Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 940: Weird footwork

A headshot!

One move was ko!

The millions of players onlookers did not expect that the master pistol king duel they were expecting would end with such a simple single move. ? WWW.suimeng.lā,.

Before the "elegant fat man" rushed to the side of the "women and neon clothes", he was killed by a knife, and he was directly headshot by gold. There was no'fine', there was no suspense at all, the clumsy footwork of the "elegant fat man" It was simply too clumsy. Faced with the blade of "women and neon clothes", there was not even time to react.

So that after watching this paragraph, the entire cf forum went crazy.

"What's the matter? What kind of elegant fat man, dare to love is not a master, is a rookie?"

"Yeah! Cut... I thought it was so awesome! I was holding a shovel, but it didn't even touch the body of the "female" **** of my neon clothes. It's too stupid!"

"I am so good..."

"Who is this guy? You dare to play against the two gun kings. It's a shame!"


There was a lot of ridicule in the forum, but Zhang Zhen was in the game interface at this time, and could not see the discussion in these forums, otherwise, he would have been ashamed to dare to fight again.

"Big sister, you...you are too...too cruel, right? You won't be merciful at all, so many players are watching the live broadcast! Somehow you let me walk under your hand for a few rendezvous and then die, OK No way?"

Although Zhang Zhen didn't see the comments and ridicule on those forums, he hadn't taken any action yet, and he was shot headshot by Xiao Nishang. The uncomfortable feeling in his heart can be imagined. But it was Xiao Nishang's eldest sister who was extremely powerful, and she could only complain about it.

"You are merciful? Zhang Zhen, what I don't know is the mercy of my subordinates. Hehe! Let's practice with you first, now is the main thing to deal with Lin Feng!"

Xiao Nishang tilted his head and smiled, and glared at Zhang Zhen, and said, "If you are not convinced, come back and fight with me again. As long as you can hurt me a drop of blood, I count you as winning."

"Come on! Come on... Big sister, I and you are not at the same level, you should still be with our boss! I will study by watching."

Shrinking his head, Zhang Zhen really felt the difference in strength from Xiao Nishang. So many people watched the live broadcast, where would they dare to die?

"Okay! Okay... Crazy girl, Zhang Zhen's level is not a challenge for you. Let's fight with the two of us! I used to'very' like sword fighting, Zhang Zhen, see me give revenge !"

Lin Feng, who was smiling, saw Zhang Zhen returning home unscrupulously, and he controlled his character "color" and stepped closer to Xiao Nishang's "color" with elusive footwork.

"It's moving! It's moving! It's the Scarlet Armored Spear King'forced' here, and the duel between the two masters is finally about to begin.

"Haha! It's finally the two of them, that fat guy is a jumping clown, don't let me see him again..."


Seeing the game screen, when Lin Feng's character changed, the CF players who laughed at the elegant fat man just now suddenly became more energized.

Wang Jianhong, who is in the cf project team office, also raised his energy and watched the confrontation between Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang enthusiastically.

Sure enough, the confrontation between the two was not the same as Zhang Zhen's play just now. Lin Feng's fingers are very flexible, and he can control his characters to perform incredible quick step changes. Usually when people play games, they can’t control the mouse and keyboard so accurately and quickly, not to mention seeing and manually cooperating with each other. Sometimes it’s even a tiny bit difference, it’s very likely to fall. defeat.

At this time, Lin Feng was like that, pressing the four direction keys of "wsad" quickly with his flexible fingers, he circled around Xiao Nishang, waiting for the opportunity to attack, while avoiding being tracked by Xiao Nishang to walk. traces of.

However, Xiao Nishang braked silently. She followed Lin Feng's movements to turn the mouse, but did not move her character. Observing Lin Feng's footsteps at all times, trying to judge where he will go next, and where the flaws are, but at the same time be careful about the offenses Lin Feng might launch at any time.

"Lin Feng, what footwork is this? Why is it so weird? It seems... as if it is a light skill of some ancient martial arts ‘sect’?"

At first, Xiao Nishang didn't care much about the footwork of Lin Feng rushing over and circling her. He watched carefully, planning to find the flaws and then made a decisive move. But after staring for a full minute now, Xiao Nishang immediately widened his eyes, frowned, and his heart was horrified like a huge ‘wave’. Because she discovered that Lin Feng seemed to use the cf game for the light footwork of ancient Wudang.

Is this a **** human?

Not only are you good at martial arts in reality, but you can also use light power and footwork when playing games? This is simply incredible.

"Hey! I guess the crazy girl is depressed this time? She can't'touch' the track of my steps at all. In fact, this is the secret of the light work of Hong'Bo' who was killed by me. I understand It’s a little bit easier to use in reality. But now it’s not difficult for the game player to use part of the power to control the role of the game according to this light footwork principle."

Turning his head to look at Xiao Nishang's shocked look, Lin Feng was also happy in his heart, but this was the first time he tried to use realistic kung fu on the ‘color’ side of the game, but he didn’t expect that it would actually work. From this point of view, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the truth of everything is figured out, the role of the "color" in the cf game is to imitate reality, so under this part of the rules, Lin Feng will be a little light The footwork is used in the characters, and naturally there will be a corresponding role in "confusing" the opponent.

As the saying goes, the layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the'door'. But this time, even those business cf game enthusiasts who were onlookers were shocked to see Lin Feng's "ghost" footwork. Lin Feng appeared to the left of Xiao Nishang a second ago, but immediately stopped, and was able to seamlessly switch to the other side of Xiao Nishang. It seemed to be a teleportation, which was amazing.

"I'm a grass! Isn't this beard and crimson armor hanging up? How can I see that his character's'color' is a phantom? It's dangling, making it hard to see where he is. ?"

"What a weird footwork! You see that he controls the corner'color', from front to back, from left to right, the game corner'color' seems to be a ghost, appearing in my neon clothes "female" **** Around the body, there is no way to tell where he is..."



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