Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 922: it stink

"What? The toilet is going to blow up? How is this possible? God, are you **** teasing me? Stand up a bit more, and my horse crawls out. <щww.suimeng.lā,. Pinshu.com"

Frozen for a moment, and a little panic, hurriedly continued to climb outside.

"No way! Really... the smell is already coming, Brother Hao, what should I do? This toilet really seems to be exploding..."

Hong Tianyi, who was lying on the ground, could feel the tremors of the ground best, and he was already yelling anxiously.

"How the **** did I know? Hurry...hurry up and help me out..."

This was not finished. Suddenly, the entire toilet blasted open with a bang, and countless excrement and sewage broke out from the sewage pipes inside. The stench radiated out instantly. The two people in the bathroom and Hong Tianyi had already It was terrible, their bodies, mouths, and disgusting excrement everywhere.

The loud noise also alarmed the inspection team of the college entrance examination and the police stationed in Zhi'an No. 2 and they immediately rushed to the bathroom on the second teaching building.

"What's going on? Why is there a loud noise in the bathroom on the second teaching building? Is it an explosion?"

It was Zhi’an Er’s teaching director Lu Mingchuan, who was also his cousin who said this, and it was his cousin who was able to be so arrogant in Jae Er.

"I don't know! Director Lu, it seems like... there was a big explosion in the toilet over there. We are sending someone to look over!" the person under his hand replied.

"Today is the college entrance examination! Why the toilet said that there was an explosion... Ma... Ma called the workers from the maintenance company to come over, and we must ensure the smooth progress of the college entrance examination."

Lu Mingchuan immediately gave orders and said, "I'll go there too, are there any casualties in the toilet?"

"I don't know, Director Lu, but now Ma is taking the test. There should be no one in the toilet, right?"

"Well, there is no problem with casualties of candidates, just an accident..."

After Lu Mingchuan said this, he rushed to the toilet in the second teaching building with the teachers under his hand.

At this time, Zhi'an TV reporter Zhou Yun, who was interviewing for the college entrance examination on the second campus of Zhi'an, heard the explosion and quickly reacted, shouting at the camera uncle, "Explosion! On the second teaching building." , Uncle Wang, we passed by, it must be big news."

This week Yun really did where the news jumped. Regardless of the police's obstruction, she forced the cameraman to rush out of a **** road and killed the third floor of the second teaching building where the explosion occurred.

In the third teaching building, the examinees who heard the explosion were a little flustered, but the invigilator immediately stabilized the situation. When the 33 exam room, the invigilator said sternly, "Don’t panic, everyone. I just received the news that it’s just an explosion in the toilet on our floor. You have all studied chemistry. It should be the explosion of biogas. There is no problem. Everyone. You can prepare for the exam with peace of mind, and the exam will begin in two minutes..."

The invigilator said so, and the students settled down. However, Lin Feng couldn't help but laughed, because he was the initiator of this explosion. It was he who used the water control ability to detonate the biogas and methane accumulated in the toilet sewer, and it was very precise and accurate. A big explosion of feces flying across.

At this time, in the compartment where the explosion occurred, Hong Tianyi and the two were no longer naked, because Lin Feng had already given them a feces'urine' coat, their whole body and mouth. Inside was covered by the exploded feces'urine', and the two of them were temporarily stunned by the impact of the explosion.

It was not until the police and school staff rushed over and opened the ‘door’ of the toilet cubicle from the outside that the two of them wandered awake.

"What's the matter? Why did such an explosion happen?"

When I walked to the'door' of the toilet, I smelled the stench coming from inside. The second teaching director, Lu Mingchuan, saw Zhou Yun, a reporter from Zhi'an TV station, who had arrived first, and scolded his nose. The school staff said, "Didn't our school arrange for plumbers to take a comprehensive part-time study one week before the college entrance examination?"

"Director Lu, we just watched it. It seems that... the toilet exploded because two boys did some bad things in the bathroom. Now those two boys are inside, neither of them... Put on clothes..." the staff member said cautiously.

"What? It's really insulting. Who are these two boys? Call it out... Is it our second student? Or from another school? If it's our second, we must be severely punished, even doing so indecent in the toilet Things..." Lu Mingchuan said fiercely.

"Yes... it's our second, but one of them is..."

"But what? No matter who they are, they actually did such a thing on such an important day as the college entrance examination. They are simply discrediting Zian Er and must be severely punished! Severe punishment..."

As soon as Lu Mingchuan spoke, He Hong Tianyi walked out of the toilet cubicle filthy.

He cried to Lu Mingchuan with a pitiful face, "Uncle, it's me..."

"What?, you... you didn't take the exam in the exam room well, what did you come here for? What about your clothes? Why do you ‘get’ it all over your body?"

When he saw that one of them was his nephew, Lu Mingchuan's face went black.

And Zhou Yun who filmed this scene on the side ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ may also cover her mouth inconceivably and want to vomit. He saw that He Hong Tianyi was not wearing clothes and a pair of'pants' panties, but they were all caught The shit'urine' was covered, and it was so disgusting that it couldn't be more disgusting.

"Director Lu, I don’t know what you think about this bathroom explosion? Are these two students really from Zhi'an II? One of the students just seemed to call your cousin that he is related to you Huh?"

Although she was so sick that she wanted to vomit, Zhou Yun still took the microphone to question Lu Mingchuan, the head of the school, with a microphone in the spirit of being a reporter.

"I... I have no comment. In short, Reporter Zhou, this is the time for the college entrance examination. There is no need to report this kind of trivial incident, right?" Lu Mingchuan said angrily.

"The college entrance examination is coming soon, the school discipline and school spirit of Zhi'an II, and the school public facilities have such a major problem. Is it a trivial matter in Director Lu's eyes?"

Under Zhou Yun's further questioning, Lu Mingchuan was really so angry that he couldn't slap him to death, but his body was full of shit. Who the **** would dare to move forward?


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