Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 628: The secret in the painting

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At the beginning, when everyone heard Lin Feng vowed to say that there was a signature on the painting, they all concentrated 120,000 points and looked at it.

But when he came to his head, Lin Feng only pointed to a pattern resembling a small tortoise and said that it was a unique painting. The father and son of the Zhao family couldn't help laughing at once, especially Zhao Zhongnan, a veteran collector and connoisseur who heard Lin Feng's amateur appraisal that he could no longer be an amateur, and almost laughed out loud.

"Smelly boy! Are you kidding us? This is just an underwater turtle. Where is the painting? Don't you tell me the fish swimming above, the birds in the sky, the green mountains in the distance, These are unique paintings! Do you know how to paint? Haha..."

Zhao Zhongnan was completely relieved now, and he was almost bluffed by Lin Feng's seemingly reasonable look just now. As a result, after waiting for a long time, what he said was such a **** identification, which is really ridiculous.

Even Chen Luping and Qin Yanran looked at Lin Feng with embarrassment on their faces. Qin Yanran reminded Lin Feng in a low voice: "Lin Feng! The signatures and pledges of the paintings and calligraphy are all written in words. Where is the turtle?"

Chen Luping seemed to be afraid that Lin Feng would be ridiculed for not coming to the stage, so he hurried to complete the stage, pointing to the steaming food that was already prepared on the table and shouting enthusiastically: "You can watch the painting anytime, I think everyone should eat first! Otherwise, it will take a while. The food is cold..."

With that said, Chen Luping took great pains to distract Lin Feng, and said: "Lin Feng, there is a pot of Yuzhu Laoya Soup in the kitchen that is too hot, please help Aunt Ping bring it over!"

Of course, the scheming Zhao Zhongnan heard the overtones in Chen Luping's words, and finally had a chance to make Lin Feng, a stinky boy, lose face. How could he let this good opportunity pass and hurriedly said: "It's okay! It's okay! Anyway! I have finished reading it, Zhao Shuang, what did we say about the gambling with Lin Feng just now?"

"Dad! Ye Lao and Aunt Chen testified just now. If Lin Feng, this stinky boy can't tell the origin of the painting and convincing evidence, he will stand at the door and be kicked severely by me."

Zhao Shuang was already cheerful and couldn't wait, staring at Lin Feng with both eyes as if he was about to eat people.

"Lin Feng, what else do you have to say? It's a man who is willing to bet and lose! With Ye Lao and Lu Ping testifying, is it possible that you still want to lie?"

Zhao Zhongnan has reason to believe that after this episode, the arrogant and bragging nature of Lin Feng, the brat, was exposed. Even if Qin Yanran still likes Lin Feng to be with him, Ye Lao and Chen Luping would not agree.

In this way, his son Zhao Shuang had the opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity to enter. When the time comes, the huge legacy of the Qin family old man will definitely be shared.

But at this moment, Lin Feng still looked like a drunk man, pointed to the little turtle and said, "Who said I lost? Do you think this is really a little turtle?"

"Funny! Lin Feng, this one is not a tortoise, can it be a chicken? It's ridiculous!" Zhao Shuang thought that Lin Feng was making the last sophistry, and teased unceremoniously.

But at this moment, Ye Lao, who had been silently observing the tortoise that Lin Feng pointed out, suddenly cried out in surprise: "Turtle-shaped painting? Is it really a tortoise-shaped painting? I'm afraid this painting really is. Zhu Dazhi, a native of Bada, has written it."

"What? Grandma, what do you mean by this? Could it be that Lin Feng really got it right?" Qin Yanran asked in surprise immediately.

"At first, I was not sure who made this painting. Even if Lin Feng pointed out the painting of Bada Shanren, I was still not sure, but I thought it was possible. But when Lin Feng pointed out the tortoise I suddenly remembered when the Xinghua was on hold. A large part of Bada Shanren’s paintings contains a similar little tortoise. Even though it is clearly a flower and bird painting without river water, there is still such an out-of-date one. Little tortoise..."

Ye Lao himself said with a look of shock, "I remember that it was twenty years ago, a student I led Zhou Wenqing discovered this, and also specially used "The Turtle-shaped Painting in the Paintings of Bada Shanren" as a graduation thesis. Now."

"Zhou Wenqing? Teacher Ye is talking about Brother Zhou Wenqing, the current vice-chairman of Chinese calligraphy and painting circles? His research on late Ming paintings is in the same line as your teacher."

Hearing Zhou Wenqing's name, Zhao Zhongnan was also shocked, and he panicked.

"Mom! So, does Lin Feng really behave crookedly?" Chen Luping said with an unexpected expression.

But Lin Feng doesn't like to listen to her words, what is meant by crooked beating? Dude, this is well-founded.

"It shouldn't be possible that it was Lin Feng who was playing righteously, Lin Feng, or just tell it for yourself? How did you see this turtle-shaped painting? Also, what secrets are hidden in this turtle-shaped painting? Think, if you dare to point it out so confidently, you must have some understanding, right?"

Ye Lao, who had lived for most of his life and was well versed in world affairs, turned to Lin Feng and asked. Between the words, there is no pretense of being a master painting expert. Instead, he has a pair of academic eyes open, looking forward to knowing the answer from Lin Feng.

"Yes! Lin Feng, hurry up and talk about it. What's the secret of this little turtle? I want to know too!" Qin Yanran looked at Lin Feng with expectation and admiration at this time. She also could not think that Lin Feng's attainments in ancient calligraphy and painting could even sigh inferior to his grandmother.

"Look at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This pattern looks like a little turtle on the surface, but in fact..."

Lin Feng smiled and looked at the Zhao family father and son who were already full of gloomy faces, and said cheerfully, "In fact, this is not a pattern, but a text. You can tilt your head to see that this little turtle is actually caused by The words'March 19th' are deformed."

After Lin Feng came out so little, even the Zhao family father and son couldn't help but tilt their heads. I don't know, it turned out to be as Lin Feng said, where is a little tortoise? It was obviously formed after a few words were deformed on March 19.

"Mom, look! It's really just like Lin Feng said, it's March 19th. It's really amazing! It turns out that this little turtle hides such a secret!"

After discovering this secret, Qin Yanran also clapped and exclaimed with joy. Chen Luping couldn't help but stared at Lin Feng with astonishment, and finally looked at him squarely, confirming that Lin Feng really understood this aspect rather than pretending to understand.

When the Zhao family and his son were shocked, they were completely dumbfounded. This time, it was not Lin Feng, but them that was ashamed, and according to the wager, they would lose to Lin Feng even this painting.

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