Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4487: Won't you come in?

   Lin Ling nodded, the expression on his face became more indifferent.

   Changwen's little thought, she knew very well, but she was not concerned about Changwen, but something else. That was the source of doubt that filled Lin Ling's heart now.

   She didn't know what was going on, but in general, it made her feel suspicious.

   It seemed that something was going to penetrate her chest, but Lin Ling couldn't pass it through.


   Lin Ling turned his head and looked out the window, the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, but Lin Ling always felt as if she had lost something. This lost thing made her very painful, and she felt very uncomfortable.

   And Chang Wen seems to be the key to this. Perhaps, she can start from Chang Wen, which is why Lin Ling has always indulged Chang Wen.

   However, Lin Ling could not grasp what she had lost.

   This feeling is very mysterious, Lin Ling's heart seems to be occupied by something, she wants to break through, but can't do it.

   It seemed as if something was dissipating a little bit in the perception, Lin Ling reacted for a while, then took a deep breath, where the whole body was leaning, with a bit of deep helplessness.

   The tingling in her mind reminded Lin Ling that she couldn't think about something now.

   Lin Ling was awakened, his back was soaked with sweat, but soon, the sweat on his back evaporated, and Lin Ling recovered.

   Yuntao was preparing peacefully, smiling at the corners of her mouth, and she seemed very happy.

   Lin Ling just sat there with her head tilted and watched Yuntao preparing. With such a simple beauty, Lin Ling felt that somewhere in her heart seemed to be wrapped in something. She seemed to have that kind of long-lost feeling.

   This feeling is like a spring breeze, which is extraordinarily comfortable.

   "Yuntao, do you have someone you like in your heart?"

   Lin Ling suddenly lowered his head and asked Yuntao softly.

"I have, I like you." Yuntao thought for a moment and said with a smile, "Lin Ling, I like you very much. You are the most beautiful, gentle, and lovely friend I have ever seen. Now, I want to be friends for life with you."

   Yuntao's words made Lin Ling stunned.

friend forever?

   "I'm asking if you have anyone you like." Linling paused, then spoke again.

   "There are also."

Yun Tao sat down on Lin Ling's body, her head drooping, but a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and said, "I did, but in his heart, he probably didn't like me. I dare not confess to him. ."

Yun Tao's voice was very soft, and she said softly, "But..." Then, Yun Tao raised her head again and said with a smile, "Actually, it's okay. Although he doesn't know that I like him, I just said this quietly. Isn't it good to like him?"

   Yuntao smiled, and his face felt a little more relieved.

   "As long as you can look at him from a distance, it's fine."

   "Pingzhi, don't worry, I won't disturb you. I just have to look at you from a distance. You are a good person, but your life shouldn't just pass on me."

There is something lingering in Lin Ling's mind, which occupies her mind a little bit, wrapping her whole thing in it. There is something that can't be obtained and wanted, and something that has been obtained and wanted to abandon takes up a little bit. Lin Ling's heart.

   is very blocked, but not painful.

   "Lin Ling, how about you?" While Lin Ling was still in her own thinking world, Yun Tao turned her head and asked with a smile, "Lin Ling, do you have anyone you like?"

the person I like?

   After a long time, Lin Ling shook his head.

   "I don't know, I just want to practice hard."

   Lin Ling's eyes were all confused.

"That's because you haven't met the person who makes your heart beat. One day, you will meet someone. You want to walk through the mountains and rivers with him, and fill him with all your thoughts. Yuntao smiled, and took Lin Ling to sit on the sofa, holding the fruit and slowly eating, "At that time, that is the true taste of feelings. This time will come sooner or later, so Lin Ling, don’t worry, let’s look forward to it together!"

   Seeing Yuntao's silly and happy look, Lin Ling smiled.

   "Do you really think so?"

"Yeah, I have always wanted this kind of relationship, and I have become bolder and have no purpose, but it’s good to be happy every day, but they say I’m whimsical, I don’t think I think much. This should be the love life everyone wants."

  Although there is a lot in his heart, Lin Ling's mood at the moment is cheerful. He took food and ate with Yuntao.

   Yuntao’s birthday was simple, but it was full of simple happiness. When she came out of Yuntao’s house, Lin Ling was in a very comfortable mood.

   Back to the small yard, Lin Ling's eyes swept around.

   The small courtyard was quiet, and the small formations she had arranged were a little worn out. Lin Ling frowned, glanced around, hooked the corners of her mouth, and the expression on her face became more and more cold.

  Someone has been here.

   Lin Ling pushed open the yard door, and Chang Wen stood not far away watching.

   He has been modified, I believe Lin Ling can't recognize it either.

   Lin Ling swept around in the yard, and some small things were lost in the yard.

   Lin Ling picked up these little things, then waved his hand, the invisible flame slowly enveloped these little things, and finally dissipated into the invisible.

   A faint flower scent lingers around, the aura lingers in the small yard, and the flowers bloom very beautifully. Among the flowers, the herbs grow slowly, and the small yard is decorated very beautifully.

   Lin Ling stood in the yard for a while.

   "Changwen Tutor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ don't plan to come in?"

   Seeing that Chang Wen did not move, Lin Ling turned to look at Chang Wen's position and asked.

   She felt the breath of Chang Wen as soon as she came in. Seeing Chang Wen just standing there, she didn't mean to speak, but these little things made Lin Ling unhappy.

   He can be curious, but he definitely cannot cross the bottom line set by Lin Ling himself.

   And Chang Wen had clearly crossed the bottom line set by Lin Ling now.

   Lin Ling's voice is not high, but Chang Wen heard it clearly, especially now that Lin Ling's gaze has been on him, even if he wanted to pretend, he couldn't pretend now.

   Lin Ling's ability to react was very fast, and it was almost impossible for Chang Wen to react.

   This is definitely not a foundation-building period. The cultivators of the Golden Core period have the ability to react. Is this the reason why Qin Sang and the others are with Lin Ling?

   No, even if the Great Sage Group wanted to recruit Lin Ling, it was absolutely impossible for Qin Sang and the others to take action. After all, Qin Sang and his party's combat effectiveness and even their abilities were all placed here, and this was not something that ordinary people could make.

   Even the high-level people of Dasheng Village must be careful!

   Changwen walked out of the dark awkwardly.

   Lin Ling turned around and went inside, Chang Wen was taken aback for a moment, is this?


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