Urban Super Dude

Chapter 341 Detoxification

Linyuan, an old poisoner, is quite tricky in his poison, and it is impossible to remove it by force.

There is only one way to detoxify this kind of poison, and that is to comply with the poison.

As long as yin and yang are combined, the toxins in Xiyao's body will disappear naturally.


Xiyao gritted her teeth and asked: "Besides... is there no other way?"

Su Yang shook his head, and then said with a solemn expression: "Sister Xiyao, I believe you can feel it yourself. This poison is too fierce. If it is not removed tonight, I'm afraid you..."

Su Yang did not continue to say the rest, but the meaning was obvious.

Either yin and yang combine to detoxify, or... a dead end.

Xiyao's expression was extremely complicated. After some ideological struggle, his eyes finally fell on Su Yang.

"Little guy, follow, follow sister!"

"Uh, Sister Xiyao, I..."

Su Yang was about to say something, but before he could finish speaking, Xiyao knocked him out with a wave of his hand.


Xiyao, who was breathing rapidly, hugged Su Yang and disappeared into the night.

At the scene, Jiang Chengyang, Liu Hui, and Wang Sai looked confused.

"What happened? The master was forcibly abducted by a woman. What did they do?"

"The woman who saved us just now seems to have been poisoned by some kind of poison and needs to be reconciled with yin and yang... Could it be that she kidnapped her master to..."

"Fart, our instructor has a beautiful country and a beautiful city. How could he do such a dirty thing? It's obviously Su Yang..."

Jiang Chengyang tried his best to defend Xiyao, but he didn't know what to say.

Because he saw with his own eyes that the instructor knocked Su Yang unconscious and abducted Su Yang.

Damn it.

Instructor, instructor, don't be so impulsive. You are the most beautiful person in the country. You can't be a welfare girl and give it to Su Yang for nothing.

After Xiyao took Su Yang away, Liu Hui, Wang Sai and Jiang Chengyang only had a few words of bickering.

They did not leave, but chose to wait by the helicopter.

"Wang Sai, how long do you think it will take for the master and the beautiful instructor to turn back?"

"Master is so brave, at least two hours."

"Two hours, you are looking down on the master. I think four hours is the minimum."

"What are you bragging about? It's two hours and four hours. In my opinion, it's ten minutes at most."

At this moment.

Xiyao held Su Yang and came to a small forest surrounded by bushes, a natural shelter.

At this moment.

The bright moon is in the sky and the breeze is not dry.

There were sounds of insects chirping and streams flowing, mixing into a beautiful symphony.

Xiyao put Su Yang on the ground, lowered his head, and his beautiful eyes fell on Su Yang.

Su Yang was still sleeping and didn't know what happened.


"Perhaps you don't know that I have never had a crush on any man in my life."


Xiyao suppressed the poison, tried hard to stay awake, and continued: "To be precise, I have never had a good impression of anyone, except sister Yuyan."

"My memory of the first half of my life was blank. I had no memory of my childhood. When I woke up fifty years ago, I was already like this."

"Everyone in my sect is respectful to me. Even the sect master is polite when he sees me. I don't know why, and they won't tell me."

Xiyao continued: "I stayed in the school for decades and was bored for decades. Finally one day, I couldn't bear it anymore and left the school with Long Xingtian."

"Long Xingtian calls me senior sister, but he doesn't know that his master is not my master. Even when he sees me, he needs to bow."

Xiyao looked at Su Yang and said the words that had been stored in her heart for many years: "Anyway, I came to China and saw many new things."

"I can feel that none of those people are really good to me. Even Long Xingtian just wants to use me to consolidate his position."

"But there is one person who is different. That person is Sister Yuyan. She is sincere to me and treats me as her own relative."

Speaking of this, Xiyao showed a rare smile: "Sister Yuyan and I have been getting along day and night for several years."

"I really like the feeling of being with her, chatting and whispering. Those few years were the happiest times for me."

"Gee, when I talk about Sister Yuyan, I think of Brother Su. He is really interesting. He actually thinks that I like women and tells Sister Yuyan to stay away from me and not to be led astray by me."

Xiyao continued: "I don't like women, but there is no man in the world who is worthy of me. In other words, there has never been a man who can make my heart beat."

"I like being with sister Yuyan, I just like the feeling of being cared for."

"But it's a pity that I can't be the only one in Sister Yuyan's life. In the end, she and Brother Su lived in seclusion in Jiangbei."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Xiyao's eyes, and she continued: "Originally, I wanted to follow him, but my reason told me that I couldn't."

"I can no longer disturb the world of Brother Su and Sister Yuyan. They should have their own lives."

"So I stayed in Kyoto and promised Long Xingtian to be the National Blade instructor, dealing with various matters and keeping myself busy."

Xiyao smiled softly and said, "I don't know how many years have passed, but I accidentally heard that sister Yuyan was pregnant and gave birth to a boy. I was very happy for her."

"More than ten years later, I received bad news—Sister Yuyan died."

Xiyao said with a sad expression: "Brother Su told me on the phone that Sister Yuyan died of illness. I felt like I was struck by lightning and I didn't dare to accept this fact."

"I didn't go to Jiangbei, and I didn't send Sister Yuyan on her last journey."

"I am so cowardly that I don't even have the courage to look at Sister Yuyan for the last time."

Xiyao's tone was full of self-blame, and then said: "Since then, I have never laughed again, and my temper has become very bad."

"But ever since I met you, little one, when I saw your appearance, I would think of Sister Yuyan and couldn't help but smile."

The corners of Xiyao's lips raised and she said: "Sister Yuyan is a kind of emotional sustenance for me, because she is the first person who is truly good to me."

"I'm much, much older than her. I don't even know how old I am, but in my eyes, she cares about me and takes care of me like an elder."

"Little guy, you are her son, and you look alike. Although I don't like you, I don't dislike you."

At this time, Xiyao could no longer suppress the toxins in her body and said, "The reason why I was poisoned tonight is because of you."

"The cycle of cause and effect, then you should be the one to remove the poison in my body."

"Thank you for your hard work, little guy."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiyao... used his hand as a knife and cut Su Yang's finger, and bright red blood flowed out instantly.

Immediately afterwards.

Xiyao began to absorb Su Yang's blood essence and refine it in a special way to achieve the purpose of detoxification...

(About this detoxification method, it was originally what you expected and wanted to see, but due to force majeure factors, it was modified later, so you just know what it means)

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