Urban Super Dude

Chapter 328 I Can’T Sing This Song

"This old dog's strength surpasses Zhang Zhongyu's. He blew himself up and set foot in Shenzong before. It's really terrifying."

Su Yang's face was as dark as water, and he thought secretly in his heart, but he didn't dare to be careless at all, and kept using it so close to the end of the world.

Before at the gate of Nanjiang City, he used his strongest attack method, but it was of no avail and was directly crushed by Duanmu Liu.

Therefore, Su Yang changed his mind and planned to trigger the Duan Muliu to save Xiao Ting and the Blood Tu members.

He and the members of the Blood Slaughter were bound to a master-servant contract, and soul communication was possible within a certain range.

Su Yang had just informed the members of the Blood Slaughter, telling them to run away quickly.

When he learned that the emperor had summoned him, he agreed without thinking and asked the Blood Slaughter members to go to Kyoto first.

Because he felt that there might be a master of Duanmu Ryu's level in Kyoto.

Su Yang remembered that the last time he saw National Blade instructor Xiyao, he was extremely frightened. It was the first time that he felt that he had been seen through.


At that time, Su Yang's realm was not high, and the strongest person he came into contact with was Nalanzu, who was in the early stage of being a master, so he felt that Xiyao was also an ancient warrior at that realm.

But later, Su Yang crushed him all the way, killing the middle-stage grandmaster, late-stage grandmaster, peak-grandmaster, half-step earth sect, earth sect... and even the late-stage celestial sect.

But throughout this journey, Su Yang had never met anyone who could bring him the same sense of oppression that Xiyao brought to him.

Even when facing Zhang Zhongyu, who was beyond the peak of Tianzong, Su Yang didn't feel angry.

That kind of feeling, how should I put it, as if no matter how hard I struggled, it was all in vain, and I couldn't think of resistance at all.

It wasn't until now that Su Yang saw Duanmu Liu in the Shenzong realm that he suddenly realized what he was doing.

The sense of oppression that Xiyao gave him came from the soul, just like Duanmu Liu.

Now think about it, the strength of Xiyao instructor... must also be Shenzong!

This is normal. After all, the country of China has a vast territory, rich resources, and a long history. How can there be no real masters with deep knowledge in the important place of Kyoto?

It was the best outcome for Xiao Ting to take the Blood Slaughter members to Kyoto, so that he could rest assured that he would not be entangled with Duanmu Liu.

"With my strength, this old guy won't be able to catch up with me within a few hours, but I can't escape his pursuit."

"The blood sacrifice state can be maintained for another seven or eight hours. I also have a Qi and Blood Pill, which can be seamlessly connected. I can use the blood sacrifice again. If I add the two times together, I can last at least until tonight."

"Let's take it one step at a time. By then, maybe that old dog Duanmu Liu will be impatient and give up."

Having made up his mind, Su Yang concentrated his attention and quickly shuttled through the morning mist.

"I want to see how long you can escape!"

Duanmu showed a sneer, always maintaining the current speed and not stopping.

Just like that, the two figures moved quickly, so fast that they were blurred.

Unconsciously, more than ten hours later, darkness fell again.

Su Yang fled from dawn to dawn, and then into darkness again, for a total of fourteen or five hours.

Previously on the battlefield in southern Xinjiang, Su Yang had used spiritual energy to sacrifice the Key to the East Mansion and launched an attack. The spiritual energy in his body had been greatly depleted.

The reason why he can still frequently use So Close to the End of the World is entirely due to the secret technique of blood sacrifice, which burns blood essence to obtain energy to support So Close to the End of the World.

But now, the gains brought by the two Qi and Blood Pills have been almost exhausted, and the second blood sacrifice state has quickly disappeared.

Duanmuliu, who was behind, was still chasing after him, and seemed to have no losses.

"Damn it, this is not the way to go!" Su Yang's face changed drastically.

After such a long time, he originally planned to escape back to China at the end of the world.

After that, you can go to Jiangbei. The Su Family Manor has the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Formation. It is not a problem to resist Duanmu Liu. Maybe it can be wiped out.

In addition, you can also go to Kyoto.

After arriving in Kyoto, Xiyao, the national sword instructor, took action, and he should be able to deal with Duanmuliu.


Duanmu Liu, an old dog, acted coquettishly and did not allow him to return to China. Instead, he forced Su Yang into the depths of Country D.

Now, Su Yang has fled to the capital of country D, which is very prosperous.

Although Country D is a small country, it is its capital after all, which is completely comparable to the first-tier cities in China.

At this moment, in the capital of country D, the lanterns are rising and the lights are colorful.

Su Yang kept moving under the urban night, but his speed obviously dropped a lot.

at this time.

The border of country D.

A helicopter landed, the cabin opened, and two figures slowly walked out.

One of them is Jiang Chengyang, a squad leader of the National Blade, who has been to Jiangbei before.

The other person is Xiyao.

More than ten hours ago, she watched the Eye of Heaven in the Jinluan Hall and learned that Duanmu Liu might have killed Su Yang. She ordered Jiang Chengyang to fly her to the battlefield in southern Xinjiang in a special fighter aircraft.

After arriving at the battlefield in southern Xinjiang, Xiyao was surprised to find that there was no body of Su Yang at the scene. After asking Xiao Ting, she found out that Su Yang was still alive and avoiding Duanmu Liu's pursuit.

Although Xiyao didn't know where Su Yang got the strength to escape from Duanmu Liu, it didn't hesitate. The top priority now was to save Su Yang.

This little guy Su Yang looked so much like Sister Yuyan that Xiyao couldn't bear to see him die.

Therefore, Xiyao used special means to consume her own essence and blood, and used a secret technique from her master's sect to track Su Yang's aura all the way, and at the same time ordered Jiang Chengyang to fly with her.

In this way, Xiyao tracked to the border of country D, and the helicopter could no longer move forward, otherwise it would violate the agreement between the countries.

"Instructor, I can only send you here."

Jiang Chengyang couldn't help but persuade: "Duanmu Liu is a master who has been famous for many years. How could Young Master Su escape from his grasp?"

"Either Duanmu Liu was like a cat chasing a mouse and wanted to torture Young Master Su, or Xiao Ting was afraid that Young Master Su would be embarrassed, so he lied and deliberately promoted Young Master Su, creating the idea that Young Master Su had the ability to escape from Duanmu Liu. Illusion.”

Jiang Chengyang continued: "There is absolutely no need for you to take the risk of going against Duanmu Liu for him."

"Shut up!"

Hearing this, Xiyao glanced at Jiang Chengyang coldly and said calmly: "You wait here, I will bring Su Yang back!"

"He promised to buy me Yangzhi nectar, but he didn't do it. This time, no matter life or death, I want to see him!"

"Well, instructor, I won't do it for a cup of Yangzhi nectar."

Jiang Chengyang smiled bitterly and said, "If you want to drink it, my subordinates can buy it for you."

"By the way, I know why you hit me last time. When I sang that song, two of the keys were off track. But after I went back, I practiced harder and now I can sing very well. Otherwise, I would Can I sing a cappella live for you?"

Regardless of Xiyao's reaction, Jiang Chengyang cleared his throat and sang seriously: "You love me, I love you, Mixue Bingcheng is sweet, you love me, I love you, Mixue Bingcheng is sweet...ah !”

Before Jiang Chengyang finished singing, Xiyao released a terrifying aura and knocked him away.

"Instructor, I was wrong. I was out of tune again. Damn it, it's so difficult. I can't sing this song!"

"Instructor, teach..."

Jiang Chengyang got up and took a look, only to find that there was no instructor Xiyao at all...

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