Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4512: I know you

.., urban super comprehension evildoer

That will naturally attract countless people, and those people will start to arrogantly urge Lin Ling, supporters and opponents stand together, and both sides must fight!

At that time, Lin Ling was really in trouble.

Li Si looked at Zhang San, his whole body trembled, and he finally felt the horror under Zhang San's arrangement.

The hardest thing to predict is the human mind, but the best control is also the human mind.

"Take one of the camera lenses that Mu Hongying gave us. We need those lenses now. Without those lenses, we can't shoot better things." Zhang San stood in the dark and looked upstairs, knowing that Lin Ling was not at the door, but Zhang San still seemed to be able to feel Lin Ling entering the door.

Zhang San turned to look at Li Si, and stretched out his hand towards Li Si.

Hearing the words from the camera, Li Si shook his head, hugged his bag and stepped back, his face was full of reluctance.

These are extremely expensive lenses!

Many lenses are unique to Dasheng Group. Each one is a treasure, something that many people can't ask for. If this is used and destroyed, he will be gone.

Li Si is obsessed with cameras, especially these baby shots that he could only dream about before.

"Brother, let's go buy some cheap ones, these..."

Li Si glanced at his bag, then shook his head, and said: "Leave these for me, I can't bear it."

"give me!"

Seeing Li Sihu's calf appearance, Zhang San's voice increased a bit.

"Brother, this thing is old and expensive. We were reluctant to buy it before. Isn't it a bit too generous for paparazzi now?"

Li Si's voice was weak, looking at Zhang San carefully, and said.

"I can't bear to let the child catch the wolf. As long as the task is completed and the shot is gone, Mu Hongying, the woman, will definitely do everything possible to buy it for us, but if the task is not completed, you will be able to collect yours here. Take the lens, you won't be able to collect it tomorrow, it will all be owned by others!"

Zhang San's voice was chilly, "Also, the fake cheap lenses outside can't capture what I need."

Li Si took out the lens with some dismay, Zhang San glanced at Li Si, took the lens and went straight up.

Li Si hesitated for a moment. He hid in the dark and did not move. Zhang San looked back and saw that Li Si had not followed, Zhang San frowned.

They were born and died for so many years, Li Si's approach somewhat chilled him.

Since getting acquainted with Mu Hongying, this man and woman have kept in separate contact with him and Li Si from time to time. As she has more and more contact with Li Si, Li Si’s state has become more and more weird. After a while, this state will get worse.

Zhang San sighed.

The two people themselves are a cooperative relationship, but they have been used to working with Li Si over the years. At this moment, seeing Li Si preparing to leave, he is really reluctant, but that's all, if Li Si really wants to leave , He will not stay.

As long as the partner has been for a long time, it will naturally become a good partner.

Zhang San shook his head and rang the doorbell at Lin Ling's door.

Lin Ling opened the door and stood at the door looking at him.

Seeing Lin Ling standing so abruptly at the door and not saying anything, and opening the door of the room, Zhang San was really taken aback. He wanted to say something, but Lin Ling spoke first.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

Lin Ling's voice was crisp and gentle, which was very different from Lin Ling's usual cold attitude.

Zhang San was taken aback by Lin Ling's attitude, and couldn't help but look up and down Lin Ling. At this moment, Lin Ling was wearing a simple house suit, and his voice was soft and casual with a rare elegance.

This woman, as if I had already known everything, stood there with her head down, with a lot of amorous feelings in her face and smile.

Zhang San's heart trembled.

Is it possible that this woman really knows everything?

So, can this woman stand here so peacefully?

"No, it's impossible!"

It's impossible for this woman to know everything!

"I..." Zhang San faced Lin Ling like this. He was speechless for a while. It took a while to find his own voice. He scratched the back of his head and said, "I sell lenses. Do you need to buy some camera lenses? Dasheng Group produces the best lens in the world. We are currently doing a discount campaign, with a 20% discount for each lens."

Lin Ling smiled.

"It just happens. The flowers and plants in my yard are so beautiful. I want to take some photos of them. Tell me about them."

Lin Ling smiled and nodded, the smile on his face became a little deeper.

Zhang San's original nervousness instantly settled down at this moment.

be cheated.

Just be fooled.

Just be fooled!

This is the result he needs!

Zhang San smiled and introduced Lin Ling. Lin Ling just bowed his head and listened. Zhang San's thoughts flowed, he wanted to throw the small camera into the yard, but Lin Ling was standing at the door at the moment, although he looked at his lens. But Zhang San didn't dare to move at all.

Throwing it out in front of Lin Ling, he really didn't dare!

If this was discovered by Lin Ling, he hadn't waited until Mu Hongying was about to end his sad and shameful life!

Although they don't know much about Lin Ling, they have filmed the scene of Lin Ling fighting. It was just a Shura. When they started fighting, the six relatives didn't recognize it. No matter what, no one can get any benefits in front of her!

"I know you."

Zhang San's mouth was dry, and he stood there waiting for Lin Ling to speak, but when Lin Ling spoke, Zhang San's heart trembled.

I know you.

These four words seemed to have some kind of curse, so that Zhang San couldn't say anything anymore while standing there.

Just now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he played like a clown for so long, and in one word, he was defeated.

This is the charm of Lin Ling.

In other words, this is what Zhang San is worried about. What he is most worried about is this thing. He is worried that Lin Ling knows everything, and he is worried that all this will really happen, and now, all this has already been staged.

I know you.

A word that makes people extremely broken.

Zhang San's body was a bit depressed, and he prayed that Lin Ling didn't know his purpose of looking for her. Perhaps Lin Ling was really playing with a camera. After all, he was called Zhang San in the dark. In fact, he still had a good one. Named, and it is also famous in the photography circle.

If Lin Ling also plays photography, it would not be surprising to know his name, but he is ready to spend the rest of his life in old-age care!

Thinking of this, Zhang San breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)


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