out waiting for free, so for us, it doesn't matter whether there is anything or not. Anyway, we can't make it."

Hearing Xuanyu’s gloomy words, Lin Feng smiled. Inside the Dragon Fantasy tube and outside the Longyu tube, the two old men looked cold and hot on the surface. In fact, Lin Feng could also see that the two old men were facing Disciple discipline is the same strict, let alone this, even within the dragon clan, Long Huan will treat his disciples strictly, absolutely not allowing his disciples to do anything extraordinary.

Under such circumstances, if these disciples can still cause trouble, then Lin Feng would be considered admired.

Lin Feng's gaze swept over the two of them, and said, "This is also a normal thing. I can see how you two look like."

Hearing what Lin Feng said, the two of them stuck out their tongues, turned their heads down, smiled, and said, "Hey, Brother Lin still understands us."

The three of them went all the way out. Xuanyu said that they could reach the oasis in three days. Lin Feng originally thought it was a city, but it was just a small oasis. There were no humans and cultivators living in this oasis. The three made short-term adjustments on it. .

"Let's walk along this river, and then we can find the oasis easier."

Xuanyu smiled and said, along the way, Xuanyu has almost carried forward his mouth-breaking kung fu to the greatest extent. Zhao Xuan just listened quietly. Time is up. Lin Feng also sent himself two earplugs~www. wuxiaspot.com~ Let Xuanyu talk non-stop next to her.

Said to be a river, the water source next to this oasis is very scarce, and three people follow the water source network.

The west of this fairyland continent is basically a paradise in the desert. Water is the only way to guide humans to find oasis and cities.

The river grew bigger and bigger, and the three people quickly found the main river trunk and walked along the river. The surrounding tribal towns also began to increase, and the environmental changes became more and more obvious.

Lin Feng's gaze swept around, and the three people's consciousness glanced at them, and there was a little more smile on their faces.

"This is the holy river, and the only river in the West. This river feeds the entire West." Xuan Yu whispered to Lin Feng, "In the West, there are few pitiful cultivators of water spiritual power, but they are very poor cultivators of water spiritual power. , Very much admired."

"How do you say?" Lin Feng's eyebrows twitched, this feeling is here, and Shui Linggen's cultivators have special treatment?

(End of this chapter)


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