Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 757: Do you think we are dogs?

Although Zhou Yun had been to this disgusting factory last time, the scene she saw at the time was completely different from the current one.

The last time Zhou Yun pretended that a tourist was lost and asked for directions, she came in directly through the gate. Although the factory workshop was stuffy and rancid, the carcasses and carrion of these animals were treated separately in different pools. There are also many workers who are constantly cleaning and sweeping. Although it looks disgusting, it is nothing compared to the current situation.


I really couldn't help it anymore, Zhou Yun didn't dare to look at everything in this workshop anymore, she almost vomited the contents of her stomach.

"Lin Feng, it's disgusting here. Have you seen it? It's such a processing factory full of carrion and various animal carcasses. It turns out to be a place that produces the ham sausages we eat every day and some packaged cold fresh meat."

After vomiting for a long time, Zhou Yun barely managed to relax. Although she was extremely reluctant to see these disgusting images, in order to preserve the evidence, she took out her mobile phone to take pictures.

"Sister Yun, even though I was mentally prepared, it was still beyond my expectations. In such an environment, how can the processed meat be eaten by people?"

Although Lin Feng did not vomit, he was quite angry inside. He had often seen reports on TV about food unrest such as zombie meat or waste oil, but he always felt that it was irrelevant. He felt that the processing plants should also be a little unclean and careless. Did not take this type of issue too seriously.

But now, seeing the disgusting situation in this black-hearted processing factory, Lin Feng really can't stand it! I am afraid that I will not dare to eat meat for the next few days, and I have also understood and recognized Zhou Yun's dream.

"Yeah! Lin Feng, take a look... those rotten flesh, and those expired flesh, what's horrible is that these black-hearted merchants even mix up the carcasses of various animals to impersonate them. Beef and lamb."

Zhou Yun boldly walked inside to take pictures. At the corner of the wall, there were a pile of wild dog corpses that had just been peeled off, and many wild cats. Zhou Yun took her cell phone and gave a close-up of the dead animals.

"Using the carcass of wild cats and wild dogs to impersonate beef and mutton, as long as it is processed by some chemical reagents, and then packed in a clean-looking package after several rounds of deacidification, consumers can't tell whether it is good or bad. But really If you eat it in your stomach, the problem is serious. Not to mention the meat problem, the strong acids and other chemical reagents are strictly prohibited by the State Food and Drug Administration as a food additive, and they are not edible at all."

The beauty reporter Zhou Yun explained to Lin Feng the practices and harms of these black-hearted factories that were investigated while the ninja was taking pictures with her mobile phone.

"I have seen relevant reports on TV before. Some businesses use pork and additives to pretend to be beef and mutton. I didn't expect that even dog, cat, and mouse meat can be made like this. It is really disgusting. Is the conscience of these black-hearted bosses allowed to be eaten by dogs? Are they afraid that their own family members will be late to eat these disgusting meat outside?"

For the crimes of these black-hearted bosses, Lin Feng believed that it was not enough to execute them a thousand words or ten thousand times.

"Everything is because of profit. Lin Feng, ordinary beef and mutton is so expensive, tens of hundreds of dollars per catty. But if you use other animals plus some chemical reagents to replace, the cost is almost zero. These animals are the owners of the factory. Workers are asked to pick them up or catch them. For example, there are often many wild dogs missing in large numbers in the city. These black-hearted meat processing factories do this."

After taking enough photos, looking at the factory where the processing machines had been emptied, Zhou Yun put away the phone, and said worriedly, "It seems that those black-hearted bosses are already prepared, knowing that I am determined to expose. They. They actually moved their nests in advance, and the processing machines moved away overnight. Only these rotten flesh were of no value before they stayed."

"Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, these black-hearted bosses must have already figured out countermeasures for doing this kind of detrimental and self-interested deeds. When a processing plant is found, they will move to another place. As long as they are not caught on the spot, the machine will not After being seized and confiscated, their losses are not big at all. However, they can continue to produce this kind of black-hearted meat in a different location..."

Thinking of this, Lin Feng regretted why he had just killed the black-hearted boss Huang Furen without being cruel. This kind of scum was not worthy of living in this world.

"What should I do then? Lin Feng, I finally found this place after investigating for a month and after reports from the masses. Now that they have moved to other places, they have completely abandoned their previous efforts. Even if I expose the photos taken here After they come out, they can change the brand and company name to continue production, it won't work at all."

Nai’s Zhou Yun sighed while looking at the empty factory building, but Lin Feng looked around and spotted some of the chemical reagents in the factory, and said with a cleverness: "Sister Yun, look... when these black-hearted workshops deal with rotten meat, All kinds of chemical reagents have to be added. So over the years, their machines must have been stained with the smell of heavy chemical reagents."

"What do you mean? Lin Feng, don't you mean...rely on the smell of the chemical reagent to find the location of their workshop, right?" Zhou Yun asked with some confusion.

"Yes! Sister Yun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ My thoughts are like this. Think about it, since they transported those machines from here overnight, as long as we look for the smell of chemical reagents, we will be able to find them. ’S next den."

Lin Feng pointed to a pool of green acidic liquid in front of him and said, "If you smell it, these chemical reagents have a very strong smell. Even after one night, there must be some smell left on the road. We just need to smell this. Smell, you can definitely find it."

"Well! The smell is quite heavy, but..."

Zhou Yun clutched her nose and sniffed, but she still said in a somewhat unoptimistic manner, "Lin Feng, do you think we are dogs? It is too unrealistic to find out by smelling the smell. These chemical smells are Although it is heavy here, after a whole night outside, it must have dissipated. Anyway, my nose is not that good..."


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