Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 839: transaction

"Really? Teacher Xu, I often listen to Uncle Lin recently saying that Xiao Feng often stays late at your home to make up lessons and doesn't come back!"

Both of them were wrapped in white'color' bath towels to set off their graceful figures. Luo Qingqing raised Erlang's legs, sat on the'bed', and asked with a smile. *WwW.suimeng.lā. . !

"I...I'm giving Lin Feng a small stove. Isn't this horse going for the college entrance examination? Lin Feng's previous grades were so poor, and he won't give him more supplementary lessons. He... can he take the first place?"

When Luo Qingqing asked about this, Xu Minjing felt a little guilty. I always feel that Luo Qingqing is here to catch the ‘rape’. Sitting on the ‘bed’, she is a little afraid to look at her with her head down.

"In that case, Xiao Feng's ability to take the first place this time is still due to Teacher Xu who made up for him. I have to thank Teacher Xu for Xiao Feng."

When Luo Qingqing saw Xu Minjing's guilty conscience, she actually knew it in her heart. In fact, after the plane heard Lin Feng’s recordings and poems to Xu Minjing, Luo Qingqing had actually guessed that Lin Feng and Xu Minjing were not simply a teacher-student relationship.

It's just that Luo Qingqing still doesn't know where Xu Minjing and Lin Feng have reached, so they also took the opportunity to discuss their common topic Lin Feng, and further followed Xu Minjing's rhetoric.

"Give it to me? I don't dare to take credit. It is the result of Lin Feng's own hard work. I...I just fulfilled the responsibility of a teacher."

Xu Minjing's face blushed, recalling the two scenes where Lin Feng spent the night at her home, where did she make up for Lin Feng? Especially once, when I was in the same room with Lin Feng, a lone man and a "female", they really did something like that.

Just thinking about that kind of thing, Xu Minjing felt blushing and hot. When facing Luo Qingqing, he was even more guilty and didn't dare to look directly into her eyes.

"Teacher Xu is humble. Without a good teacher like you, Lin Feng wouldn't be able to have such good grades!"

With that, Luo Qingqing turned the topic off again and suddenly asked, "Mr. Xu, you are so beautiful. There must be a lot of people chasing you in school? I wonder if you have a boyfriend now?"

"Boyfriend? I... I have never'made' a boyfriend." Xu Minjing said slightly shyly.

"Never'makes' a boyfriend? Teacher Xu is still'quite' innocent! Then... don't you have a heart?"

During this conversation, Luo Qingqing almost completely grasped the initiative and began to slowly follow Xu Minjing's words.

"My heart? But...maybe it is!"

Xu Minjing couldn't help but think of Lin Feng when she heard the words "heart person". Thinking of the details of that night, she shook her pink ‘lips’ and said sweetly.

"Yes? Who is it?" Luo Qingqing asked quickly.

"This... Qingqing, it's not easy to say! You...you definitely don't know."

Realizing that she might have said something wrong, Xu Minjing immediately changed her words.

"Teacher Xu is so embarrassed! But it is true that Teacher Xu should be a little older, and it is time to talk about marriage. I am often urged by my mother to find a boyfriend! Not to mention Teacher Xu , Must have often been urged to marry by family members?" Seeing Xu Minjing avoiding this question, Luo Qingqing began to ask in a roundabout way.

"Qingqing, you don’t have a boyfriend? Impossible! You are flight attendants, and you are not as narrow as our teacher’s social circle. All you face are class students and school teachers. I look at airplanes. Many male passengers greet you, you should be able to find your boyfriend easily!"

Xu Minjing was not stupid, and immediately threw the question back to Luo Qingqing in a roundabout way.

"Like Teacher Xu, there are a lot of people chasing me. But yeah! I...I also have a person of love, so naturally I can't see those people." Luo Qingqing replied subconsciously.

"My heart? Qingqing, who is your heart?" Xu Minjing also asked Luo Qingqing this question with a smile.

"This...it's not easy to say! Teacher Xu, you definitely don't know you after you say it."

Like Xu Minjing, Luo Qingqing refused to answer this question directly. However, after looking at each other with a smile, both of them seemed to have seen some clues.

"Forget it! Teacher Xu, it's getting late, or let's turn off the lights and go to bed! Tomorrow, don't you have to report to Beijing Normal University as early as possible?" Seeing that Luo Qingqing could not ask Xu Minjing what he was doing, she almost got caught up. After speaking, he proposed.

"En! I'm also a little sleepy. Then... I'll turn off the light!"

With that, Xu Minjing snapped off the light in the room. Two big beautiful'females' with first-class figures and looks, squeezed into a'bed' to sleep in this way, it is a bit of atrocious meaning.

Lying in the'bed', Luo Qingqing couldn't sleep, and Xu Minjing couldn't sleep for a while. After experiencing so much today, it is difficult for her to calm down.

"Ms. Xu, are you...asleep?"

After being silent for a while, Luo Qingqing asked tentatively.

"No! Qingqing, why haven't you slept yet?" Xu Minjing replied.

"Can't sleep! Or... Teacher Xu, let's talk again!" Luo Qingqing said.

"Okay! I just can't sleep either! But what are you talking about?"

Xu Minjing paused, and then said, "Qingqing, didn't you mean... Lin Feng was the one you grew up watching? Or... Tell me something about Lin Feng when he was a child? Especially interesting Things, okay?"

"What happened to Lin Feng when he was a child! Hehe! That's okay! However, as an exchange, Teacher Xu, you have to tell me... Some things about Lin Feng in the school, how?" Luo Qingqing said voluntarily. .

"Successful to make! Let's do this! Qingqing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You say first... You said something about Lin Feng when he was a child, I said something about Lin Feng in school." Xu Minjing immediately agreed. .

The two found a common topic, and became even less sleepy, and began to tell the story enthusiastically. The protagonists of these stories, without exception, are Lin Feng. This is a ‘crossover’ between two ‘female’ people, and the object of the ‘crossover’ is the story of Lin Feng.

"Teacher Xu, let me tell you! Lin Feng was really cute when he was a kid. After he got into trouble at home and did something wrong, he would run to our house to take refuge. Hehe! But it's a pity that every time he was taken by Aunt Zhang. The'chicken and feather' dusters were all caught back. I asked him why he was caught every time by his mother and ran to our house? Guess what he said?" Luo Qingqing said with a smile.

"What did Lin Feng say?" Xu Minjing asked with interest.

"Hee hee! Lin Feng told me that he wanted me to watch him get taken away...hee hee! Do you think he was cute!" Luo Qingqing recalled when he was a child, one after another with Lin Feng The days passed, the smile spread out.


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