Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 911: Damn Lin Feng

In the yard, Liu Yan Ru closed the door, and heard Yuan Hongtian still yelling outside, and he became even more upset. *WWW.suimeng.lā!

"This damned Lin Feng asked him to help. As a result, he actually took Dr. Yuan's money. What...what's this? It's not like that in TV dramas! It's not written like that in novels. ! Normally at this time, shouldn't Lin Feng want to help me scare Doctor Yuan away? Who knows, he is such a person."

Liu'Yan' and Ru usually watch some idol dramas and romance novels of'female' students at home when she has nothing to do. This is often the case in them. When the ‘female’ protagonist encounters a suitor, she will pretend that the protagonist is her boyfriend to resist all suitors.

But by the way, everything today does not follow the plot of the novel, especially when Lin Feng is still helping Yuan Hongtian speak, and he is almost mad at Liu Yanru.

"Hey! Maybe, I don't have the life of the "female" protagonists in novels and TV dramas? I can only live a life like this ordinary, and then wait for the old age to get old, and then find a man to marry me?"

In the young "spring" years, I would like to ask, is there any "girl" who does not imagine her beautiful love, and which "girl" does not think that she is the "female" protagonist of an idol drama?

However, novels are novels, and idol dramas are also idol dramas, written by those who have never been in love. It was Guangliang’s lyric that was well sung, "All fairy tales are deceptive."

After locking the ‘door’ of the yard, Liu’yan laughed bitterly and walked to the ‘door’ of her house. However, in his mind, he didn't know why Lin Feng had just said to him.

"From today, Nurse Liu and I are not a male'female' friend anymore."

This sentence was deliberately said by Lin Feng just now. But I don't know why, Liu'Yan'ru ​​now feels a heartache in retrospect.

"What's the matter? I obviously...have nothing to do with Lin Feng, but why, when he says this to me, I feel uncomfortable and heartache?"

Biting her thin'lip', Liu Yanru shook her head vigorously, "No! No! I can't like that sleazy stinky guy all day long, hum! Do me a small favor. Refusing to see money so open..."

Liu ‘Yan’ Ru pushed open the ‘door’ of his home and shouted inside, "Mom! I'm back, how are you? Are you better today?"

"'Yan' Ruah! Mom is fine, I think my head is a little groggy..."

In the bedroom, Mother Liu ‘touched’ the ‘door’ frame and walked out. Her two eyes were invisible, so she could only ‘touch’ the edge of the corner and walk out carefully. Thanks to the furnishings in this house, she has become accustomed to it, otherwise she would be extremely easy to trip over the bottles and jars under her feet.

"Mom! That won't work. If you feel uncomfortable, I will take you to our hospital? The fall yesterday, don't have a concussion!"

Liu'Yan' Ru hurriedly supported her mother, looked at the bandage of the wound on her forehead, and said distressedly.

"'Yan'ru, mom is really fine. If you don't go to the hospital, you go to the hospital and you have to'spend' money. Mom was originally a burden on you, and there is no way to help you. Now, it drags you even more... Hey! I heard from my sister-in-law Hong next door that several guys from several homes looked at you and wanted to'door' to propose a marriage. The result was that they learned about the situation of mom,...there is no more?" Mother Liu said with a remorse. , "What's the point of being alive like this? Isn't it a drag on you? The fall yesterday might as well fall to death!"

"Mom! What nonsense are you talking about? It really has nothing to do with you, I... I don't see those, there are more people chasing me. Really, I don't see any of them. I really don't want to marry , I’ve been with Mom at home."

Seeing her mother like this, Liu Yanru's heart hurt even more, and she hugged her tightly. From childhood to adulthood, Liu Yanru grew up in a single-parent family. When he was six or seven years old, his **** father abandoned his wife, leaving behind their mother and daughter. They didn’t know where they went. Mother cried for three days and three nights, and finally cried blindly, but in the end it was still very difficult to pull her big.

Therefore, Liu Yanru knew how difficult life was since she was a child, and she also realized that it is not easy for her mother to raise herself. It is precisely because of this that Liu Yanru is like a hedgehog, protecting herself with thorns all over her body. Because of her unconscionable father, she has never had a good impression of men.

Although she is the most beautiful'girl' child around here, there are quite a few people who look at her and want to propose a marriage'door', but many see her dragging a blind mother and the family situation is so bad. Are afraid. As for the pursued doctors and patients in the hospital, Liu Yanru certainly has no interest, let alone bring them to her home. Because she knew that if she really got married and dragged her blind mother, she would be discriminated against and looked down upon by her husband's family.

Originally Liu'Yan' Ru thought, he might as well not marry all his life and guard his mother by his side so as not to prevent her from being wronged all day long. But today, when I saw my mother so distressed because of her life-long event, Liu Yanru felt like a knife cut in her heart. She really wanted to find a decent family to marry, regardless of whether she loved it or not. , At least let the mother rest assured and let her not blame herself...

"'Yan' Ru! It's your mother who hurt you, followed an unscrupulous man, and cried blindly again. Mom has done this in this life, so you can let her die, so as not to live so much. It's a drag on you. The "female" person's youthful "spring" has lasted so many years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you delay any longer, it will be more difficult to find..." Mother Liu cried helplessly.

"Mom! Who said that, I... I actually already have a boyfriend, and I'm about to talk about marriage. Just... just now he sent me home! Really, you don't have to worry about me That..." Liu Yanru said as she cried and touched her tears.

"Come on! Yan Ru, my mother's eyes are blind, but my heart is not blind. Am I not sure if my "girl" has a boyfriend? If you have a boyfriend, why have you never seen you with him? Come back? Didn't even mention it?" Mother Liu shook her head and said when she heard that it was the daughter who had deliberately said it to comfort her.

"Who said, Mom, I really didn't lie to you, I really have a man..."

Liu'Yan' Ru knew that her mother had seen her through her mind, but she still said stiffly. At this moment, a familiar and warm voice suddenly came from behind her.

"Auntie, Yan Ru dare not lie to you. Didn't I come here?"


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