Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4385: Anti-robbery

"What is it going to do?" Dongfang Ming stepped on the skin of the person who stepped on silicone, the light temperature, it was really touching.

"Uncle Lin, how many women did you kill?"

"This human skin is really perfect!"

"You are stupid, this is not human skin. This is made of a material called silica gel. Don't underestimate this thing, it's pretty!" Xuan Xuan took out a lot of things, "Let's take this When the doll is put out, it will definitely attract those cultivators' breath later, and when those cultivators come over, we will just shoot."

Xuan Xuan said with a smile while applying makeup to the robot.

Xuan Xuan was very serious. The four of them had never seen such a scene. Under Xuan Xuan's hands, the doll began to change little by little, with realistic wounds, faint breath, even pale face, and blood. The color, smell...

After a long time, the four of them smashed the corners of their mouths and stepped back.

There is an old saying that after seeing this scene, they finally believed in Lin Feng.

It seems that Lin Feng's aunts and grandma, it is best not to touch them.

It took a long time for Xuan Xuan to breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's alright, shall we send him out first?"

"Send it out!"

Lin Feng personally sent it out, and instead found a place to squat, waiting for the cultivator to take the bait.

The place is only this big. As soon as this weak aura radiated, the cultivator immediately followed. The robot had already progressed under Lin Feng's control, and the cultivator had indeed moved inside after receiving the final information. , Lin Feng sent the person around the formation. After the person entered and was beaten half-handed, he immediately stained the robot's body with blood, and then took the robot to the next spot.

In this way, four or five cultivators were deceived one after another, and they calmed down.

When Lin Feng was about to take a shot, a large group of people came from far away, and the leader was the Nine Sides Alliance. ,

"Big brother, it's in this area, and it's in this area that our junior brother disappeared!"

"My go, big guy!"

Seeing the disciples rushing over, and all of them were almost geniuses, Lin Feng swallowed his saliva. It wasn't that he couldn't take action at this time, but facing so many masters, even if he had the intention, he would be powerless!

"Pack things and go!"

Lin Feng sent a message to several people inside, and several people immediately shot them. They were quickly beheaded and they quickly evacuated the place.

When the people of the Nine Sides Alliance brought other practitioners in, they only saw a pile of dead bodies there, and there were traces of formations around them. As for the murderers, they had already left.

"You have money!"

"These extraterritorial powerhouses are rich!"

"Unexpectedly, one day I will be able to harvest the powerhouses of Luo Tianshang like cutting cabbage. It's cool, so cool!"

The previous few sighed endlessly, and Lin Feng and graphite walked behind.

"Master, is his old man okay?"

"Well, it's just that I've been caught by some novel things recently. I can't bear to come back now. Don't worry too much. They will come back when they have enough fun." Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a smile. "Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with your master, of course, if you are also curious and want to take a look, just leave me a message and I will take you there!"

Lin Feng gave Graphite a jade medal.

"I see, I will go!"

Graphite nodded, his smile deepened, "Thank you."

Lin Feng waved his hand and did not speak again.

The surrounding environment began to change again. Lin Feng's gaze swept around, and then fell in front of the seat, "This time I have a good experience!"

"It's pretty good!"

Graphite glanced at the small space that was taken away, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"We Xuanshan is also such a small space. If you have time, you can go to Jiuxiao Mountain, the largest city outside the region. There are a lot of cultivators there, and there are a lot of amazing things, right, nine Many families in the Fang Alliance have their own territory there."

Graphite smiled, and shook his body, "Although the master asked me to return to the outside world, the restrictions on me have not been lifted. I will still have to practice hard until the restrictions set by the master are released. , I will find you!"

Lin Feng nodded.

The space has been opened, and the six people stepped forward. When the Nine Sides Alliance brought other disciples over, there was still Lin Feng's shadow. Lin Feng and the others had already entered the black hole and left. ’

Back there, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

Many people outside were waiting for their disciples to come out, and the first thing they saw was Lin Feng.

"Lin Dasheng?" Zhu Yibo leaned a little in front of Lin Feng, "Why did you show up?"

"Yeah, I am also surprised. I was the first one to come out." Lin Feng said with a simple smile on his face, "but everything inside is fine, you don't need to worry about them, they I guess I haven't figured it out at this moment. After all, there are too many babies in it, and we are not good at it!"

Lin Feng waved his hand, as if he had lost a good treasure.

"thats right."

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Zhu Yibo's mood improved a little. If he didn't get good things, that would be the best answer.

Lin Feng stood up slowly.

"Sure enough, the outside world still doesn't suit us well. We have to go back to our lives first, so we won't delay it, senior, let's say goodbye."

Lin Feng was about to leave. Zhu Yibo didn't keep Lin Feng. Graphite had already left. Dongfang Ming and Xuan Xuan were still following Lin Feng. When they were away, Dongfang Ming gave Lin Feng a thumbs up.

"Uncle Lin, you are amazing!"

"Tsk tsk~www.wuxiaspot.com~ after doing a bad thing, you just left. When Zhu Yibo reacts, I will definitely want to kill you!"

"Let them go!" Lin Feng waved his hand, smiling like a little fox, thinking of the harvest this trip, Lin Feng was also very satisfied, "Right."

Suddenly, Lin Feng thought of something and turned to look at Dongfang Ming, "Are you missing the Blue Emperor Soul Stone?"

"I'm not a blacksmith, that thing is useless to me."

Dongfang Ming waved his hand and said.

"Does brother need it?"

"Everyone needs it." Lin Feng smiled bitterly. Thinking of the gap between the Great Sage Village and these forces outside the region, Lin Feng started to figure it out. Naturally, the more materials, the better. These are all first-class. Materials, if these materials can be put together to upgrade the Great Sacred Village, this is definitely a good thing for them.

"That thing is good for you and everyone, I'm thinking about getting more."


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