Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 942: Provocation of Gun God

Penguin Building, the office of the cf project team, Wang Jianhong watched this matchup between the gun masters, especially after Lin Feng's weird footwork, he couldn't help but screamed. ?шщЩ.suimEnG.1a. . !

"Haha! You deserve to be the new king of beard and eyebrows! "Fine" color! "Fine" color! It's simply too "precise" color..."

Wang Jianhong glanced at the explosive comments of the players on the cf official homepage forum, and the heat was immediately quarreled, and various accompanying prize draws and recharge activities followed, just as he expected. , He smiled and said to the members of the group, "Thank you, everyone! This time our event was very successful. Through the battle between the two gun kings, the enthusiasm of our cf players was once again pushed to the peak! Haha …The next two Gun King’s other duels are focused on one point. The whole process must be recorded and placed in the most prominent position on our homepage."

"Boss, now we have the bonus at the end of the month, right?"

"Haha! This time, don't worry about the performance in the second half of the year? Haha..."


Two gun kings drove the popularity of cf games, and the operations and programmers of the entire cf project team were relaxed. Seeing more and more players watching the live broadcast, they all smiled openly.

But at this moment, suddenly the door of the large office of the project team was kicked open. A young man with gold glasses rushed in aggressively, and a long-haired man followed him. The sharp-eyed young men, with their unkind appearances, immediately attracted the attention of the entire office.

"Who are you? This is the Penguin cf project team office. If you have nothing to do, please go out? We do not welcome you people who are rude."

Wang Jianhong, who was very happy, saw such two people break into his territory, of course he said sharply with an unhappy expression.

"We came to the cf project team office, this must be Wang Jianhong, President Wang? I have to come over through the Penguin Headquarters to have a look. I didn’t expect President Wang to be too busy and refused. Could it be that you call this Is it polite?"

The young man with gold wire glasses said in a rather lame mouth. From his tone and behavior, Wang Jianhong could judge that these two people should come from the'Bang' country.

"Boss, this seems...it seems to be the person from the cf headquarters of the "Bang" country where our penguins are'communicating' today. He is called Park Junxiu. I heard that even our boss Ma had been received in the office today. He just called and said that he wanted to come and have a look, but... you said you were too busy and refused..." The person under Wang Jianhong recognized this Park Junxiu and immediately reminded him in a low voice.

"Park Junsu? Are you the deputy general manager of the cf headquarters of the "Bang" country?"

When Wang Jianhong heard the name Park Junsu, his heart became flustered. Because the cf game is the agency that Penguin obtained from the "Bang" country, every time someone from the "Bang" country headquarters comes over, he always looks condescending and aggressive, and every time he All had to report to them in a low voice like a subordinate.

"It's right here, huh! It seems that Mr. Wang is really busy! I don't even have time to come and have a chat? But look, what are you doing now? Is it so idle to study something? A game of players?"

As soon as Park Junxiu entered the office, he caught sight of the game live broadcast on the big screen of the office, and immediately sneered and said.

"No, President Park, I... We are doing an event today in CF China, and there is a decisive battle between the two gun kings. We are broadcasting live, and millions of players are already watching it in Guanzhi."

Because the coming person can be ranked in the top ten in the cf headquarters company in the country of'Bang', even if he has no direct subordinate relationship with Wang Jianhong, who belongs to Penguin Company, Wang Jianhong is still a little weak, and face him with his breath. Sneered, but also patiently explained.

However, the employees under Wang Jianhong's hands were very dissatisfied, and they were slandering in their hearts. They felt that these "good" people in the country were really annoying.

"Live broadcast? The Gun King peak battle? Haha... the level of your players in China is really not flattering!"

Upon hearing Wang Jianhong’s explanation, Park Junxiu burst into laughter, and at the same time turned around and deliberately said in Chinese to the young man who came with him, “Zero, did you hear that? Today is the peak of the gun king of China. Are you funny? Haha! Millions of people are watching a game of this level? It seems that the level of Huaxia is still ten years behind our "stick" country!"

"Haha! President Park, you can't say that! The cf players of Huaxia Kingdom are still a little bit level. But after all, their top players in Huaxia Kingdom can only be called the Spear King, and we are the pinnacle of the Zi Kingdom. Players are all called Gunslingers. The name Gunslinger is just some of the players we call at a fair level. It is impossible to enter the core circle of us Gunslingers..."

The young man named zero by Park Junxiu looked down at Wang Jianhong and shook his head and said, "This President Wang, when I came, I read some of your Huaxia Kingdom's gun king information, tusk. …To be honest, I can’t flatter them. The level of these people is in our “stick” country, and they are not even the top 100!"

"Zero? You... Are you Zero, one of the top ten spear gods of CF in the "Bang" country?"

Originally, Wang Jianhong wanted to fiercely refute this ranting young man~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but when he suddenly thought of what Park Junsu called him, he immediately died down, together with the rest of the cf office. The staff also stared at the young man in surprise.

Zero, one of the top ten spear gods of the "Bang" country, whose real name is Jin Pingguo. Taking such an "id", zero means the number "0". In an interview, Jin Pingguo once said that the most eye-catching one is "first place", so he must be above the first place. "0". In fact, he has indeed done this before. In last year's ‘Bang’ CF finals, he was lucky to defeat the invincible ‘Bang’ son of the gun **** "z4". In addition, he is only twenty years old this year and he is still in college. He looks like a handsome guy in the ‘stick’ country. He has become the hottest gun **** in the CF industry in the ‘stick’ country.

Even in China, there are many fans of Zero. He has the same shooting skills, especially good at sniping, and the skill of jumping and shooting is a must.


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