Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 932: The college entrance examination is over!

On June 8, the last day of the college entrance examination, the sun was shining brightly, which was a good day. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a

But the examinees' hearts are not as sunny as the weather, and most examinees are now in a heavy mood in the examination room.

At 7:20 in the morning, there was no time to enter the examination room yet, but the ‘door’ of Zhi’an II had already gathered candidates preparing to enter.

"Hey! Yesterday's math paper is so **** perverted! I tried my best and only made one big question. This time is over. I guess the analysis this morning will not be any better."

"You can still make one question. I have written three or four steps for each question. I can't keep it up. I can only hope that the teacher can raise my hand and give me more steps!"

"I said you two, yesterday's exam has passed, what do you say? My heart is broken when I say it, so I should think about it, what about today's science and English!"


While waiting to enter the examination room, the candidates who would know each other gathered together in twos and threes and complained to each other.

Lin Feng slept late yesterday, and was a little late today. He arrived at the'door' of Zhi'an 2 at around 7:30. It happened to be the time to enter the venue. He followed the crowd to prepare for the final day of the college entrance examination.

Compared with the college entrance examination on the first day, it seemed that everyone had adapted to such a tense atmosphere and rhythm on the second day. All candidates entered their respective examination rooms step by step.

It was a comprehensive subject test long ago. Whether it is a comprehensive science or a comprehensive subject, the questions seem to be not simple. It is rare that the candidates in the exam room frown.

Lin Feng was supposed to answer quickly, and the degree of difficulty of these questions was similar to what he had predicted before the exam.

"In fact, these topics are not difficult. It's just that the teacher who prepared the papers was more mindful and set up some blindfolds. When we got the papers, we would not know where to start for a while.

Moreover, some of its big questions have deliberately dug a few traps, hehe...I am afraid that there will be a lot of candidates going into this time! I hope Zhang Zhen can escape these traps. Otherwise, his comprehensive score in science will not be much higher..."

One by one, he conquered the problems of the college entrance examination comprehensive papers, because Lin Feng had accumulated more, and the topics he had done and the knowledge points firmly memorized in his mind were all connected.

Therefore, for each question, Lin Feng knew at a glance which test center the teacher had set up to test the school.

However, other candidates are not so lucky.

The comprehensive examination paper lasts for two and a half hours, including the three subjects of biology, physics and chemistry, and the amount of questions is also very large.

When the bell of the ‘hand in’ paper rang, many examinees yelled sadly before they even finished writing the paper.

However, Lin Feng calmly ‘handed’ and rolled up his body and finished the comprehensive papers. Only the last ‘door’ English for the college entrance examination was left, and victory was in sight.

In the afternoon, Lin Feng returned to the Hero's Restaurant for dinner as usual. The chefs in the kitchen now master every imperial meal very well, almost at Lin Feng's level of six to seven points.

After lunch, Lin Feng rushed back to Zhian Er to continue preparing for the afternoon English exam.

"The college entrance examination English paper! Teacher Xu, I will definitely not fail your three years of teaching, and I will ‘hand in’ you a satisfactory answer."

When he got the English test paper, Lin Feng's slender figure appeared in front of him, with high heels under black'color' stockings.

At the same time, Xu Minjing, who was in a big class at Beijing Normal University, also silently prayed for Lin Feng in her heart, "Lin Feng, the last'door' of the college entrance examination. You must work hard, if your English is bad in the exam. , Come to the capital, the teacher must not spare you."

At five o'clock in the afternoon, when the bell for the English subject'hand in' papers rang, it indicated that the two-day college entrance examination was completely over.

The candidates came out from the examination room, and they couldn't believe that the day had really come. Their college entrance examination was over, their high school was over, and their fate had been submitted to the judgement.

"Ah! Great! The college entrance examination is finally over! Let's go, who is with me?

"Wow! Liberation! Liberation..."

"Go to his-mother's math! Go to his-mother's English! Go to his-mother's textbook..."

"Haha! Well said, and...Go to his-mother's guidance and training, to his-mother's three-year college entrance examination and five-year simulation, I've had enough! Today I turned into a serf to sing, how to play and how to play... …"

"No matter! No matter how much he scores in the college entrance examination, let's play it first. Anyway, from now on, I will never memorize so many things again!"


The end of the college entrance examination is a long-awaited joyous event for these senior high school students who have been imprisoned for so long, both physically and mentally.

Regardless of whether it is a good performance in the college entrance examination, or a poor performance, I have the courage to play.

Thirty-seven stores in Zhi'an City were almost full within half an hour after the college entrance examination was over. Everywhere the college entrance examination candidates were full of cheers.

"Huh! It's finally over, this time... I'm also liberated, and I can do many things I want to do."

When he walked out of the examination room, Lin Feng also smiled at the cheerful postures of so many candidates around him. There is no obstacle to the college entrance examination, the world is so big, a flying sword, he Lin Feng can go anywhere.

Because this was the last exam in the afternoon, Mother Lin did not come to pick him up. The enlightened Mother Lin told him beforehand that after the exam, let Lin Feng go and play by himself~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If it was before, touch him. By such a good time, Lin Feng had already called Zhang Zhen to make an appointment, and went to the nearest bar to kill.

Unfortunately, this time is different. Those online games are no longer attractive to Lin Feng, but he has more business to do.

From the'door' of the second school, Lin Feng's cell phone rang. Not surprisingly, it was Zhang Zhen's number. Lin Feng smiled and answered the phone and asked, "Zhang Zhen, how's it going? How is the test of science and English today? Huh?"

"Crazy man, when is it, what are you discussing about your studies and grades! What a disappointment! Anyway, the test is over, how many points are doomed, from now on, we are not allowed to say a word about the college entrance examination, go! Go now cf Will you go?"

Zhang Zhen said excitedly.

"You go play! I'm not interested..." Just as Lin Feng said this, Zhang Zhen exclaimed dissatisfiedly, "Crazy man, you are boring. After the college entrance examination is over, how can you not have fun? And... I also called Big Sister..."


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