Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4644: Small goal

? The small goal of three years is not an easy task to accomplish. Of course, this thing is not completely impossible to accomplish.

Starting from the next morning, Lin Feng worked harder.

Even if his body couldn't hold on anymore, Lin Feng still persisted.

Xu Minjing also got the news right away, and was working hard with Lin Feng at the moment.

To save Yanran, they have to pay a lot.

After the morning run, Xu Minjing had prepared breakfast for Lin Feng.

"Have something to eat, don't be too anxious. Now that you have a smile on your face, we will definitely take Yanran home."

Xu Minjing breathed a sigh of relief and whispered, "It's almost time for class. Go back first. If you need my help, just tell me."

"There is really one thing, Teacher Xu, can you help me find a programmer for ten thousand a month." Lin Feng stretched out a finger and whispered, "I have a way to make money and I need help."

Xu Minjing nodded.

"I will find a way, what are you going to do?"

"Do you remember that Jack Ma in our world?" Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"You have to... you have to imitate..." Xu Minjing's eyes widened, and the eyes were all incredible, "Yes, I'm still thinking, this world is different from our previous world after all, I think we It would be easier to deal with this online."

Lin Feng had a gentle smile on his face, "We can rely on the power of the formation to pass things on, so that for us, we need less energy."

"This is my initial idea."

Lin Feng and Xu Minjing whispered as they walked to the classroom, "We rely on the power of the formation to connect the transmission interface to the merchant's platform provider. In this way, the merchant can sit and send the goods in seconds, just like a physical store, right? "

Lin Feng's eyes exuded a strong light, "As long as we succeed, we can sit back and relax in the mica star in the future."

Xu Minjing nodded when hearing Lin Feng's words.

Although what Lin Feng said was a bit mysterious, if Lin Feng made a move, she absolutely believed that Lin Feng could do it.

"I believe you."

Xu Minjing smiled and nodded. At this moment, a strong scent spread directly, and a fat man dressed in rose red stood directly in front of the two people.

"Okay, you guys, you dare to talk about teacher-student relationship grandiosely on campus, Xu Minjing, Lin Feng, do you still have a face?"

The person here is a yellow hen.

Lin Feng frowned, and was very upset with this old woman who always appeared in front of him.

This old guy, there must be nothing good at first!

"Is there anything you need my help?"

Despite this, Lin Feng's face still has a softness, "Dean of Teaching?"

"You openly fall in love in the school, or the relationship between teachers and students, which is explicitly prohibited by the school. Are you embarrassed to say such things?" Huang Hen stood there, sneered, and said: "Are you still going to practice? I tell you, I will fire you and fire you, lest you defile this sacred campus!"

Lin Feng stood there without speaking.

Xu Minjing's brows were also frowned, and a flash of unhappiness flashed across her eyes.

If it was Xu Minjing from the past, she might even give a soft explanation. However, now Xu Minjing was once more or less a strong immortal emperor. In such matters, her principle is still very strong.

"Excuse me, Teacher Huang, I think you have misunderstood, the school Lin Feng came to with me, he was explaining to me just now."

Xu Minjing has a faint smile on her face, "I just learned the apprenticeship form yesterday. No, he's memorizing it. Isn't it allowed to endorse books on campus?"


Huang Yuling sneered, her eyes swept across Lin Feng's body, this second-to-last scum in the school would endorse?

"Listen to the teacher?"

Huang Yuling sneered again, "I still learned what I learned yesterday? If Lin Feng has this ability, he still needs to take the second to last place in the school?"

"you do not believe me?"

Lin Feng stood up straight, with a little more anger on his face, and said, "This way, isn't it too much!"


Huang Yuling took a step forward, "Lin Feng, you are the second-to-last in the school, what can you believe?"

"If I can recite it?" ‘

Lin Feng suddenly smiled, "Director Huang, you said, what will happen if I recite it?"

Xu Minjing stood behind and did not speak, she just watched with a smile, Huang Yuling's gaze swept over the two people, and she felt a little drumming in her heart for a while, but Huang Yuling soon recovered, back?

This is absolutely impossible!

Lin Feng is second to last in the school!

If Lin Feng can still recite it, then they Shuhai Middle School, where would they be held down by the First Middle School!

"If you can remember it, I will eat shit!"

Huang Yuling sneered, "How is it?"

"Okay, this is what you said, Teacher Huang, I can remember, Teacher Huang, go eat shit." Lin Feng nodded solemnly, "So, it's fine."

"The first emperor was not halfway through his business and he was in the middle of the road. Today, he scores three points. Yizhou is exhausted and his resignation is critical for survival..."

Lin Feng stood there, shaking his head and carrying his teacher's table, as if reading aloud with a book.

Seeing Lin Feng memorizing the entire list of teachers so smoothly, Huang Yuling's expression began to panic.


"You cheated!"

"You are definitely cheating, yes, you are cheating, you can't recite it!"

Huang Yuling pointed to Lin Feng and said loudly.

"Director Huang, are you blind? Am I right in front of you? You see, there is a single shirt on my body with no pockets on it. How do you want me to read?"

"Ah, is it possible that I still have innate strength, so I can just study with my heart?"

"Or, I have golden eyes that can penetrate the world and can directly see the books on the fifth floor?"

Lin Feng stood there with a smile, "This way, isn't it a bit of a bullshit?"

More than a bullshit!

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Huang Yuling couldn't say anything for a while.

"The dean of education, I have already recited it."

Lin Feng stood there with a gentle expression on his face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Director, isn't it..."

Lin Feng looked at the location of the toilet...

Huang Yuling's mind paused, she wanted to know that Lin Feng, a little bastard, could actually recite the whole story...'

Eating shit...

Huang Yuling thought of what she said just now, and she regretted it at this moment. She didn't expect that Lin Feng, the second-to-last in the school, would still have the day to recite the article. This is totally...

Thinking of this, Huang Yuling's face also became a little unnatural.

"The dean of education, I did not expect that you are okay."

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