Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 599: rhubarb! Give me up

Little ÷ Say ◎ Net], ♂ Little ÷ Say ◎ Net],

"Ah! Qin Yanran, don't come here... hurry... take that dog away..."

In the small alley behind the cafeteria of Zhi'an No. 1 Middle School, Xiao Nishang was backing away in fear, but suddenly her eyes widened, and she saw a bullet scar almost invisible in the air and shot directly at it. Lin Feng.

Xiao Nishang was a martial artist on the fourth floor of the day after tomorrow, and she spent a long time in the army, so she could barely find the sniper bullet marks in the air at the first time. But Qin Yanran, who was facing Lin Feng, didn't know anything about it.

"Sniper bullets? No! Someone wants to assassinate Lin Feng, it's dangerous!"

This thought just flashed in Xiao Nishang's mind, it was too late for her to remind or save Lin Feng. She could only watch the bullet hit Lin Feng's body. She could only silently pray in her heart that the sniper's marksmanship was not accurate enough, and that this shot would not kill Lin Feng.


The speed of the sniper bullet is very fast, and the power is also great. In Xiao Nishang's opinion, this time Lin Feng was shot without death and was seriously injured. However, the scene immediately before his eyes made Xiao Nishang's mouth open in shock, and the whole person was stunned on the spot.

A white light flashed across Lin Feng's body for a moment, and he actually blocked the sniper bullet, and fell onto Xiao Nong's concrete floor with a clink.

"Gosh! What is that? It can block all the sniper bullets..."

Xiao Nishang, who was completely stunned, had forgotten to hide from Qin Yanran who was holding the puppy, until Qin Yanran hugged the puppy to her, still staring at Lin Feng with blank eyes.

"Hehe! Nishang, look at how cute this puppy is, it's not scary at all!" Qin Yanran turned her back to Lin Feng, so let alone the sniper bullet, there was no white light on Lin Feng's body. see.

However, Lin Feng was as shocked as Xiao Nishang at this time. He was standing upright with Xiao Nishang who was jokes and afraid of dogs, but suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis. His spiritual consciousness spread out in an instant, and he found the bullet that hit his head directly.

But no matter how agile Lin Feng's body is, in such a short period of time, he can't escape a powerful bullet. Just when Lin Feng felt desperate and thought he was going to capsize in the gutter and die here today, the pearl bracelet on his wrist could be activated, and a white protective mask wrapped Lin Feng's whole person.

"so close!"

Lin Feng, who had survived the catastrophe, first action was to hide in a canteen covered by a roof, and then he took a long sigh of relief and raised his hand to look at the pearl bracelet in his hand, and found that it had broken three times. Pieces.

"The last time I tested this string of bracelets, Sister Tongtong took a kitchen knife and chopped it down but only one pearl was broken, but the power of the shot just now consumed enough defensive formation in three pearls. The Fa was blocked. Who on earth is ambushing me?"

Looking at the bracelet with only five intact pearls, Lin Feng felt scared for a while. If he hadn't been wearing this string of pearl bracelets today, wouldn't he have hated it on the spot?

"Lin Feng! Are you okay? Hurry in, there are snipers outside... in danger..."

Xiao Nishang, who was stunned for a few seconds before reacting, hurriedly shouted at Lin Feng. However, considering that Qin Yanran was still here, Xiao Nishang did not directly say that there was a sniper outside.

"Neon clothes! What can be dangerous outside? Don't worry! Those dogs won't bite Lin Feng, Lin Feng's rhubarb is their dog king!" Pure Qin Yanran did not know that Lin Feng had just experienced life and death. First line.

However, Lin Feng took the two of them and ran into the cafeteria for the first time, frowned, and after thinking about it, he said to Qin Yanran: "Yanran! I have something to say with the crazy girl, or you Go home first?"

"Lin Feng! What's the matter between you and Nishang? Can't you tell me?" Qin Yanran was a little unhappy when she saw this. The sensitivity of the woman made her feel that Lin Feng and the school girl Qin Yanran must be hiding something from her.

"Yan Ran, this..."

Lin Feng was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to explain to Qin Yanran. Do you want to be honest with Qin Yanran and get her involved in this dangerous circle?

"Yanran! Are you afraid that I will be snatched away by me and Lin Feng a few more words?"

When Lin Feng was embarrassed, it was Xiao Nishang who saw the opportunity and said with a smile, Qin Yanran rolled her eyes, and finally put down the dog in her arms without asking much, and said, "Okay! Lin Feng, then don't you Go home too late. I'll go back first..."

"En! Yanran, be careful all the way."

Seeing Qin Yanran leaving the canteen, Lin Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and asked Xiao Nishang: "Crazy girl! You just... have seen it?"

"En! I said long ago, Lin Feng, you are very dangerous now. Now it seems that there is nothing wrong with someone trying to kill you, even using a sniper."

Xiao Nishang said, pointing far away at the sniper bullet on the ground in Xiaonong, and said seriously, "This is Barrett's bullet, usually equipment of the U.S. Marine Corps. There are many mercenaries in the world. The killer group also used Barrett, with a range of more than one kilometer. It seems that the person who wants to kill you should be a professional sniper killer... It's not easy..."

"Killer? Crazy girl, can you tell me where the killer is from this trajectory?"

Hearing the word killer, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly flashed with murderous intent.

"The roofs of residential buildings within 500 to 1,000 meters to the southwest! Barrett has a long range ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Lin Feng, I can only give you a rough range."

It was the first time that Xiao Nishang saw Lin Feng revealing murderous intent, and then said, "Lin Feng, don't you want to catch this assassin?"

"You shot me, Lin Feng, do you want to retreat all over? No way!" Lin Feng bit his lip and said firmly.

"But, Lin Feng, this range is too big. Moreover, after a professional killer has fired a shot, he will immediately run away regardless of whether he succeeds or not. When you find that position, I am afraid he will already run away..."

Xiao Nishang added, and her gaze stared at Lin Feng suspiciously. Her heart was still very puzzled. How did Lin Feng escape the catastrophe just now? What was the white light that suddenly appeared on his body. However, she did not rashly ask out, just hid the question in her heart.

However, Lin Feng now focused all his attention on the killer in the dark. Hearing Xiao Nishang’s worries, he walked to Xiao Nong's mouth again, pointing at the bullet and beckoning the big yellow dog: "Rhubarb! Give it to me! Help me find the tortoise grandson who was hiding in the dark and shooting this shot..."

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