Urban Super Dude

Chapter 834 Do You Want To Hear My Story?

After seeing Concubine Li's announcement, Su Yang immediately thought of the battle Wang Yangming mentioned.

Only now did he know that the fight Wang Yangming was talking about was not that he was going to fight with others, but that there might be a fight between Li Feixuan and Xiyao.


Not possible.

Wang Yangming knew everything, and this battle was bound to happen.

However, Su Yang still wanted to struggle, what if the two of them stopped fighting?


Su Yang met Li Feixuan's gaze and smiled softly: "She is Xiyao. She has saved me several times."


Li Feixuan glanced at Su Yang, and then smiled elegantly and said: "Xiyao, this name is very nice, and the person is beautiful."

"Hello, let me meet you. I am Su Yang's fiancée, Li Feixuan."


Xiyao nodded and said: "Li Feixuan, I have heard your name, and judging from your appearance, you are indeed worthy of Su Yang."

"Have you heard my name? Su Yang mentioned me to you?" Li Feixuan asked with a smile.

"That's not true."

Xiyao shook her head and said truthfully: "Qian Shanxue, the leader of Jiufeng Mountain, told me some things, including you."

"That's it." Li Feixuan smiled and said, "I'm very confused, how did she evaluate me?"

"She said you were fine."

Xiyao is not a fool. She can feel Li Feixuan's hostility towards her, but she doesn't care. Instead, she goes on to say: "She told me everything about you and Qian Shanxue. She told me more than once. She can't forgive you, she did something wrong back then, and she said that if she has a chance in the future, she will personally come to your door and apologize to you."

"Apologise to me..."

Li Feixuan had a slightly complicated feeling in her heart when she heard this.


When Qian Shanxue and Su Yang did that kind of thing, even though Li Feixuan said she didn't care, why wasn't she a little angry in her heart?

But she would not choose to break up with Qian Shanxue because of this, because she knew that Su Yang would not belong to her alone.

However, Li Feixuan really wanted to get an explanation from Qian Shanxue. As long as Qian Shanxue came, even if she didn't apologize, she just stood in front of her and looked at each other with a smile, and this matter could be completely revealed.


It's been so long and Qianshanxue is still nowhere to be seen. She must have come to Jiangbei to see Li Feixuan.

What does it mean?

Disdainful to explain, disdainful to express apology, or simply look down on yourself?

Li Feixuan couldn't figure it out, and over time, she became a little concerned.

"forget it."

Li Feixuan said in a low mood: "If she really thought so, she would have come to me long ago."

"Five or six years have passed since that incident, and Qian Shanxue has never come to see me."

"She came to Jiangbei half a year ago, but she didn't appear in front of me as Jiang Xueer."

Li Feixuan showed a self-deprecating smile: "I don't want to mention this matter anymore. As for how to solve it later, it's up to Su Yang to make his own decision."

"Li Feixuan, you misunderstood."

When Xiyao heard this, she immediately explained: "Qian Shanxue originally planned that after the Hundred Sects Martial Arts Competition, when everything has settled, she would come to you and tell you everything in person."

"But after the Hundred Sects Martial Arts Competition, the Great Terror at the foot of Jiufeng Mountain became restless again. In order to save Jiufeng Mountain and for the sake of thousands of living beings, Qian Shanxue had no choice but to return to Jiufeng Mountain and suppress the Great Terror by himself."

Xiyao continued: "Until now, Qianshanxue is still lying in the ice coffin at the foot of Jiufeng Mountain, in danger, with life at any time."


When Li Feixuan heard this, she immediately became nervous and asked: "Everything you said is true, you didn't lie to me, right?"


Su Yang also explained: "What Sister Xiyao said is true. Xue'er is indeed suppressing the great terror at the foot of Jiufeng Mountain. Once the great terror breaks through the formation, Xue'er's life will be in danger."

"This matter is rather complicated, so I won't explain it to you too much. In short, I have found a solution. Xueer will not be in danger in a short time." Su Yang added.

"I didn't expect this to happen!"

After Li Feixuan got the definite answer, she blamed herself and said: "I was too pretentious and I wrongly blamed Xue'er."

"It's not your fault. Anyone else would feel uncomfortable. I understand."

Xiyao looked at Li Feixuan and then said: "Qian Shanxue also told me something, Li Feixuan, do you want to hear it?"

"What's the matter?" Li Feixuan asked curiously.

"She said that if you want to be a woman in Su Yang, you must first obtain your consent, and then everything will be based on you. If you can't do this, you are not worthy of being a woman in Su Yang."

Xiyao looked at Li Feixuan and said seriously: "Now I want to ask you, can I be Su Yang's woman?"


Before Li Feixuan spoke, Su Yang next to her said with a confused smile: "Sister Xiyao, if you scare me, stop making fun of me."

"I'm not kidding, everything I said is true."

Xiyao met Su Yang's gaze and said with great seriousness: "I want to be your woman. From the first time I saw you, you attracted my attention."

"No, it should be said that it is your face that attracts me, because you are so similar to Sister Yuyan."

Xiyao fell into memories and continued: "Back then, when I first entered the world of mortals, the first person I met who was truly kind to me was Sister Yuyan."

"She helps me with everything and takes good care of me. Whenever I am with her, I will be very happy. When she is bullied and unhappy, I will be very angry."

Xiyao showed a smile: "Of course, I can't really let anyone bully her. As long as I'm here, no one can touch a hair of Sister Yuyan!"

"However, there is one person who is an exception. That person is your father, Su Shenbing."

Xiyao smiled and replied: "When I saw him and sister Yuyan together, I felt very jealous and even had the idea of ​​strangling Su Shenbing to death."

"But I know that Sister Yuyan likes Su Shenbing. If Su Shenbing dies, Sister Yuyan will be very sad, so I let Su Shenbing go."

"The happiest time in my life was when I spent time with Sister Yuyan on the battlefield."

Xiyao said with a hint of disappointment: "Unfortunately, she and Su Shenbing left the battlefield together and returned to Jiangbei."

"I know that Sister Yuyan does not belong to me. She belongs to Su Shenbing and their children. She has her own life, and I also have my own life."

"So, I sent them away, stayed in Kyoto, founded the National Blade, and kept myself completely busy."

"However, I never thought that Sister Yuyan would encounter an accident and even lose her life!"

Speaking of this, Xiyao gritted her teeth and said: "I got the news and went to Kyoto as soon as possible. Su Shenbing told me that sister Yuyan died of illness!"

"How is this possible? How could a good person suddenly get sick and die? There must be something fishy in this!"

Xiyao shook her head and said: "It's a pity that Sister Yuyan is dead. No matter how much we talk, it's useless. I can't eradicate the Su family, otherwise Sister Yuyan's spirit in heaven will definitely be sad."

"I left, I left heartbroken. I thought I would never set foot in Jiangbei again or have any contact with the Su family in this life."

Xiyao regained her composure, showed a smile, and continued: "But I didn't expect that because Honglian was so upright, I came to Jiangbei again and saw you."

As he said that, Xiyao's eyes fell on Su Yang, with a very happy expression: "Su Yang, you know, you are like a ray of light shining into my heart."

"This has something to do with Sister Yuyan, but it has nothing to do with her. Your father, Su Shenbing, used to often call me Lily and say that I love Sister Yuyan."

"Actually, only I know that this is not true. I only treat Sister Yuyan as a sister. I just hope that she will live a better life and like the feeling of being with her."

Xiyao said seriously: "I know very well that it's not love, it's just a normal relationship between best friends."

"As for why I'm not looking for a man, it's because no man has caught my eye yet."

"But, Su Yang, you are different, because you look similar to Sister Yuyan, which made me let go of my heart. As I slowly got in touch with you, I realized that I had fallen in love with you."

Xiyao looked at Su Yang and said sincerely: "I don't like to hide my feelings. If you like it, you like it, and if you don't like it, you don't like it. I never hesitate in this matter."

"This time we say goodbye, I will go outside the territory, and you may never see me again."

Xiyao was a little reluctant to say goodbye: "This farewell will probably be forever, so I want you to know that I, Xijia Xiyao, like you!"


Su Yang was stunned after listening to Xiyao's words quietly.

Facing Xiyao's vigorous confession, he was completely stunned. His mind was buzzing and he didn't know what to do.

"This confession is very warm." At this time, Li Feixuan said with a smile.

"Li Feixuan."

Xiyao looked at Li Feixuan and asked seriously again: "If I can come back from outside the territory, or if you go outside the territory, no matter what changes happen to me, I will take you as the priority in everything."

"Even if you are not as powerful as me, I can kill you with just a raise of my hand, but I will still put you first. Can you agree to my request and let me be Su Yang's woman?" Xiyao said sincerely.


When Li Feixuan heard these words, she suddenly felt a little unhappy, and she became very competitive: "Originally, I didn't have any objections. You like Su Yang, but as long as Su Yang likes you too and you will listen to me, then Just stay together and I'm a very easy to talk to."

"But, what you said next makes me very dissatisfied. What do you mean you are very strong, and you can kill me with just a raise of your hand."

Li Feixuan said unconvinced: "How dare you say such things? Do you know how strong I am now?"

"No matter how strong you are, you will never be as strong as me." Xiyao said truthfully, she would not lie.


Li Feixuan was unhappy immediately. She seemed to want to establish her image as the principal wife, so she said: "Xiyao, right? It seems that you are very confident in your own strength. What a coincidence, I am also very confident. Why don’t we give it a try?”


Xiyao agreed without hesitation.


Seeing this, Su Yang hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over: "Honey, sister Xiyao, you are both very strong and very powerful. There is no need to compete. It won't be good if anyone gets hurt."

"It doesn't matter. We just want to compare notes and have a taste of it. It's not a real fight."

Li Feixuan continued: "Besides, don't you have healing elixirs? It's okay if you get injured. You'll recover soon."


Su Yang wanted to say something else, but Li Feixuan interrupted: "Okay, Su Yang, you can be the referee and watch us play."


There will still be a war. It seems that what Wang Yangming said has come true. This dog's calculations are quite accurate.

Wang Yangming also said just now that he should stay away from me. Well, that makes sense.

"I won't be the referee. I'm afraid of getting blood all over me."

"You guys fight slowly, I have something urgent to deal with and I'll run away first. Sister Xiyao, if you insist on going outside the territory, take care of yourself. Believe me, it won't be long before I have the strength to overpower Cang Yu."

"When the time comes, even if I travel across the infinite universe and hundreds of thousands of star fields, I will still find you."

After leaving a few words, Su Yang did not hesitate and left the Su family manor quickly with a flash of figure as if running for his life.

"Okay, now that Su Yang is gone, we can fight freely."

Li Feixuan smiled softly and said: "Before that, I can tell you that I am at the peak of Martial Master, and I am only one step away from the Martial Saint realm. What about you, what realm?"

"I used to be an ancient warrior with an average level. Later, I switched to the cultivation system and regained my peak strength. Now I am a nine-turn fake elixir."

Xiyao said truthfully: "If we compare it to the ancient martial arts system, although it cannot beat the early stage of Yuanying, it can still compete with one or two."

"Li Feixuan, with all due respect, the peak Martial Master is not necessarily my opponent." Xiyao said bluntly.

"It's quite powerful, but you will know who is stronger and who is weaker after trying it. If you beat me, I will agree to your request just now." Li Feixuan said.


Hearing this, Xiyao immediately became serious and stared at Li Feixuan in a prepared manner.

Li Feixuan competed against an evenly matched opponent for the first time, and she was very serious.

Just like that, the two of them started fighting outside the Su family manor. The scene was full of zhenqi and spiritual energy, and the scene was very big.

About ten minutes passed, and the fight ended after the two exchanged palms.

There is no doubt that Li Feixuan is slightly inferior, but the loss is not ugly.

"I lost."

Concubine Li Xuan smoothed her hair in front of her forehead and smiled softly: "I agree to your request."

"Thank you." Xiyao said happily.

"Don't be so polite. In fact, my impression of you is not bad. Judging from Su Yang's appearance, I don't dislike you either. I'm just following the trend."

Concubine Li smiled and then asked: "Are you really going to leave the earth and go outside the territory?"

"Well, I have to go." Xiyao nodded seriously.


Li Feixuan asked in confusion: "There are many dangers outside the territory. No one can guarantee that you can survive. Isn't it bad to stay on earth? Why do you have to go outside the territory?"

"It's complicated to say, and I shouldn't say it, but I'm leaving soon, so it doesn't hurt to tell you."

Xiyao's eyes fell on Li Feixuan and smiled softly: "Do you want to hear my story?"

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