Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4698: Exclusion

"You mean, is this woman working for herself?"

"Of course, this teaching building is only a few million dollars, do you know how much she quoted?"

Xu Minjing stretched out her finger towards Lin Feng, "She quoted one hundred million for the two teaching buildings. She just bought the land to build it. One month!"

Lin Feng also felt a little surprised.

This woman's heart is much darker than he thought.

"However, we don't expect to stay too long in Shuhai Middle School. Leave these things to them." Xu Minjing shrugged and turned downstairs, and Lin Feng followed Xu Minjing.

These little women have been taking care of the family business these years. In many things, Lin Feng believes that they are doing better than her.

"By the way, Teacher Xu, I thought of one thing and talked to you."

Xu Minjing nodded.

"Do you remember that Taobao.com when we were on earth?"

"Who are you, do you want to get one too?"

Lin Feng nodded.

"This is a great opportunity to make money. You see that the world already has smartphones, but because of the intervention of cultivation civilization, in fact, many technological civilizations are still far behind the earth. This also gives us a chance, doesn't it?"

Lin Feng turned his head to look at Xu Minjing, "If it is really done, it will definitely be more convenient for us to deal with things in the future."

Xu Minjing nodded.

"Your proposal is good, but it's not easy to get it up."

"Isn't there someone else?" Lin Feng smiled, "We just have to do it. As for the next thing, there will always be a way."

Lin Feng thought about it seriously, "Wait until it's done thoroughly, then consider other things."

"I have almost some of the funds in the early stage, plus the insurance purchased by the parents of the body, should be enough for us to use." Xu Minjing thought for a while before she said, "You are not very familiar with the world now, you Don't worry too much, I'll be fine."

Hearing Xu Minjing's words, Lin Feng's heart was moved a little, and he grabbed Xu Minjing's hand and said, "Ms. Xu, there is no need to worry about this matter. I will tell you that if we can, we can study it. Now, as to whether it can succeed or not, that is all for the future."

Xu Minjing smiled and nodded.

"One more thing, I want to tell you."

Lin Feng paused, then spoke, "You said, is it possible that when you entered this space, you caused a time disorder. You should have appeared behind me, but you have appeared in mine. front."

Lin Feng frowned slightly, "In other words, there are still some people who have not reached this world at all. Does this possibility exist?"

Xu Minjing paused.

"This one……"

Indeed, they should have come after Lin Feng. As a result, after they came to this world, they appeared in front of Lin Feng!

"In other words, maybe Nishang Tongtong and the others are not attached to these people with their souls at all, but they are actually born from this world again, then if this is the case..."

Lin Feng nodded.

"If this is the case, the rest are also distributed in various places around the world, and the mica star is much larger than the earth. It will take a lot of time for us to find everyone back, but..."

Lin Feng pointed to his Dantian.

"Perhaps, it doesn’t take much time. They all have Dinghai God Orbs. There is only one Dinghai God Orb in my body. But as long as I meet other Dinghai God Orbs, the Dinghai God Orb in my body will feel. , Maybe, when I absorb more Dinghai God Orbs, I can directly locate them, maybe!"

"That would be the best."

Xu Minjing breathed a sigh of relief, "However, don't worry now. Several of our sisters are now in Shuhai. Everyone urgently needs to improve both in ability and cultivation. I believe that other sisters will continue to move towards Gathered here."

Lin Feng nodded, thinking of the crazy girl Tongtong and others, Lin Feng felt that one of his heads was bigger than a few.

"You go home first."

Standing at the gate of the community, Xu Minjing waved to Lin Feng, "Remember to pay attention to safety."

Lin Feng's mind moved and looked at Xu Minjing, but Xu Minjing turned around and left, leaving Lin Feng alone.

Lin Feng sighed.

Wives are too smart, and sometimes he is helpless.

Lin Feng slowly walked home carrying his schoolbag. Just after crossing the intersection, Lin Feng saw Xiao Nishang's car whizzing past him.


When did he offend this aunt again?

Looking at the rear of Xiao Nishang’s car, Lin Feng blinked, and then walked forward. Xiao Nishang’s car stopped not far in front. Lin Feng walked over. Xiao Nishang leaned on the seat, but his expression was still somewhat different. Very happy, Lin Feng knocked on the car window, Xiao Nishang raised his head, his eyes were still red.

"I'm fine."

Before Lin Feng could speak, Xiao Nichang drove away again.


this is?

Looking at the car going away, Lin Feng was speechless again.

The way to vent your feelings is to drive?

Or drive around?

Lin Feng shook his head, hesitated for a moment, or called Duan Wenbiao. He didn't answer the phone there. Lin Feng returned to the house and saw Xiao Nichang's car parked at the door. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your little girlfriend is very sad!"

Standing at the door, Shi Ningxue said with a smile, "My little lover has been very busy these days, and he doesn't want to talk to me."

"can not get connected?"

Shi Ningxue nodded, "Yes, I said that I was going to perform a very important task. I haven't heard from it until now. I feel a little itchy in my heart now."

Shi Ningxue pouted her mouth and said unhappy.

"Also, your family is in trouble too!"

Shi Ningxue pointed to the house~www.wuxiaspot.com~Don't you go in and take a look? "

Lin Feng nodded and put his hand on the door, but Lin Feng did not push the door in, but stood at the door listening.

"I'm scared of everything in my family?"

Shi Ningxue sneered, "In fact, Lin Feng, you should be a very curious talent!"

"Curiosity killed the cat, I don't want to kill myself at such a young age."

Lin Feng shrugged and said helplessly.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shi Ningxue smiled and said, "Don't forget, I can divination!"

"This world is not the world we are in. It repels us, but I have a body now. Therefore, the most repellent in this world now should be you. At this time, you are divining the fate of this world, and this world will let go. You?"

. Wonderful book house

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