Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 802: Sure enough

"What? Lin Feng, can you make a mistake? Uncle Gen has a problem? Probably not? He is the person your mother invited. He should be absolutely reliable! Besides, I think others are quite Honestly. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a! Like you said, Uncle Gen has a passion for your mother. For your mother hasn’t married a wife and had children until now, how could he do anything to endanger the hero’s restaurant?"

Li Yutong felt a little weird about Lin Feng's suspicion. After all, according to her contact with Zhang Wanggen in Heroes' Restaurant these days, Zhang Wanggen should not be that kind of person. Moreover, what Jia Linfeng said, Zhang Wanggen had been in love with Mother Lin for so long, and it was even more impossible to do anything harmful to Mother Lin.

"Sister Tongtong, you still know Uncle Gen. I know Uncle Gen should not be that kind of person, but people will change. Sometimes, in the face of huge interests, he may not be able to withstand the temptation and temptation. Of course, I also have some feelings for Uncle Gen, and of course I don’t want Uncle Gen to have any problems. But when I mentioned that I was going to the cold storage to check the cold meat, Uncle Gen’s expression had already betrayed him."

Lin Feng also said helplessly, "Moreover, Sister Tongtong, you should have found out just now. Uncle Gen seems to be thinking for us that the cold storage is too cold to enter. But in reality, he is in disguise. Prevent us from entering the cold storage."

"Huh? It seems like this. When I was going into the cold storage the first two times, Uncle Gen didn't seem to remind me of this. Instead, he opened the'door' of the library and let me in." Li Yutong also thought about it, also suspicious. "So it seems that Uncle Gen may really have a problem. So, Lin Feng, what should we do when we enter the cold storage?"

"Sister Tongtong, this is the reason I want to tell you here. After entering the cold storage for a while, how should we check and check. But we must be quiet, even if we see that the meat inside is wrong, Don’t puncture it either. Uncle Gen himself definitely doesn’t have the guts and brains to change our'meat'. Therefore, someone behind him must be instructing. What we need to do now is once we find that the'meat' is Changed, Shun Teng'touched' the melon, grabbing the master behind from the line of Uncle Gen..."

Lin Feng looked at Zhang Wanggen, who was opening the cold storage, and said in a deep voice.

"Okay! Lin Feng, I will cooperate with you for a while." Li Yutong nodded.

"Xiao Feng, President Li, the'door' of the cold storage is open. You can come in and see..."


Zhang Wanggen tried to open the big iron'door' of the cold storage, and the air-conditioning inside continued to leak out.

"Go! Sister Tongtong, let's go in and have a look."

With a wink, Lin Feng and Li Yutong walked into the frozen cold storage.

"Xiao Feng, President Li! The five tons of sai-flavored frozen'meat' are over there, you can take a look. Also, here are some other ingredients, old man, I will check it every night before going to bed. Don't worry! There will be no difference."

Zhang Wanggen guided Lin Feng and Li Yutong into the cold storage and introduced them to the stacking of the ingredients inside. At first, he talked about the batch of frozen ‘meat’, and then immediately wanted to divert his attention and talked about some other ingredients.

"It's really hard work, Uncle Gen! Well! The packaging of these'meat' brands is indeed competitive, we can rest assured."

After entering the cold storage and seeing this batch of frozen'meats', Lin Feng just looked at the packaging and signs on the outside symbolically, and nodded.

"That's it! Mr. Li personally contacted Saiwei to order the goods. The quality of'meat' is the best. So, don't worry, Xiaofeng! There will be no problems.

Seeing Lin Feng looking at other places, Zhang Wanggen was relieved. But Li Yutong was weird. He secretly pulled Lin Feng and whispered, "Lin Feng, didn't you say you want to check this batch of ‘meat’? Why did you look at the package and not open it to check it?"

"Sister Tongtong, have you forgotten that we are cultivators and have spiritual sense. Why should we open the package to check? Just scan it with spiritual sense and don’t know what it is like? And, this kind of black-hearted'flesh' Since you dare to pretend to be quality'meat', it is difficult to tell from the outside at first glance. You have to scan the inside with your spiritual sense to know that the quality of'meat' is completely deteriorated, and there are many chemical residues." Lin Feng responded in a low voice.

"Ah? Yes! With spiritual sense, I often forget to have spiritual sense. This is a lot more convenient..." Li Yutong also followed Lin Feng's method and used spiritual sense to move towards the frozen piece of meat. Swept over.

The result was shocking. Li Yutong saw the five tons of frozen'meat'. Almost none of them was good'meat'. All of them were rotten'meat', expired'meat', and processed by chemical reagents. Mutations, some are still black and yellow, and cannot eat at all.

"Unexpectedly, what Lin Feng said was true. The batch of'meat' we entered was really tempted by others. Moreover, if this kind of'meat' is really cooked, how can it be eaten? "

After seeing the true face of these ‘meat’, Li Yutong was also secretly startled, and a chill came from his heart. Fortunately, Lin Feng discovered the clue this time. Otherwise, if he really uses these ‘meat’ to cook on the day of the opening, he will definitely smash the sign of his shop.

"Lin Feng, it turns out that they are really black-hearted'meat', what should we do now?" Li Yutong asked Lin Feng secretly.

"Don't do anything! Sister Tongtong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We pretended not to find it, and we went to see other ingredients."

Lin Feng smiled, and then said to Zhang Wang Gentao almost, "Uncle Gen, we are relieved that you are looking at our cold storage. The cold storage is too cold, shall we go out?"

"Okay, okay... Let me say it! There is an old man with me, keep a hundred hearts."

Seeing that Lin Feng and Li Yutong hadn't even opened the frozen'meat' package, Zhang Wanggen was completely relieved, thinking that he was scaring himself. He quickly sent Lin Feng and Li Yutong out of the cold storage.

"Then...Uncle Gen, sister Tongtong and I will go first. Don't hide in the underground floor all day long. You should have extra ventilation. Otherwise, the humidity underneath is so heavy that you will get rheumatism..."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, they pretended to go back down the stairs together with Li Yutong, but in reality, when they got there, Lin Feng pulled Li Yutong and leaned against the stairs, and whispered, "Sister Tongtong, your spiritual sense is also out of reach. Let it out. I guess Uncle Gen must call to report to the person behind the conspiracy..."


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