Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4406: Phoenix

Lin Feng stepped back a bit, Jiaojiao quickly followed Lin Feng, the fiery red long whip across the sky, causing bursts of flames.

In the flames, there seemed to be a phoenix crying, and the surrounding space began to twist with the battle, and the fiery aura quickly enveloped the surrounding space.

The heat wave blew, and the disciples below also looked shocked.

The speed is too fast. The big guy is watching the battle below. For the first time, he feels what is powerful. Who is this?

Someone has such a problem suddenly in their hearts.

"This...Is this the little princess that the Demon Realm never made?"

I don't know who mumbled, and everyone suddenly realized.

The little princess of the Demon Race, it is no wonder that the fighting power is so powerful, it can be compared with Lin Feng.

It's just that the little princess of the demon clan, this power is too pure, it doesn't look like the power of the demon world at all!

The big guy swallowed his saliva, his gaze fell below, one by one couldn't help but tighten his body tightly.

Nima is too strong!

Although Demon Lord is a strong immortal emperor, if he really speaks it, in front of this queen, he can't say anything at all, this is the real master!

A powerful force, an uncontestable force.

These gathered together, making the big guy's body shake.

"How is it?"

Lin Bian leaned over and saw the battle in the sky, and the corners of his mouth opened slightly. It took a long time for Lin Bian to react. He pointed to the battle over there and asked uncertainly.

"Is that the little princess from the Demon Realm?"

When everyone saw Lin Bian's appearance, they looked at Lin Bian sympathetically, and then nodded. Just now, everyone had almost the same expression. Now that Lin Bian also has it, everyone who was still a bit entangled will meet. My mood has improved.

It turned out that they were not alone.

The big guy suddenly became a lot more comfortable now.

"Would you like to go up and help?" Someone came to the mountain and asked in a low voice, "If we do it together, maybe we can deal with it!"

"What dad said is that he wants to be promoted to the strongest emperor. It is still possible to deal with a little girl." Lin Bian smashed the corner of his mouth. "Don't hide here and be lazy. Come out and fight early. It’s better to have a rest soon after the battle!"

Everyone sighed and turned away one by one.

Lin Feng's eyes were still on the battle.

As everyone said, the battle continues.

The big guy is gone, and the battle here continues.

"Lin Feng, take out all of your strengths. I have been cultivating all these years. The purpose is to fight you with a radiant face. You don't have to hide your cultivation because of me!"

Jiaojiao snorted and looked at Lin Feng. With a flick of the long whip, a fire phoenix rushed towards Lin Feng.

"You are not a demon?"

Seeing Jiaojiao's shot, Lin Feng frowned.

Jiaojiao's cultivation base is completely different from the demons.

"I am a phoenix egg. The Demon Race has nurtured me. The Immortal World is fighting against the Demon Race. I stand on the side of the Demon Race." Jiaojiao looked down at Lin Feng and explained her life experience, "So, anyway, since I'm all standing here, I won't let you go, let's fight!"

Jiaojiao snorted coldly, flicked the whip, and turned her eyes around Lin Feng's body, "I will use my power to defeat you!"

"It's a coincidence, me too!"

Lin Feng tickled the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "Then let's take a shot together!"

Lin Feng's eyes changed in an instant. The next moment, a more powerful force rushed towards Lin Feng and felt the shot. Lin Feng's mouth hooked, his hands were imprinted, and he accelerated and rushed forward. .

Jiaojiao snorted coldly, and turned her body around with her feet as the axis. The next moment, the huge Huofeng seemed to shuttle out of the prison, lowering her head and hooking towards the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

"Lin Feng, you are a good person, but..."

Huofeng's wings waved, and a huge flame rushed towards Lin Feng.

The flame fell on Lin Feng's body, burning Lin Feng's body, even if there was a strange fire on Lin Feng's body, Lin Feng felt the pain under such burning.

The flames of the phoenix are similar to the different fires of his world, but they do not merge with each other.

Lin Feng's long sword shuttled through the flames, and the powerful aura instantly spread to the surroundings.

"The will of the sword?"

Feeling the power conveyed in the flames, Jiaojiao's eyes flashed with surprise.

The will of the sword can only be produced by sword spirits above the eighth rank, but Lin Feng’s Fengtong sword and Baiyu sword obviously did not reach that level before they were produced. Such a probability is less than one in 100,000. Now it's acting on the person in front of you.

Did he miss something?

Feeling the power of will above, Jiaojiao's face changed a little, and she stepped back a bit, looking at Lin Feng, her expression was a little complicated.

For non-rank 8 sword spirits to generate willpower, it is not only for the master to be extraordinarily strong, but the most important thing is for the sword to have spirituality and the sword spirit is also strong. However, the probability is only one in a million.

There are countless cultivators in the immortal world, but the chance of one in a million is no different from finding a needle in a haystack.

"You..." Jiaojiao paused, "You are much stronger than I thought."

Lin Feng just smiled.

"You already knew that I was the body of the fire and phoenix?" Seeing Lin Feng's attack still did not rush to hold her back, Jiaojiao's brows jumped and asked.


Lin Feng nodded.

"Previously, when fighting in the sea, I already knew that although your spiritual power has been deliberately concealed, the breath of your body cannot be hidden from me." Lin Feng's answer was very candid. At that time, he didn't fight Jiaojiao. Firstly, it was Kuaqi's arrangement, and secondly, Kuaqi was worried that Jiaojiao would go with him.

Facts have proved ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because of the leaked breath of stagnant water, Jiaojiao has become more attached to him.


Jiaojiao hesitated. At this moment, the closer she got to Lin Feng, she felt that the breath of Lin Feng's forehead became more intimate.

Although the Dragon and Feng clan have a good relationship, they are not yet in this state.

"You...what did you do to me?" Jiao Jiao fiercely looked at Lin Feng, the light in his eyes became brighter, there is only one possibility, and that is Lin Feng's body, something different is attracting Looking at her, that thing is now on Lin Feng's body!

And as Lin Feng continued to fight, she felt that her aura became stronger and stronger, and that aura was not something she could resist!

There is a temptation to her!

Jiaojiao's body was shaking slightly, raising her head to look at Lin Feng, her body still shaking.

(End of this chapter)


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