Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4650: A **** of transformation came

? This casually came to a god? Didn’t you say that the most powerful thing in this world is the Yuan Ying period?

In this world, there are powerhouses in the transformation stage?

Looking at the man in front of him, Lin Feng’s eyes flashed with surprise, and then he became quiet. Yun Juxing is so big, it is impossible for all the cultivation bases of the cultivators to agree that there is such a situation within a realm. Normal thing.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and the expression on his face eased a little.

"Where did the thief dare to take action in broad daylight?"

The figure in front of Lin Feng yelled again, and the black-clothed man's expression was somewhat complicated, and he pointed at Lin Feng.


The man turned his head and looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng saw clearly that the person who came was a middle-aged man, his expression exuding a strong aura of cultivation.

"It's the lord I shouted."

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Look, my lord, I'm wearing a school uniform and carrying a schoolbag. I look like a student. That guy is wearing black clothes. Even his face is covered. This kind of covert guy, just look It's not a good thing."

Lin Feng's face was serious, "Only bad people will hide themselves from others!"

The man turned his head again.

The man in black turned around and was about to go. Before he took his steps, the powerful pressure directly locked him.

There are guardians in the city. These people who usually guard the city will not easily appear in front of everyone. They are even very unlikely to even appear. However, this time, Lin Feng shouted so, really People shouted out.

The one who shouted out was still a super strong.

The man in black bit his silver teeth secretly, wanting revenge, this time it is probably not enough.

Thinking of this, the face of the man in black became more stinky, and when the matter was settled, he would settle accounts with this kid again!

The man in black turned and left.

Lin Feng stood there with a smile, watching the man in black being crushed by the man.

The man shot directly, and the man in black immediately wailed.


Seeing the appearance of the man in black, Lin Feng turned around and walked away. Just walking out of this street, only a group of neatly-dressed Qi-refining disciples came toward this side, and they were still shouting loudly, "Go Over there, someone over there just called for help!"

Lin Feng's mouth twitched.

The guy that sentiment just shot is not the manager of the city at all, but these are the ones behind the crane.

It seems that these so-called city managers still can't be trusted. If you really believe them, his life is probably going to die.

Lin Feng shook his head and sighed.

A small car stopped in front, and a head poked out.

"Lin Feng!"

Xiao Nishang sat in the driving position, "Get in the car, I want you to perform the task and take you back!"

"Thank you crazy... Officer Xiao."

Lin Feng got into the car and saw that there were things behind Xiao Nishang. Is this... moving?

"Officer Xiao is moving here?"

Lin Feng swept across Xiao Nishang's luggage and asked in a low voice.

"Yes, I rented the house next to your house, and we will be neighbors in the future." Xiao Nishang's eyebrows were a little excited, "Happy?"

"Of course happy."

Lin Feng nodded immediately, his wife was about to live next to him, he was naturally happy.

Lin Feng's gaze swept across Xiao Nishang's body, "Officer Xiao, did you suddenly reluctant to bear me, so you moved here?"

Lin Feng smiled, and moved towards Xiao Nishang's side.

"Don't make trouble, I'm here to perform the task. The thief definitely has nowhere else to go. Only a mixed urban village like yours is suitable for him to live in!" Xiao Nishang gritted his teeth and said viciously, "I will definitely Those thieves caught it!"

Hearing Xiao Nishang's vows, Lin Feng touched his nose.

She really hasn't changed her personality at all. It's the same as before, and she's a lot of trouble. I don't know who caused her to be so unlucky.

Lin Feng nodded.

"Come on, Officer Xiao!"

Scanning Xiao Nishang's body, Lin Feng frowned. Xiao Nishang is just a mortal. It seems that we still have to find a way to introduce Xiao Nishang into the path of cultivation.

Lin Feng's thoughts turned, and Xiao Nichang drove directly to Lin Feng's front.


"Ah, uh."

Lin Feng got out of the car, Xiao Nishang turned his head and glanced at it, as if thinking of something, then turned his head to look at Lin Feng, and said, "You are a kid, there are culprits here, you should be careful when you go out. "

After that, Xiao Nishang turned around and left.

Lin Feng nodded and entered the door.

"Xiao Feng, who was it just now?"

Duan Xiuying brought out dinner and frowned and asked, "Why did I hear that someone was talking just now." 0

"The house next to him is rented out. It is a new neighbor." Lin Feng smiled and said, "The new neighbor has moved here. I just greeted me."

"That's right, then you can wait and ask if there is anything you need help. We have lived here for so long, so it should be a good idea." Duan Xiuying smiled and said to Lin Feng, "These days, It’s not easy for everyone!"

"It's okay, let's eat."

Lin Feng came out with a meal, "Mom, you will be less busy in the future. It will be too late at 2 o'clock in the morning."

Thinking of Duan Xiuying's hard work every day, Lin Feng said in a low voice.

"Mom is okay, Mom still has to save up college tuition for you!" Duan Xiuying's face was smiling, "Don't worry, Mom, it's all ready for you, you can study at ease."

Duan Xiuying put the meat in Lin Feng's bowl, "Eat more, finish homework early and rest."

Lin Feng sighed and said nothing.

To change the current state of the family, it seems that he still needs to go out and make some money to go home, but what should he do?

Lin Feng's thoughts rolled,

Duan Xiuying had already responded so much for the last three thousand yuan...

Lin Feng pushed the car out for Duan Xiuying. Just as he was ready, Xiao Nishang, the police flower, had already arrived.

"Auntie, please help me fry two dishes and pack them."

Xiao Nishang's gaze swept across Lin Feng's body, and Lin Feng immediately greeted with a smile.

"Mom~www.wuxiaspot.com~This is our new neighbor."

Duan Xiuying glanced at Xiao Nishang, nodded, and then fry two dishes for Xiao Nishang, "Eighteen yuan."

Xiao Nishang paid the money, took the bag and left. Just as Lin Feng was about to follow, Duan Xiuying grabbed Lin Feng's hand. Lin Feng was taken aback by Duan Xiuying's changes. He looked up and saw Duan Xiuyingyi. Standing there with a serious face, Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what had happened.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

Duan Xiuying paused before speaking, saying:

"Xiao Feng, stay away from her in the future. You are still a student. She is already a social person. She is not suitable. Don't worry. Mother will take care of the neighbors' affairs."

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