Urban Super Dude

Chapter 843 Get

"Bai Qi."

Wang Yangming heard this and persuaded with a smile: "Don't be so impulsive. It's useless if you keep the strange blood stone. Give it to me and I can make it play its greatest role."

"If you don't give up the strange blood stone, then I won't consider helping you. Judging from the current situation, you won't be able to break the formation until tomorrow at the earliest."

Wang Yangming smiled and said: "The spiritual energy will revive tonight. If you come out tomorrow, the day lilies will be cold."

"Wang Yangming!"

When Bai Qi heard this, he immediately exploded and said angrily: "Reviving spiritual energy is so crucial. You actually threatened me with reviving spiritual energy just to get my strange blood stone. Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by the world?"

"I'm not kidding you, and I'm not serious about it, but it's true that you will be in pain." Wang Yangming said with a smile.


Bai Qi was furious, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Huh, I'm in trouble this time. I can give you a strange blood stone, so hurry up and do it!"


Wang Yangming achieved his goal, a strong smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he began to mobilize the spiritual energy around him, intending to help Bai Qi.

"Senior Bai Qi, um... I have a merciless request." At this moment, Su Yang whispered.

"Say!" Bai Qi just lost a strange blood stone and was unhappy, so he said coldly.

"Don't you have two strange blood stones? It's useless for you to keep them anyway. Why don't you give me the remaining one?"

Su Yang smiled softly and said, "If you agree, I can rescue you from the formation."


"What the hell!"

Bai Qi instantly became angry and said: "Wang Yangming is at least a quasi-emperor. Although his strength is not as good as mine, he is still a strong man and can really help me."

"You are only at the peak of Nascent Soul. You are not even as good as overcoming the tribulation. How can you save me?"

Bai Qi said with a dark face: "Or maybe you regard me as a big fool and think that if you brag in front of me, I will give you a strange blood stone?"

"that is."

Seeing this, Wang Yangming began to add insult to injury: "Brother Su, you are relatively weak, so you'd better not get involved in this matter, and don't think too much about the strange blood stone."

"You don't even look at your own strength. You are at the peak of Nascent Soul. Why are you using your skull to save Brother Bai Qi?"

After Wang Yangming taught Su Yang a lesson, he said with a shy smile: "Hey, brother Bai Qi, wait, I will enter the killing formation and break it with you."

"Okay, with the strength of the two of us, no one will be injured, and the formation can be broken within an hour!"

Bai Qi showed a hint of joy, finally seeing the dawn of hope.

Wang Yangming did not break his promise. After getting the strange blood stone, he decisively jumped into the killing array and stood with Bai Qi.


Bai Qi alone had to use all his strength to deal with the spiritual energy blades in the killing array, but now that Wang Yangming had joined him, he felt much more relaxed and even started to counter-pressure the killing array.

If things continue like this, the two of them will break out of the formation within an hour.


Su Yang, who was standing outside, saw this scene with a smile on his lips.

He is determined to get the strange blood stone. Only with the strange blood stone can the secret technique learned from Su Gong have miraculous effects.

There was no other way, in order to force Yibi Bai Qi, Su Yang had to resort to some tricks.

There are one hundred and eight killing formations in this cave. The formations are connected in series with each other. If they are activated at the same time, the power will be even more terrifying.

Previously, Bai Qi only accidentally triggered a large killing array and alerted eight surrounding killing arrays. In the final analysis, only nine killing arrays were in operation.

In this case, Bai Qi can indeed escape within one day.

If one hundred and eight formations were started at the same time, even Bai Qi would be trapped for three to five years.

Now with the addition of Wang Yangming, Bai Qi can crack the formation more than ten times faster without getting hurt.

Now that Su Yang wants Bai Qi to bring out the strange blood stone, the best way is to start more killing formations to increase the pressure on Bai Qi and Wang Mingyang.

In this way, Bai Qi will inevitably compromise.


Su Yang did not hesitate and immediately began to study the killing array in the cave.

These formations may be complicated to others, but in Su Yang's eyes, they are nothing.

After a few dozen minutes, Su Yang had thoroughly studied the 108 formations and could control them skillfully.

At this moment, Bai Qi and Wang Yangming were panting from exhaustion, but they had gained a lot and were about to break the formation.

"Haha, brother Bai Qi, I didn't break my promise, the formation will be gone soon." Wang Yangming said with a smile.


Bai Dian nodded and smiled: "Finally we can escape from this ghost formation."

"Both of you."

"Is it too early for you to be happy?"

But at this moment, the corners of Su Yang's mouth raised slightly, and then he made secrets with both hands.

At this moment, the remaining killing arrays in the cave were all activated at the same time.

Because it was a serial formation, Bai Qi and Wang Yangming felt an unprecedented sense of oppression at this time.

"Damn it, I forgot. This kid Su Yang is proficient in formations... No... What the hell... He arranged this formation himself. Couldn't he control it however he wants? He's careless! "

Wang Yangming came to his senses, immediately put on a shy face, showed a flattering smile and said: "Brother Su, hey hey, I was joking with you just now, don't be angry."

"Actually, you and I are on a united front. Open the formation quickly and let me out."

Wang Yangming stabbed him in the back again, pointed at Bai Qi and said, "Don't you just want the strange blood stone? Bai Qi still has one. If you torture him severely, he will definitely agree to give it to you."

"Wang Yangming!"

When Bai Qi saw this, he became furious and said through gritted teeth: "You despicable villain, you are two-faced!"

Wang Yangming glanced at Bai Qi and didn't care what he said. He just smiled to please him and said, "Brother Su, let me tell you something, the way you performed the formula just now was so handsome. It's so handsome that I fell in love with you. You Let me out quickly, I want to admire your grace up close."

Su Yang ignored Wang Yangming. His target was the Strange Blood Stone, so he looked at Bai Qi and smiled softly: "Senior Bai Qi, if you give me the Strange Blood Stone, I will let you out in an instant."

"You...well, well, you are so cruel!"

Bai Qi became angry with shame, but in the end he did as Su Yang said and gave the last strange blood stone to Su Yang.

Su Yang did not hesitate, he did what he said, and released Bai Qi with a thought.

"Senior Bai Qi, let me remind you that there are one hundred and eight killing arrays in this cave, and they are completely under my control."

Su Yang put the strange blood stone into the storage ring, then his eyes fell on Bai Qi, and reminded: "To put it simply, as long as you are in the cave, even if you are a quasi-emperor, you can't do anything to me. If you think about it, there will be a formation trapping you."

"If one hundred and eight formations are activated at the same time, they will probably trap you for three to five years. It's not a big problem."

Su Yang smiled playfully: "So, senior Bai Qi, you'd better be polite to me."

"Don't worry, I gave you the stuff, it's yours, I'm not that small yet!"

Bai Qi met Su Yang's gaze and frowned: "I'm just curious, how did you control the formation here so quickly?"

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