Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4417: Wrist

.., urban super comprehension evildoer

"Let's take a moment!" Yu Shi pulled back, "After all, our current cultivation base is not high. Although we have maintained the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian with the master's efforts, these are all Luo Tianshang's cultivators. !"

"Not afraid!"

Xingwei swept his tail, and a group of monsters retreated.

"These lunatics!" Lin Bian swallowed drooling while looking at the eleven dragons running rampant in front of him.

"Hold on for too long."

Lin Sifeng gave the most direct comment. Dongfang Batian turned his head and looked at Lin Sifeng and Lin Bian. Is this kid already ready?

Dongfang Batian was quite surprised. In the arrangement of personnel, Lin Sifeng has always been stingy. This time, he arranged for the dragon to come out of the eleven dragons. Could it be that Taiyang came out from the west?

However, when did the dragons come out so many dragons?


"What the hell!"

When the disciples below saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded, unable to speak for a long time.

Everyone could only watch eleven dragons furiously. The fighting power of these dragons was obviously inconsistent with their cultivation base.

"Tsk tsk, Thousand Chance Gate can't work." Lin Sifeng stood beside Dongfang Batian, sighed, and said, "Look, we just found someone to take action. The people below have no resistance. Up."

The Eastern Tyrant choked.

"Are they the spirits in Lin Feng's Longsuo?" Dongfang Batian turned his head and looked at Lin Sifeng, his eyes shining brightly.

"What and what?" Lin Sifeng leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Qi Ling? Do you think they look like Qi Ling?"

Not like!

Dongfang Batian turned his head, but these eleven dragons gave him the same feeling!

"Yuqing Kunlun fans can be reborn as humans, and they can become dragons again, that is not an accident." Dongfang Batian said for a long time.

"You have the answer in your heart, so what do you ask me to do?" Lin Sifeng shrugged, watching the battle below, and said with a smile, "Come on!"

Lin Sifeng suddenly turned his head and glanced at Dongfang Batian, and said.

Lin Sifeng said this inexplicably. When Dongfang Batian turned his head to say something, Lin Sifeng had already left.

Come on?

What fuel?


Dongfang Batian looked at the front, the eleven dragons were still fighting, maybe they had been held back for too long. With this shot, they went straight to the front with a sudden surge of medical attention.

Eleven dragons came out.

These eleven dragons belonged to Lin Feng.

They came out, which meant that Lin Feng would also come out.

There is one more Lin Feng in Dasheng Village.

Dongfang Batian's body shook.

"The battle situation, it's about to flop." This kind of death instantly converged in Dongfang Batian's mind. He didn't trust Lin Feng at all. On the contrary, he was very worried. If everything becomes a reality, then To him, it was too cruel!

And now it seems that this almost has to become a reality!

Dongfang Batian's mind also moved.

Dongfang Batian's idea is right.

Lin Sifeng went to the place where the devil was.

"Boy, if you come to me, you are not afraid that I will kill you?" The devil raised his head and saw Lin Sifeng appear, his eyes narrowed, and he said with a cold snort.

"If I'm afraid, I won't come, but since I'm all here, that means I'm not afraid." Lin Sifeng smiled and found a place to sit. "So, our top priority now is to Handle the matter well and wait until the matter is handled, everything will be convenient."

Hearing Lin Sifeng's words, Mojun sneered.

"Mozu and Immortal Realm, there is nothing to settle for!"

The devil turned his head.

"Three hundred years ago, the first son of Demon King was killed by Qianjimen. Two hundred years ago, his wife was killed." Lin Sifeng sat across from him and took out a tea set to make tea. Talking to the demon with a smile, as if talking about the most common things.

"Tsk tsk, my wife and children are in the hands of Qianjimen. I can understand this feeling. Therefore, in the past few hundred years, the demon king has worked hard to develop the power of the demon clan, especially after my father has been in the hundreds of thousands of years. After I brought the magic pill over there, the devil's mind became more and more bright."

Lin Sifeng raised his head, the smile at the corner of his mouth became a little deep, "I said, but it's right?"

The demon snorted coldly.

Lin Sifeng was not in a hurry, and sent the tea cup to the front of the Demon Lord. "The most painful thing is the demon clan to dredge the three realms. The demon clan's territory is being reduced. It’s getting smaller."

Lin Sifeng slowly stirred the teacup, a faint black mist spread around, the devil suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Sifeng, and clasped Lin Sifeng's hand.

"how did you do it?"

"It's just a transformation." Lin Sifeng smiled, his expression a little more gentle, "This is a bit technically difficult for us, but it's not difficult to do. I'm sincere enough for this."

Lin Sifeng raised his head and looked at the devil.

The devil was silent.

Sincere, of course sincere enough!

But this kind of sincerity, he knows, is based on his need to give up some things!

The devil was silent.

"In fact, you and I both understand that our Dasheng Village and Qianjimen are destined to only exist on one side." Lin Sifeng smiled faintly, "Since there can only be one side, the other side should always exist. Give everything for yourself in battle."

Lin Sifeng is still making tea.

The tea entered the devil's mouth and immediately turned into the power the devil needed.

Obviously it is fresh water for tea, but the taste of the tea is completely different.

Such differences continue to converge.

Lin Feng's expression became a little softer.

Feeling that his condition is getting better and better, the devil put down his teacup.

"Go ahead, your terms."

At this moment, Mojun completely slowed down his speech speed, Lin Sifeng won, he mastered the things that Mozu needs most now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and these things, he cannot give Mozu.

Lin Sifeng smiled when he heard the words of Demon Lord.

"My condition is this contract."

Lin Sifeng put the contract in front of the devil, "You can take a look at the terms inside, and you know that it will be a matter of time for us to win the monster clan. After all, the dragon clan is now in our control."

Lin Sifeng's voice was not high, Mojun took the file and looked at it silently.

Lin Sifeng was not in a hurry, just sitting there slowly drinking tea.

He prepared the contract in good faith, so the listed clauses naturally didn't have too many other clauses. They were basically for serving this side.

Under the terms and conditions, Lin Sifeng had already prepared everything.

He is waiting here to agree.

(End of this chapter)


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