Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 938: Elegant fat man

It’s no wonder that Xiao Nishang’s idol spear king has been famous for a long time, and he has had ‘exquisite’ colorful hand-to-hand videos with the big guns before the cf world!

In the cf industry, the account of women and neon clothes has a great reputation, as if it is the famous swordsman master in ancient times, and it shocks the admiration of all quarters. [WWW.SuiMеng.lā. ! Although it was unfortunately lost once, it is still the strongest cf'female' **** in the hearts of thousands of cf players.

Therefore, in the face of the live broadcast given by the Penguin CF official, Xiao Nishang is not pressured at all. Since she entered the CF game industry, she has always been a high-profile, and she is not afraid of being exposed.

On the contrary, Lin Feng has never been so noticed by the public, so naturally he is under a little pressure. In addition, a trial with Xiao Nishang narrowly beat her by one game, which will also cause a certain amount of psychological pressure.

"Crazy man, look at it, it's really a live broadcast! Now that the two of you are preparing for the official broadcast in the room, it is estimated that all the players will be unable to wait. Millions of people are watching it! Don't hurry up! a little?"

Zhang Zhen is really excited now, this is the live broadcast of the cf official! With the attention of millions of people, has he ever had such an opportunity to visit the scene in person? Presumably, those cf players will be envious of him now, and they can witness the master moves between the two gun kings.

"Zhang Zhen, it doesn't take long for us to prepare, then...are you still coming in? So many people are watching!" Xiao Nishang glanced at Zhang Zhen and said with a slight smile.

"Me? The eldest sister, this... so many people watched, I went in, afraid that you would kill me?"

Zhang Zhen became a little timid when asked by Xiao Nishang. He just didn't realize the pressure of being broadcast live, so he urged Lin Feng to hurry up. Now it was his turn, and his heart was immediately blocked.

"How about? Zhang Zhen, didn't you just say that you want to fight me with a crazy girl? Then just ignore the live broadcast!"

After tidying up the weapons in the warehouse and equipping his characters, Lin Feng looked back and saw Zhang Zhen whose face was nervous and sweaty, and said with a smile.

"Yes! Crazy, I listen to you. Anyway, those people don't know who I am, shame on you! You wait a minute to start! I will log in to the game again and enter the room..."

Zhang Zhen, who was hesitant and afraid in his heart, was so instigated by Lin Feng, so he sat back to his seat, re-logged in to the client of cf game, found the room opened by Xiao Nishang, and entered his own password to enter It.

At this time, countless CF players waiting to watch the two Gun Kings match up in front of the computer screen have been staring at the screen for nearly five minutes, but the game has not started yet, and they are a little impatient.

"The two great gun kings have landed in the room, why haven't they started yet?"

"I don't think this first map is a sword fight? Don't you need to prepare like this? Can you still fight?"

"Why is it so inked! The two didn't chat in the room, why didn't they start?"

Not only are these cf players impatient, the person in charge of the Penguin Building cf project team, Wang Jianhong, is also time-consuming, with his eyes fixed on the screen, and he is always ready to witness the beginning of this peak battle.

"Xiao Liu, what's the matter? Is the server malfunctioning? Or what's the matter? Why, the game in the two big gun king rooms has not started yet?"

Unable to help, Wang Jianhong rushed to the people next to him and asked.

"Boss, I just called the data, everything is normal! There is no problem at all? The host is the King of Guns and Guns, she has not started the game." Xiao Liu checked the background data again and confirmed it. , Said.

"They don't start the game quickly, they are exhausted, are they kidding us? What are they waiting for?"

Wang Jianhong scratched his head, somewhat clueless.

However, when everyone wondered why the game of the two great gun kings battle has not yet started, suddenly, the screen of the game room has changed. This is a password that was added by the host and cannot be entered by outsiders. In the room, another player was added.

"Boss, look... look at the big screen!"

Xiao Liu spotted the new player for the first time and hurriedly shouted.

"What are you looking at? Xiao Liu, the game hasn't started again. What can I see?"

Because the game hasn't started, Wang Jianhong, who is watching the screen of the game room, relaxes for a moment, and turns around to check other data, but he knows that the game hasn't started yet, otherwise, there will be special game sound effects.

"The game hasn't started, but... But, boss, there is... another player..." Xiao Liu said excitedly.

"What? Another new player has joined! I know! Haha! I know..."

Upon hearing this news, Wang Jianhong hurriedly turned around to look at the big screen, and he saw a new player in the room, he slammed the table, and laughed, "That's it! I know! The two The reason why the Gun King has been slow to start the game is because they are not ready yet, but they are waiting for someone. Waiting for another Gun King of their level to come in and start the game. This time is really a big gain. Now, not only did the two spear kings, women, clothes, brows and scarlet armor, have re-emerged, but there is also an expert in the same heavyweight class as them!"

Wang Jianhong naturally thinks that the cf players who can make the two gun kings wait for the two gun kings, such as women's clothes and beards, and they are on the same level, so he is extremely looking forward to all the waiting before ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, at this moment It seems that it is worth it.

"Huh? A newcomer in the room..."

"I saw it too! What's the matter? How come this id has never been heard before, are the two gun kings waiting for this person?"

"That must be a very powerful character! Maybe like the previous shawl and eyebrows, he is a hidden gun master! I look forward to it!"

"I thought it was a duel between two Gun King masters, but now there are three! I will definitely feast my eyes today..."


When the onlookers cf players discovered the new person entering the game room, they also felt that he must be a master of the gun king level, and everyone's eyes were focused on this new id. And this id that everyone is paying attention to again, its nickname is "Elegant Fatty", it is our classmate Zhang Zhen who re-logined into the game under tremendous pressure and entered the room.


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