Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4422: Random crossing

A typical cross-tier battle.

Also, the creator of Dasheng Village.

Dasheng Village, a huge guy in full swing, he has no time to settle. It is in these decades that he suddenly appeared directly in front of everyone with a powerful identity and became the object of everyone's eagerness.

This is a master.

However, what no one can change is that such a master does not belong to them.

The cultivation base of Dasheng Village is powerful, which no one can compare.

Feeling the shock brought by Dasheng Village, everyone's faces finally have a slightly different attitude.

Lin Feng, if it were Lin Feng, it would be possible to break through the Immortal Emperor.

"I just don't know how many immortal emperors Lin Feng has broken through."

"Hey, no matter if it is to break through a few immortal emperors, the kid still has to learn a little bit from the beginning until his ability reaches the best state. This is not something ordinary people can do."


"I think that when Lin Feng comes back, the outside world and Qianjimen will begin to prepare to count the Great Sacred Village."

Everyone talked while talking.

"This Great Sacred Village is indeed a good place. This is really to blame. They should be blamed. In the face of no absolute strength, they swelled and exposed themselves completely. This result is also reasonable. It’s a pity."

"What a great talent for death, but I didn't expect to eventually become a role for everyone to deal with together."

"It's a pity a genius!"

"If this Lin Feng can practice hard with his tail clamped, until he regains his cultivation, I am afraid there will be one more real Immortal Emperor powerhouse in this world."

The entire imperial city was talking about Lin Feng, and the master, Lin Feng, looked innocent at the moment.

He was just going through the rest of the thunder catastrophe, and he didn’t know what kind of thing he didn’t know was right with this annihilated planet. Then, his whole body was wrapped in this planet and went straight ahead. Up.

"My mother!" Lin Feng finally reacted when he passed through a spatial turbulence. However, his reaction did not bring him any good luck. On the contrary, Lin Feng's body was almost lost. The turbulence was cut into small cabbage.

Lin Feng is depressed.

He was just going through a catastrophe, but he didn't expect to encounter such a thing. At this moment, he was taken by this planet and passed through the Milky Way at the speed of light.


Lin Feng felt that his body was hitting something. Before he could react, his whole body flew towards the outside in a perfect straight line.

too painful.

Lin Feng's body seemed to have fallen into something, making Lin Feng's state very helpless.

The planet fell in Lin Feng's world, feeling his own state, Lin Feng slowly dragged his body out.

He was still very weak at this time, especially after being carried so far by this thing that could only be described as a meteorite, Lin Feng's mentality was really unbalanced.

"Finally landed."

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and his whole body slowly fell.

This is a planet. The place where they are located should be somewhere in the planet. There is nothing else here. Lin Feng's body moved.

Underneath was limp, his body took a lot of energy before he came out. At this time, Lin Feng carefully observed what was in front of him.

Asphalt, pure natural asphalt!

All densely packed is asphalt!

"What the hell!"

Seeing the dense pile of asphalt, Lin Feng was dumbfounded for a while, unable to say anything.

With so much pitch gathering, this is one of the unique exquisites he has seen.

They landed on a planet that was all pitch.

"It's really unlucky!" Lin Feng's body was on the asphalt. The whole planet exudes a not strong atmosphere of asphalt. Lin Feng took out the fairy stone and started practicing, feeling that his condition was better. Lin Feng flew directly outside.

He didn't want to stay here at all!

The asphalt here is really uncomfortable!

No matter what, the environment here is not suitable for him!

After finally recovering, Lin Feng flew out directly.

This is the vast outside world.

Lin Feng could not find a direction to leave.

I took out a temporary formation, and the formation didn't feel any sense.

The distance is too far, so that the formation can not feel the breath.

Lin Feng could only sigh and ran along the path of the planet.

In the distant space, Lin Feng didn't know how long time had passed. In a deserted area, he had no entertainment at all except for flying forward. Of course, Lin Feng still couldn't help going to these planets on the way back. Check if there are any resources.

Since it is an undeveloped area outside the territory, Lin Feng thought, there must be a lot of treasures here.

"If a connection can be established, it would be nice to come here to collect treasures in the future." Lin Feng's gaze swept around, his mind moved, Lin Feng directly left the formation in this space.

After going to dozens of planets in this way, when Lin Feng's patience was about to finish, Lin Feng felt the human breath.

It's human!

This discovery made Lin Feng's whole body tremble. He was a living human!

In this place, it is too difficult to meet living humans, and now, he has encountered it!

He met living humans!

Lin Feng's body quickly moved to the side with human breath.

Sometimes, people's luck is back, but Lin Feng's luck is obviously more back.

Where he is, is a closed star field.

Outside the domain.

In order to develop their own power, each big family will seal a piece of star field of its own in the time around here. Sealing the star field is actually a blow to the weak by powerful groups outside the field.

The sealed star field will be hidden, and the families of these powerful people will be controlled outside, and idlers will not be able to enter.

And Lin Feng, this huge star field ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, coincidentally, belongs to the Eastern family.

The most important thing is that this star field is a star field that the Eastern family will open soon.

Dongfang Batian stood outside, looking at the vast star field.

This star field is the last trump card of the Eastern family. Once it is opened, it means that they have begun to use the reserve resources.

No one is happy to activate backup resources.

These spare resources are their final preparations for themselves. If they are activated at this time, this is actually a way of saying that the Eastern family is dead end.

"Patriarch, let's do it!" Seeing that Dongfang Batian was still hesitating, the elder behind said in a low voice, "The ancestors also agreed that we did this. Patriarch, you have been in charge of our Dongfang family for so many years. It has already started to expand, let's just shoot.

(End of this chapter)


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