Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 831: "Don't Be Confident"

At an altitude of 10,000 meters above the ground, on the flight dnj520 from Chi'an to Beijing, suddenly the music on the radio channel was cut off. Instead, such a strange sound came out, whether it was the passengers of the plane or the crew members. Get up somehow. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā!

"Sister Qing, you listen to the radio, what's going on? Isn't the next show?"

The stewardess Huang Wanqing hurried to the work and rest area, reporting like the flight attendant Luo Qingqinghui.

"This voice is... from Xiao Feng..."

Luo Qingqing, who was in the rest area, also heard the voice on the radio, with a startled expression, "Sure enough, he said it to Teacher Xu. Moreover, he also made a poem for Teacher Xu. It is called..."

"What Xiaofeng? Sister Qing, could it be said...Do you know this sound? Could it be that our aircraft's system was hacked? How could other sounds be played suddenly?" Huang Wanqing said anxiously. After all, at an altitude of 10,000 meters, even mobile phones cannot be eaten, because they are afraid that the aircraft’s instruments will malfunction. If the system of a real airplane is hacked, the consequences will be even more disastrous.

"It's okay. Wanqing, this should be sent from the company headquarters, not a hacker. You go out and talk to the passengers, um... You said that a gentleman commissioned our company to play this recording , Please comfort everyone."

When Luo Qingqing heard that the voice belonged to Lin Feng, and she knew that Lin Feng was the second largest shareholder of Southeast Airlines, she immediately decided that Lin Feng could not catch up with Mr. Xu, and the plane could not use mobile phones, so she could only use this recording. The way to pass information to Teacher Xu.

"So it's like this! Then... Sister Qing, let me explain to the passengers."

Knowing that there was no problem, Huang Wanqing was also relieved, and then returned to the cabin.

"Huh! Xiaofeng, what's wrong with this stinky boy today? Did you write a poem early and another in the afternoon. It's really leisurely and elegant! However, from this poem? In terms of the content, Xiao Feng's relationship with this beautiful class teacher, Teacher Xu, is definitely not shallow..."

Listening to the song read by Lin Feng's affectionate section on the radio, Luo Qingqing's heart is of course a sour piece. He became jealous, and snorted, "When I fly back tomorrow, sure I want Xiaofeng, this stinky boy, to write a poem for me."

While in the cabin, some of the hundreds of passengers were sleeping with their eyes squinted, some were reading with a book, some were talking in a low voice, and some were enjoying the radio music, but suddenly the music was cut off. There was such an unfamiliar voice on the radio, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

After all, the plane’s broadcast was not for Xu Minjing alone. Xu Minjing could hear Lin Feng's recording, and naturally other passengers could also hear it.

At the beginning, everyone thought it was just a small change in the radio channel and an "interlude", but after hearing it, they discovered that this passage was recorded on purpose by someone deliberately recorded on the plane. That teacher Xu might be In this plane.

What moved the passengers even more to the surprise and surprise was that at the end of Lin Feng's recording, he even read such a beautiful and sad ancient poem.

"What's the matter? Listen to the song well, what does it mean?"

"Listen carefully, it seems to be a confession! Or something..."

"'Quite' interesting, is this Teacher Xu in our plane?"


When the passengers were speculating, the stewardess Huang Wanqing hurriedly stepped up to clarify, "I'm very sorry, friends, passengers, a recording broadcast on the radio was commissioned by a gentleman to broadcast by Southeast Airlines. I hope that the Xu The teacher can hear his voice. I hope you can forgive me for the trouble caused by other passengers."

Huang Wanqing's explanation made the other passengers even more sure that the teacher Xu who was recording was on the plane.

"Wow! Remembrance and confession of airplanes! Southeast Airlines is simply too sexual, and there is such a business!" A young guy dressed up as a trendy guy hugged his female friend sitting next to him. , Said with a smile, "Nan Nan! Next time you are angry and fly away from home by yourself, remember to choose Southeast Airlines flight. How about I also give you such a touching recording to confess?"

"This young man is very charming! It's awesome to write such ancient poems, and awesome!" An old man with white hair and eyes nodded and said, obviously he wrote this to Lin Feng A song greatly appreciated.

"That Teacher Xu is really happy! Someone writes poems to her like this, and reads poems to her in this high-altitude airplane. It's really too ‘wave’!"

There are a few "girls" on the plane who are in their twenties, who are full of envy, jealousy and hatred! Just ask, which "girl" has never imagined that there is a person who is so affectionate for herself? Still so talented to write such a touching poem?

"The beauty of Qingshui's "flowers" is prosperous, and the lone leaf keeps the "flowers" floating by themselves.

At this time, Xu Minjing was relying on the small table in the seat, repeating the poem written by Lin Feng to her. After reading this sentence, she seemed to see that Lin Feng was surrounded by many beautiful'girls' like'flowers', and she was one of them, and she was the one that didn't dare to really show up.

"Unknown duckweed is a guest, canoeing at the head of the Lishui River."

After Xu Minjing repeated the second sentence, a sour feeling came to her heart. Leaving home to teach in Zhi'an, an unfamiliar city, isn't she the "duckweed" described by Lin Fengshi? The poem "Canoeing on a boat~www.wuxiaspot.com~" in this unfamiliar big river in Zhi'an City simply speaks to Xu Minjing's heart and speaks of all the pain and tears she suffered in Zhi'an City.

"The gurgling water is empty and sad, and the wind is chilling."

After reading the third sentence, Xu Minjing didn’t know why. She imagined Lin Feng at this moment in her mind, standing on the road next to the Min River, looking up at the blue'colored' vast sky, and looking at the chase of the water. A sense of desolation that cannot be expected.

"At this time, I care about two other people, and I am especially pity for cherishing beautiful women."

After reading the last sentence, Xu Minjing sighed with infinite emotion. Yes! After this parting and separating the two places, is there still a chance to meet again?

"Lin Feng, thank you! The teacher received your poem. The teacher will definitely cherish himself! Two months later, we...see you in the capital!"

With a faint smile, at this moment, Xu Min was too entangled and puzzled, and all was relieved.


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