Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4648: To pack

?"Ha ha!"

Li Yundong smiled embarrassedly.

"Oh, so expensive and so small, fortunately I have a little more."

The fat man said, interrupting Huang Chaofeng's talk to Xu Minjing, "That crazy...Lin Feng, you should also eat more. Don't take me into consideration, just eat."

As he feasted, the fat man said with a smile, "The food here is really delicious!"


When Huang Chaofeng came to his lips, he finally took everything back, leaving the fat man sitting there eating and drinking.

Halfway through the meal, Huang Chaofeng stood up.

"I'll go to the bathroom!"

With that, Huang Chaofeng turned and left.

The fat man winked at Lin Feng, "How about it, it tastes good, these chefs are brought here by my dad after careful research, and each one is the overlord."

The fat man said with a grimace, "This is the reason why the business of this hotel standing on the cutting edge of Shuhai is booming."

"Your family?" Lin Feng's eyes flashed an accident when he heard the fat man's words.


The fat man nodded, "But it doesn't make much money, mainly because the cost is too high." The fat man smiled embarrassedly and said.

"I can't tell, you are a fat man, you are still a rich man!"

An accident flashed in Xu Minjing's eyes.

Fatty is quite low-key at school, if he didn't say it, they really didn't know!

"Ha ha!"

Lin Feng just smiled.

Lin Feng had been to Fatty's home, and naturally knew that Fatty's family background was good, but he didn't expect this fatty's family background to be so good.

"How is the comparison with the Huang family?" Lin Feng asked again, getting closer.


The fat man thought for a moment, "The Huang family is a Tyrannosaurus rex in Shuhai City. Our family is at most an earth dragon, but this time, hehe, thanks to Teacher Xu, our family has also made a large sum of money. The chefs in our restaurant are outsourced, which is at least this number."

The fat man stretched out his hand.

"fifty thousand?"

Li Yundong asked.

The fat man shook his head.

"Five hundred thousand?"

The fat man still shook his head.

"No... not five million, right?" Li Yundong swallowed.

"This is just my preliminary judgment." The fat man smiled, "You eat quickly, I can't easily eat it, my dad won't give it to me."

The fat man waved his hand and said seriously, "This is a great opportunity, so don't miss it. Everyone eats more. Anyway, it's not our money."

There were some gentle students who started to gobble up immediately, nonsense, this is all money!

"Teacher Xu."

Huang Chaofeng walked back, "I'm sorry, I kept you waiting."

Huang Chaofeng snapped his fingers, the melodious piano sounded, and Huang Chaofeng fell affectionately on Xu Minjing's body, "Ms. Xu, do you still like it?"

"The students like it, and I like it."

Xu Minjing smiled and said.




The students below nodded immediately, all of them excited.

Huang Chaofeng sat there, unable to say anything for a while.

These guys are too narcissistic!

"Huang Dong." Xu Minjing smiled and took out a document from her bag. "Thank you Huang Dong for his hospitality. I have never eaten so many delicious food before. It is really delicious."

Xu Minjing smiled, "Teacher Huang told me that Dong Huang wants to have dinner with me and sign this document together. I don't know Dong Huang..."

"This is nature!"

Huang Chaofeng signed on the document, "Since the signing is successful, should we have a drink together?"

Huang Chaofeng poured the wine himself, and his palm passed over the mouth of the cup. Huang Chaofeng shook and was caught, and Lin Feng's eyes narrowed.

Huang Chaofeng handed Xu Minjing, "Teacher Xu, please."

"Ms. Xu, let me come."

Lin Feng took the wine glass in Xu Minjing's hand, "Teacher, you are going to go to class in the afternoon, and you are a girl, and I can come here fully without drinking, I can."

Lin Feng held the wine glass, "Huang Dong, I will drink with you!"

Lin Feng put down the wine glass, poured a glass of wine for Huang Chaofeng himself, and ran to Huang Chaofeng's side again, and the two wine glasses collided.

"Huang Dong, cheers!"

Huang Chaofeng twitched the corners of his mouth, "Cheers!"

The fat man calmly took the remaining three bottles of wine, and asked the waiter to serve two more bottles, each of which was divided into one bottle, "One hundred years, the market price, one million bottles."

The fat man said with a smile, "A house!"

Several people were dumbfounded, and immediately put the wine in the bag without hesitation.

The fat man poured a glass of wine by himself and nodded to the waiter.

The waiter went down, and the fat man glanced at the table that was almost finished before he put down his chopsticks contentedly.

"Happy cooperation."

Xu Minjing also stood up, "Huang Dong, class is about to start soon. These children have all drunk a little alcohol. The situation is not very good now. I will take everyone back first. We will make an appointment next time when we have time."

Huang Chaofeng's originally disappointed mood immediately brightened after hearing Xu Minjing's next appointment, and immediately nodded, "Then I will send you..."

"no need."

Xu Minjing nodded and led the students down. Huang Chaofeng was sitting there. The waiter had already prepared the menu, "Huang Dong, here is the bill, totaling 13 million."

"One...13 million, robbery!"

Huang Chaofeng stood up immediately, "It's just a meal..."

"This is the bill. You can compare it. We have given you a 5% discount. This is the biggest discount for our restaurant."

The waiter still had a gentle smile on his face.

Huang Chaofeng glanced at the bill, and it was clear on it. Huang Chaofeng only felt very painful. The woman had spent 13 million before the woman caught her hand. Huang Chaofeng was very painful. He might be scolded to death when he returned home!

These little rascals!

Huang Chaofeng was in pain, but he couldn't say anything.

Huang Chaofeng took out the credit card painfully, "This is a 100 million credit card, let's use it for deduction."

Hearing what Huang Chaofeng said, the waiter smiled and went with his credit card.

Huang Chaofeng sat there, all thoughts were lost. Suddenly, he felt as if an evil fire was slowly rising below him, and Huang Chaofeng only felt that his face instantly became extremely hot.


Huang Chaofeng stood up immediately~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is...

Lin Feng, who came downstairs, smiled.

"It should be almost done."

Taking a look at it, Lin Feng muttered in a low voice, "Hey, he is really pitiful under everyone's eyes..."

"You said, it's too bad!"

Xu Minjing followed Lin Feng, and the students had already taxied back, leaving Lin Feng and Xu Minjing at the back.

"Go back and have a look?"

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