Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4640: Dinghai Shenzhu

? But then the Huang family relied on their own relationship to suppress this matter for life!

This is a complete beast!

Lin Feng's hand holding the phone suddenly clenched tightly, and his face grew gloomy.

Huang family.

Lin Feng muttered the name silently in his heart.

A gust of wind passed by Lin Feng's side, and Lin Feng's mind instantly calmed down. He sat there concentrating on the class, and the expression on his face softened a lot.

The faint qi in the body became alive as Xu Minjing approached, and the absorption rate was also much faster.

It is Dinghai Shenzhu.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I don’t know how Dinghai God Orbs got into their bodies, based on the current situation, the 24 Dinghai God Orbs have been separated and landed in each woman’s hands. I just don’t know. The Chaos Seed is still gone.

Lin Feng's brows wrinkled faintly when he wanted to lead the final battle.

Chaos Seed, this treasure that he has never had time to comprehend.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng felt pain again.

After class, Lin Feng left the school directly.

"Student Lin Feng!"

A cute voice called Lin Feng. Xu Minjing stood at the school gate with a gentle smile on his face. Lin Feng's mind shook for a moment. Although his wives lost their memories, they looked at them beautiful and charming. Lin Feng's heart was moved by her face.

He didn't know how many years he had wandered in the chaos. During those years, he didn't even know where he was going, but he searched for the world tree in the world he was in with a will, until he was teleported to Shuhai City.

Seeing Xiao Nishang and Xu Minjing, Lin Feng felt happy in his heart. They are here, which means Yanran and them are also here.

"These silly women..."

Lin Feng's heart was warm, and he stood there with a smile on his face.

"Teacher Xu, is the teacher going back too?"


Xu Minjing nodded, "Student Lin Feng, we just stopped by, maybe we should be together."

Xu Minjing said with a smile, "Student Lin Feng performed very well today."

"One...together?" Lin Feng hesitated, raised his head and looked at Xu Minjing, only to see the little fox smile in Xu Minjing's eyes.

Lin Feng always felt weird. At this time, the strangeness became even more obvious.

In Lin Feng’s physical memory, although this teacher has been taking over this class for almost two months, his impression of Lin Feng should not be very deep, let alone be good to Lin Feng, but Now Xu Minjing took the initiative to stand in front of him and invite him.

this is……

Could it be that the appearance of Dinghai Shenzhu changed Xu Minjing's mentality and made her very attached to him?

But this situation seems to be incorrect. The mad girl didn't say anything to him that was unfamiliar to him. She tortured him as soon as she entered the door with a click.

"Student Lin Feng?"

Xu Minjing yelled, and Lin Feng came back to his senses, smiled embarrassedly, and said, "Sorry Teacher Xu, I... let's go."

Lin Feng turned and walked outside. Xu Minjing followed Lin Feng. A faint scent lingered on Lin Feng’s nose. I don’t know if it was intentional or unintentional. Xu Minjing always appeared next to Lin Feng. Several times, Lin Fengdu You can feel Xu Minjing's body pressed against his body.

Although it has not yet fully entered the midsummer, the weather has slowly begun to heat up. Although Lin Feng is still wearing a coat, it is only a thin coat. At this moment, Xu Minjing’s body hits her body intentionally or unintentionally, Lin Feng is still I can feel the faint residual warmth from Xu Minjing's body and...

The slender waist that undoubtedly passed over his arm.

Teacher Xu, this is...

Lin Feng's gaze couldn't help sweeping Xu Minjing's body.

"Student Lin Feng, put your gaze away!"

Xu Minjing rolled her eyes slightly, turned her head and snorted, her voice was a bit delicate.

Lin Feng's mind moved again.

"Teacher, the saying goes well, and the appetite is also good. This teacher probably doesn't understand it, so..."

Lin Feng shrugged, looking at Xu Minjing with an innocent look, and said: "Teacher is such a great beauty in front of me. It's not that I can't restrain, but that I can't do it at all."

"It really hasn't changed at all!" Xu Minjing murmured.

"Teacher, what did you say, I did not hear."

Lin Feng turned to look at Xu Minjing, and asked softly. He heard Xu Minjing muttering, but when he listened carefully, Xu Minjing had already shut up.

Without the cultivation base, the power of divine consciousness is not as good as before, and Xu Minjing's voice is too low. Lin Feng was just about to listen carefully, but was quiet.

"There are things that need your help."

Xu Minjing looked down at Lin Feng and whispered, "Anyway, the teacher is always a little sleepy in the morning. I don't think so, Lin Feng, when you pass in the morning, please go upstairs and call me down."

Xu Minjing looked at Lin Feng with a smile, the smile on her face deepened.

Looking at the smile on Xu Minjing's face, Lin Feng only felt very familiar, a certain string in his heart collapsed in an instant, and Lin Feng grabbed Xu Minjing's hand.

What I couldn't figure out before, now I figured it out all at once, Lin Feng's gaze swept across Xu Minjing's body, and then he laughed.

"My wife."

"Who is your wife!" Xu Minjing rolled her eyes, but did not struggle with Lin Feng's hand. Lin Feng's mouth opened immediately, and the whole mood followed.

It turned out that she still remembered everything.

"I thought you all forgot."

Lin Feng sighed and hugged Xu Minjing's body. Xu Minjing took Lin Feng's hand away, rolled her eyes, and said, "Follow me, don't mess around, I can tell you, this is Mica star, we The current cultivation base is still not very strong, and you are still wearing a school uniform!"

Xu Minjing poked Lin Feng's school uniform, "Even if it's not for yourself, you have to think about it for me. If the students see this..."

Xu Minjing lowered her head and sighed in a low voice.

Lin Feng severely ravaged Xu Minjing's body, and then took his paws back. With a movement, he set his eyes on Xu Minjing's body again, and Xu Minjing rolled her eyes.

"Don't mess around, your body is only seventeen years old, and it's not fully developed yet, you..."

Xu Minjing paused~www.wuxiaspot.com~ wait a minute, at least...at least you should wait until you are eighteen. "

"Is there a difference?"

Lin Feng's expression darkened, "My wife..."

Lin Feng's gaze swept across Xu Minjing's body, "You won't want your husband and me to be a monk this year, right?"

"If you can't be, there are too many things!"

Xu Minjing rolled her eyes, sighed, and said, "Do you think you can still be idle?"

"Is it about Dinghai Shenzhu?"

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