Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 903: 1 stroke to defeat (part 2)

Ouyang Feng naturally heard the voices of the students around him, but in his opinion, Lin Feng, no matter how good he was, is a campus master. *WwWW.suimeng.lāPin Book Net

This kind of campus bully who has a few tricks to dominate in the school, he Ouyang Feng has been in the school since he was a child, but he has not cleaned up. Therefore, after confirming that Lin Feng was not a warrior, Ouyang Feng paid no attention at all.

Lin Feng was just a stepping stone in his eyes. He laughed at Xiao Nishang to let himself defeat an ordinary person. It was really easy!

However, when Xiao Nishang saw Ouyang Feng so relaxed and vigilant in the back, he secretly laughed in his heart, "Ouyang Feng, do you really think Lin Feng is just an ordinary person? Let alone you, even the cousin who is on the sixth floor after tomorrow He defeated him with one move. Your acquired skills on the fifth floor are not enough for Lin Feng."

That's right, Xiao Nishang deliberately provoke Ouyang Feng to Lin Feng's side and ask Lin Feng to help her deal with Ouyang Feng's "medicine".

"How is it? Your classmates seem to say that you are great! Come on! Have a fight with me."

The more the students around him booed, the more excited Ouyang Feng was. It has been a long time since he had a fight with others on campus. Moreover, these students are not optimistic about him now, this kind of counterattack under the circumstances that no one else is optimistic, and the feeling of blinding these people's eyes, thinks it is very ‘great’.

However, at this moment, Lin Feng smiled slightly and asked, "Are you sure you want to fight me?"

"Of course, this is still false? Why? Don't you dare?" Ouyang Feng said with certainty.

"There is nothing I dare not dare to, but I want to ask, what are you fighting for?" Lin Feng said, glancing at Xiao Nishang who was smirking at the end.

"You have to ask, of course it is to win you. Humph! Brat, don't think that you are really the best in the world when you dominate here in Zian. Today I will let you know what it means to have a heaven and someone outside the world. ..."

Crackling, in order to strengthen his momentum, Ouyang Feng said a lot of things that he thought to be aggressive and provocative.

"You fight with me to beat me?"

Lin Feng didn't pay attention to him at all, and asked again.

"Of course, why are you talking so much nonsense? Can you fight or not?" Ouyang Feng said impatiently.

"Okay! I'm done asking, now...you won. Okay?"

To everyone's surprise, Lin Feng didn't mean to fight Ouyang Feng at all. He smiled and said that Ouyang Feng had won.

"What...what? You...you must be afraid of me. Brat, you...what's the point of you saying that? I have to defeat you face to face."

Ouyang Feng also froze for a while, he did not expect that Lin Feng would not play cards according to the routine at all! Generally, like this, they are overlord-level characters in schools, and when they are challenged by people from outside the school, and when so many students are watching, shouldn’t it be the needle-point to the wheat, tit-for-tat, not shrinking, fighting for the honor of the school Are you going to die?

However, when Ouyang Feng had made a ruthless move to beat Lin Feng to the ground, Lin Feng said lightly, "You have won." Suddenly, there were 10,000 grass-and-mud horses whizzing past Ouyang Feng's heart!

At the same time, the students around me were surprised. Every time they saw Lin Feng stood up recklessly, either to maintain the honor of Yi, or to protect Qin Yanran and Teacher Xu, Lin Feng would be there. Come forward for the first time, and the offender will be beaten severely. However, today, this rich elder brother Ouyang Feng was bullied, and after so much harsh words, Lin Feng actually dismissed it with such a simple "you won".

"What happened to Lin Feng today? Why didn't you fight?"

"Yeah! I still want to watch Lin Feng teach this arrogant brother hard!"

"No! Think about it, why did Lin Feng fight? This incident has nothing to do with Lin Feng! That young man came to pursue Xiao Nishang, and then came to a duel with Lin Feng somehow. Lin Feng is not a fool. , Why fight him?"

"Yes! I just wanted to watch a good show, but didn't notice this. Lin Feng really has no reason to shoot!"


The most depressing thing is Xiao Nishang. She originally wanted to take advantage of Lin Feng's hand to clean up that Ouyang Feng, but who knew that Ouyang Feng was a trick, but Lin Feng saw through her'conspiracy' at a glance, directly He gave up, making Xiao Nichang so angry that his lungs were about to explode, and he rushed forward and shouted at Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, you are still not a man? Ouyang Feng has provoke you like this, did you give up like this?"

"Otherwise? Crazy girl, Ouyang and I seem to have no grievances and no grudges! We are humans! Peace is the most important thing. Didn’t the national leaders also say? What we want to build now is a harmonious society, young people ...Don't yell and kill all day long..."

Seeing Xiao Nichang rushing in angrily, Lin Feng knew that she had broken her'conspiracy', so he snickered in his heart, but he still pretended to say so on the surface.

"Nishang, hehe! You heard it too, he just said that he lost to me, should you honor what you just said?"

Ouyang Feng is not stupid either. Seeing that Lin Feng seemed to not want to wade in the muddy water, he was even more pleased to turn around and ask Xiao Nishang for credit.

"No! Ouyang Feng, you didn't fight Lin Feng, how can it be considered a win?"

The plan of the'Jing' mind came to nothing. Xiao Nichang squinted his eyes and stared at Lin Feng again, gritted his teeth and said, "You... Lin Feng, I... I've convinced you. What are you going to do? Ken and Ouyang Fengwu?"

"Isn't it easy? Crazy girl, I heard that I still owe you a condition. Can you use this condition to let me and this Ouyang son Wu?" Lin Feng said with a smile, and his purpose was exposed. , Xiao Nishang, you want to use him to deal with Ouyang Feng, Lin Feng will not be so stupid for nothing, of course, you have to take the opportunity to get this condition back~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng, you are so cunning, so you played It's such an idea. "Xiao Nishang said angrily.

"Normally, crazy girl, isn't this what I learned from you? How? Agree? If you disagree, I can go to the cafeteria for dinner with Yanran." Lin Feng said without fear.

"Successful, Lin Feng, you are ruthless today. However, I'm ahead of you. You didn't beat Ouyang Feng to the ground. This condition does not count."

"That's not a piece of cake."

Lin Feng smiled slightly and glanced at Ouyang Fengdao.

"What? Brat, what are you talking about, it should be my trick to kill you..."

When Ouyang Feng heard Lin Feng’s rant and was about to attack Lin Feng with a fist, suddenly a gust of wind heard in his ear, and he felt that his back was suddenly hit by a heavy blow. Yihe, completely lost his strength, collapsed and knelt on the ground.


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