Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4906: stalker

Seeing Duan Wenbiao's face filled with righteous indignation, Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment and sat beside Duan Wenbiao.

"Brother Duan, did you make a mistake?"

"Brother, I can't do other things, and my anti-tracking ability is good. That guy has followed my yard all the way. Did you say I was wrong?"

Duan Wenbiao opened the refrigerator and took the beer by himself, "I'm so kind to him because I'm blind."

Lin Feng let Duan Wenbiao sit, and brought out a lot of snacks, "My mother made it, you can taste it."

Duan Wenbiao nodded and yelled while eating.

"I didn't think that there would be results so soon, but that guy actually followed me directly here."

Duan Wenbiao took a big bite, "That guy is the stupidest stalker I have ever seen."

Lin Feng just smiled when he heard Duan Wenbiao's words.

"Don't startle me, maybe there will be more."

Seeing Duan Wenbiao's appearance, Lin Feng paused, and then said in a low voice, "Since these guys dare to come to the door, it must not be one or two. Maybe there are more people in it, but we didn't pay attention. Arrived."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Duan Wenbiao was taken aback for a moment before nodding. ,

"I know."

It took a long time for Duan Wenbiao to put down his chopsticks.

"Xiao Feng, what are you talking about these guys for?"

"People in the world are bustling, just for power and profit."

Lin Feng lay on the sofa and said with a smile.

"I don't have many rights."

"That's for other things, such as survival. Maybe you have what they want."

Duan Wenbiao scrutinized himself for a long time before shaking his head, and said, "I said, brother, don't tease me, don't you know something better than me?"

Hearing Duan Wenbiao's words, Lin Feng paused, then nodded and said, "That is, I know it, but others don't."

"You said, Xiaofeng, does he want to get your secret report from me?"

Duan Wenbiao leaned in front of Lin Feng and said quietly, "I think that guy is likely to be like this and can't get close to you, so just start with me. Don't worry, I will never reveal any secrets here."

Lin Feng was stunned for a long time before nodding.

Duan Wenbiao found a seat for himself, smiled, and said, "I think your brother is still very smart."

Hearing Duan Wenbiao's words, Lin Feng shook his head and didn't say much.

After talking to Lin Feng, and laughing with everyone, Duan Wenbiao turned around and went back.

"Did you tell this guy?" Li Yutong stood beside Lin Feng and whispered, "Maybe this guy will be interested!"

"It's useless to tell."

Lin Feng shook his head.

"To put it bluntly, the approval of this house is just like what he said. It is really poor and white. There is nothing on him. If you say this, this guy can't come up with anything. Why bother to talk about it? ?"

Lin Feng shook his head with helplessness on his face, "Furthermore, even if I told him, he might not understand it."

"Sometimes, the head is also a very important thing."

Lin Feng looked out the window, Duan Wenbiao was passionate, and the ability to solve crimes was not covered, but this guy still lacked something. These missing things made Duan Wenbiao unable to do it at all.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng waved his hand.

"Just let things go on like this. Maybe he can get a lot of things from them when he is tracking these guys. This is really good for him."

Lin Feng paused and shook his body.

"It's not too early. Let's rest early. Today is really tired."

Seeing that Lin Feng was reluctant to say more, Li Yutong nodded and did not ask any more. Everyone went back to rest early.

Lin Feng only got up the next morning, and Duan Wenbiao had already passed the note to Lin Feng about the hidden news about the people over there.

"so fast."

Seeing the note on the table, Xiao Nishang said with a smile, "Brother Duan is getting better and better."

Lin Feng threw the note aside and ate breakfast happily.

Venerable Xuyang sat beside Lin Feng.

"I have found what you asked me to find, but it is still somewhat different from what I thought about earlier. Do you want to see it now or wait a while?"

"Look at it now."

Venerable Xuyang placed the box in front of Lin Feng, "This is the thing. Those cultivators in the ghost market are all spatial ability cultivators, but it seems that these cultivators are not very powerful. They are separate individuals, and cultivators have rarely appeared, but I still inquired about something, and this white ball is what those cultivators were born with."

"Die, this thing will be taken back. I followed Duan Wenbiao to the police station, watched those guys go to the police station, and then took one back."

"this is?"

Everyone's gazes are all over~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing what Lin Feng is holding, their brows are frowned. At first glance, this thing is not a big thing, but it’s placed there now. But with a bit of mystery.

A faint breath lingers around, and everyone seems to have a lot of awareness of something instantly.

"This should be related to the ability of the children in the ghost market to cultivate space from the very beginning."

Lin Feng put the white **** in his hands to play, and then said with a smile, "However, this is the first time I have seen them."

"Is there any use?"

"of course."

Lin Feng put the white **** into the box, "This thing is the most important thing those cultivators have on their hands. Let's just say it. If we follow our words, this thing should be their natal thing. Your destiny, you are definitely something they put in their palms to take good care of. We just need to start from here."

The smile on Lin Feng's face deepened.

"Taking the white **** from them."

Everyone nodded, their faces seemed a little bit more eager.

"When fighting, you still have to be careful."

Seeing everyone's eagerness on their faces, Lin Feng paused, and then whispered, "These guys already know how to govern space. If they are not careful, they are likely to fall into their way. So, wait. When facing those guys, you must never take it lightly, otherwise, we will only suffer."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, several people looked at each other and then nodded.

Hearing what Lin Feng said, they also felt that they should really deal with those guys. Regardless of how they were being dealt with, they would definitely not suffer from this.

Please remember the domain name of the first publication of this book: Fengyun Novel Reading Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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