Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 648: Night black wind high killing night

Little ÷ Say ◎ Net], ♂ Little ÷ Say ◎ Net],

At around nine o'clock in the evening, most of the residents in the square compound of the old city on Tong'an Road had almost rested. After all, they have to go to work or work the next day, and they are used to going to bed early and getting up early.

In the deep alley, there were occasional dog barks, and some little female cats who had climbed on the roof made very indecent noises. Like any summer night, nothing special seems to happen in the old town of this ordinary small city.

However, it is impossible for the people who are sleeping soundly to imagine that at this time, outside the compound at No. 31 Tongan Road, there are more than 20 C-level killers from all over the world. Regardless of the level of these killers is only c, but looking at the world, the number of c-level killers is only thousands.

If any C-level killer enters the territory of China and is found, it is enough to attract the attention and supervision of the provincial public security organs. But now, more than 20 C-level killers sneaked into Zhi'an City secretly, lying in ambush in front of the seemingly ordinary small courtyard of Lin Feng's house.

"Hey! Jack, are you crazy? For a high school student from China, let us transport the bazooka over?"

Located on the roof of a bungalow at the southeast corner of Lin Feng's home, two black-clothed killers were assembling the bazooka that had just been smuggled over. One of the white killers complained like the other in English.

"Hans! You have to believe me, I promise God. This Lin Feng is definitely not an ordinary high school student, he must have some strange abilities. He may even be a genius warrior in China. Do you know today? In the afternoon, I was a full 150 meters away from that villa and lurking very well. I don’t know how he can find my location, and even let a dog... my god! Hans, do you know how shocked I was?"

This Jack was one of the five killers who ambush Lin Feng outside of Li Yutong’s villa in the afternoon. He was not completely scared away. Instead, he followed Lin Feng all the way home, and even let his accomplices find ways to send mass destruction. Sex weapon bazooka.

"What do you let a dog do? Jack, don't you tell me that a native dog of China can scare you to pee? You know, even if it is the most ferocious Tibetan mastiff in China, I dare to fight Fight with it with bare hands!"

Hans was a very burly Russian man. He carried the main body of the rocket launcher and laughed at Jack beside him.

"Although the Tibetan Mastiff is fierce, it is nothing terrible. Hans, look at what this is?" After that, Jack handed over the card written by the beacon and said, "It's that Lin Feng, let that one The yellow dog grabbed the card in front of me. The silent kind, even I have no doubt that if he wants my life, I don't even have a chance to react!"

As for what happened in the afternoon, the killer Jack still had lingering fears. However, although he was very jealous of Lin Feng, after all, this was a task offering a reward of 500,000 U.S. dollars. He didn't want to give up easily, so he took such a safe method. It was a long distance from Lin Feng's home. The external bazooka destroyed the entire yard.

"Oh? Fuck? Jack, you really lost our assassin's face. When you were on the mission, you were frightened by a card. This only shows that Lin Feng may be a dog trainer, right? ...Haha! Just like a clown in a circus, training a puppy to give him a card to scare you away..."

Hans laughed, but Jack couldn't laugh, shook his head and said, "Hans! Don't underestimate the enemy, I have a hunch, this Lin Feng is really not easy."

"Is that why you asked me to assemble the rocket launcher from such a distance? Haha! Do you really think that kid is an all-knowing god? Death's eyes are already on him. As long as I gently pull the rocket launcher He and his family are going to **** in the sea of ​​fire! If he is really as powerful as you said, he should appear here silently as you said, and organize me to shoot. Haha...or, send another dog to see if I will be scared away like you coward..."

After the bazooka was assembled, Hans was aiming at Lin Feng's small yard on his shoulders, and smiled triumphantly.

But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly appeared in his ear, and he said softly in English: "As you wish, I am here!"

This voice was not someone else, it was Lin Feng, who rushed over after being invisible. Feeling the powerful threat posed by the rocket launcher, Lin Feng first bypassed those close assassins and rushed directly to Jack and Hans. Just when Hans finished speaking, Lin Feng released his invisibility and appeared beside him.

"Ah! Oh! God! You...you devil...go to death!"

Hans’s smile stopped abruptly, followed by a face full of fear. His hand shook the bazooka to the ground violently because of fear. He looked at Lin Feng who was standing beside him in horror, and then instinctively Waving his huge arm, he attacked Lin Feng.

"Damn... it should be you!"

When he came in stealth, Lin Feng had already used his spiritual sense to check it out. Both Hans and Jack were just ordinary people, not even warriors. Although Hans’s strength was great, he was even average. The martial artist of the acquired level is not as good.

Therefore, Lin Feng directly shook his fist and clashed hard with the strong Russian man. With a bang, he was so powerful that he directly blasted Hans' fist, breaking his fingers and becoming bloody.

"Oh! No! My hands...my hands! You devil~www.wuxiaspot.com~ how can you have such a powerful force..."

Hans struggled with the pained expression on his face, but he didn't even have the right to pain before he finished talking about the "gas". The kind-hearted Lin Feng rushed forward, grabbing Hans' thick neck with one claw, and heard a creak when he twisted it hard, helping him to get rid of it completely.

"You killed Hans? It's over! It's over... The Lawrence family won't forgive me... I'm in a disaster!"

What surprised Lin Feng was that when he killed this brawny Russian man, Jack didn't worry about his comfort first, instead he looked like he was in trouble.

However, Lin Feng didn’t care about these details. He hurried forward, grabbed Jack’s neck, twisted it slightly, and said, “Your name is Jack, I remember you! This afternoon, you have already given a way to your life. Thinking of you running back to find death by yourself!"


Jack's figure fell to the ground, and Lin Feng looked at the two corpses here, and then at the more than twenty lurking killers, and said to the yellow dog who lurked with him: "The night is black and the wind is high and the night is killing people! Dog! Brother, let's go! Go kill with me and go!"

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