Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4625: The last battle (3)

"Ms. Shi Ningxue, in fact, you are the will of the world, right?"

Lin Feng shook his head, but still had a smile on his face.

"Only in this way, Ms. Shi Ningxue, you can walk freely among the Three Realms, and you can go to the Yanxuan Continent with your will after hundreds of thousands of years, and make a special trip to stop me."

"But you are the will of the Three Realms. Every will that you split is independent. These split wills have their own ideas and their own lives. They don't want to be controlled by you anymore. , In the end you have to obliterate these independent wills and start all over again."

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at Shi Ningxue, the power of the rules in his body spread towards Shi Ningxue in an instant, wrapping Shi Ningxue's entire body in it.

The speed of the formation was pleasant, and the strong smell of blood covered the entire formation.

Countless cultivators were involved in the formation. At this moment, everyone who was involved in the formation was afraid of fear, and there was a bit of bleakness in their eyes that made people invisible.

Everything comes quickly and ends quickly.

But what is the end of this?

Everyone looked down, countless auras lingering around, some of the women could no longer hold it, but they were still supporting it for the sake of Lin Feng.

With a wave of Lin Feng's hand, the formation that was still running at high speed suddenly stopped at this time.

It was just a moment.

However, in that moment, the world around him began to slowly change. Everything seemed to have an explanation. Everyone's eyes were lingering around, and there was more yearning in their eyes. Or look forward to.

This yearning or expectation has not continued, and something seems to explode in an instant in the entire sky.

It seems that fireworks burst out in an instant, but after the burst, there is indeed endless blood.

The light is gone.

The cultivators are still looking forward to something, they don't wait for the arrival, but the originally shining sun seems to be shrouded in black yarn.

Outside the Territory is the most intuitive. At this moment, the entire Outside the Territory completely lost any light, only the cold aura won around, and all the disciples trembled. The next moment, there was a wailing, and the blood stayed outside. It did not extend but quickly gathered together, forming a river in the starry sky.

"Lin Feng, since you have known it a long time ago, you should listen to me and go with me instead of singing against me here." Shi Ningxue stepped forward, a faint light covering the two people. Shi Ningxue looked down at Lin Feng. ,

"Lin Feng, I give you the best opportunity to be my person and go with me."

Lin Feng smiled upon hearing Shi Ningxue's words.

"Didn't you also say it? I'm already outside of your heaven."

Lin Feng suddenly stood up straight, "Since I am already outside of your way of heaven, what am I afraid of you doing?"

"Really?" Shi Ningxue stood in front of Lin Feng and turned to smile, "Even so, Lin Feng, don't forget, you are still in my will of heaven, since you are still, I have Way to kill you."

"Even at the expense of all your people?"

Lin Feng looked at the wailing below.

The original rivers have all become blood paradise. The mortals and surviving practitioners who are looking forward to living are all working hard at this time. They are all pursuing their final happiness, but they are in Scared.

All of this is related to them, but not to them.

"These people live for you."

"You are the will of heaven and earth, Shi Ningxue, do you really have the heart to watch them all go to death?"

"so what?"

Shi Ningxue sneered, "This piece of heaven and earth is already sick. Since it's sick, let's kill it."

Shi Ningxue looked at Lin Feng, "With you, pay homage to this world!"

Taking advantage of this big brother's time, the surrounding environment began to constantly change. With this change of time, countless auras began to converge in one direction. Under these auras, the whole world seemed to be constantly changing. Changes.

This is a world that can't be ignored, and it's also a world that can't be thought of anymore!

Countless auras rolled towards Lin Feng.

Countless shouts gathered in Lin Feng's ears, lingering constantly, and with unspeakable sadness.

forget it.

A voice lingered in Lin Feng's ear, with a sigh and helplessness.

"Stop insisting, it's useless."

"give up……"

This voice haunted Lin Feng's body time and time again.

Suddenly, a psychic training passed across the horizon, and all the women stood behind Lin Feng, their eyes were firm.

"Lin Feng, come on!"

"Beat her!"

"We will all be with you!"

The voices of his wives lingered in Lin Feng's ears, with a strong, inevitable gentleness and firmness. Lin Feng's eyes suddenly burst into a thousand brilliance, Lin Feng raised his head and looked into the distant depths.

"Shi Ningxue, even if you are the will of heaven and earth, the reason why this piece of heaven and earth is sick is because of you!"

Lin Feng's voice lingered from outside the domain, his eyes were firm, and he looked forward, "Because of you, this piece of heaven and earth is sick, so I will appear here."

Lin Feng's mouth hooked.

"It's your people, and the Three Realms called me here. The former Dragon Emperor was kind, so I left you."

Lin Feng's body rushed towards the sky.

Sprinting again and again, falling again and again.

Try again and again, and fail again and again.

However, Lin Feng still insisted.

The power of his law was imprisoned, and Lin Feng continued to sprint relying on his original life force, his body was restricted, and Lin Feng continued to sneak continuously according to this original body.

The road ahead is slow, but Lin Feng believes that there will always be an end.

Countless rays of light spread behind Lin Feng, and these rays of light covered Lin Feng's body constantly moving forward, covering Lin Feng's entire body.

It's them!

It was the heroic spirits who insisted on their lives~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They walked past Wangchuan, and then came back, pushing Lin Feng's body continuously to the top.

"Dad, come on!"

"Dad, you are our pride!"

In the darkness, Lin Feng heard the voices of the children and felt the efforts of his wives. It was them...

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

They are all here, this is the driving force for him to move forward.

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