Urban Super Dude

Chapter 858 Youyou Arrives

Seeing her father and great-great-grandfather talking and laughing, Su Xinghe couldn't accept it for a while.

You don't play like this.

Isn't this a trick for children?


At this moment, Su Xinghe felt that his father's eyes were locked on him, and he shivered involuntarily with fear.


Su Xinghe laughed twice, then stepped forward and said with a smile: "Dad, I was teasing you just now. In fact, when my great-great-grandfather wanted to beat you, I felt really sad. I wished he would beat you. The person is me.”

"But if I think about it carefully, I know it's impossible for my great-great-grandfather to beat you. I've long seen that he was playing tricks on you, so I cooperated with his acting to increase the authenticity."

Su Xinghe had an idea and smiled as if he was taking credit: "How about it, Dad, are my acting skills good? Do you take it seriously?"

"Hey, dad, you don't understand me too well. I have always respected my elders, especially you, dad. I will definitely not take pleasure in your misfortune when my great-great-grandfather wants to beat you."

Su Xinghe pretended to be aggrieved and said, "I'm so sad. If you were willing to take the time to get to know me better, you wouldn't misunderstand me."



In response to Su Xinghe's explanation, Su Yang just sneered twice, then strode forward and dealt a physical blow to Su Xinghe.

"It hurts, it hurts, Dad, be gentle, I'm still a child, don't beat me silly!"

"Great-grandfather, help me, look at my dad, he is so cruel!"

"Great-grandfather, didn't you say that if he dared to beat me, you would beat him? Why are you so indifferent?"

Su Xinghe wailed in pain, but unfortunately, Su Wuji was standing nearby with no intention of coming forward.

After what happened just now, he finally understood the nature of his great-great-grandson.

What a good baby, what a pitiful little guy, this guy is so treacherous and restless, he needs to be educated properly.

A few minutes later.

Su Yang stopped massaging Su Xinghe and took him directly into the Void Tower without giving Su Xinghe a chance to speak.

"Go in and reflect and reflect."

Su Yang said seriously, but actually he was worried about Su Xinghe's safety.

Because the spiritual energy recovery is about to begin, the place will be in chaos after all, and people hiding in the dark will take action.

Su Xinghe's realm was low and it was not suitable for him to appear in public, otherwise it would only cause more trouble.

"Su Yang."

After solving Su Xinghe's matter, Su Wuji looked at Su Yang and asked seriously: "Are you prepared for the revival of spiritual energy?"


Su Yang shook his head and said truthfully: "I don't know much about the recovery of spiritual energy. Wang Yangming told me this. I don't know if it is trustworthy."


Su Wuji said seriously: "Wang Yangming, although he may seem out of place at ordinary times, he will never fool around when it comes to serious matters."

"Did he tell you what the probability of spiritual energy recovery is this time?" Su Wuzhi asked.

"I didn't say it clearly, I just said it's not a big problem." Su Yang said truthfully.

"Then don't worry too much."

Su Wuji nodded and said, "He won't talk too much. If the problem is not big, it shows that he has seen the future."

"Grandpa, who is this Wang Yangming?" Su Yang suddenly asked.

"I am not sure as well."

Su Wuji shook his head and said, "He is very mysterious. In front of my master, Immortal Emperor Xuantian, he maintained a high profile without any awe."

"My master didn't get angry because of this. Instead, I discussed everything with him."

Su Wuji continued: "More than a hundred years ago, I pretended that I had not broken through the Nascent Soul, but failed. It was the decision made by him and my master together."

"Before he was reincarnated, my master once told me that no one in this world can be trusted except Wang Yangming!"

"If there is such a thing, then there is no need to be wary of him."

Su Yang felt relieved after hearing what Grandpa Tai said.


Despite his previous heart-to-heart relationship with Wang Yangming, he was actually wary of Wang Yangming.

This person is so mysterious, he is involved in many things, and he is the mastermind behind everything.

It would be terrible for someone who has such control over the overall situation to be his opponent.

Therefore, Su Yang kept a bottom line in his heart and did not have a heart-to-heart relationship with Wang Yangming.

But after listening to his grandfather's words, Su Yang was completely relieved.

In his previous life, Immortal Emperor Xuantian was able to appraise people, so he would definitely not be wrong.


Wait...what did Grandpa Grandpa call Immortal Emperor Xuantian just now?

Su Yang suddenly caught the key word, master.

Immortal Emperor Xuantian, is Grandpa Grandpa’s master?

"Speaking of my master, Su Yang, at a quick glance, you look somewhat similar to my master."

At this moment, Su Wuji's eyes fell on Su Yang, looked at him carefully, and then said with a smile: "Look carefully, it looks more like him. He is almost carved from the same mold."

"It's just that my master, Immortal Emperor Xuantian, has a beard. When I met him, he looked to be in his forties or fifties, late middle-aged, with slight traces of age on his face."

Su Wuji continued: "And you don't have a beard, and you are much younger and very immature. No wonder I didn't notice it at first glance."

"But after looking at it twice more, I feel that your appearance is a bit familiar, hahaha."

Su Wuji smiled and said, "If my master sees you, he will definitely be very surprised."

"Su Wuji."

At this time, Bai Qi next to him smiled softly and said: "You are right, my Majesty does have the same appearance as Immortal Emperor Xuantian."

"Not only that, in fact, my Majesty is your master, Immortal Emperor Xuantian."

Bai Qi continued: "You also know that Immortal Emperor Xuantian has been reincarnated. Didn't Wang Yangming tell you that Immortal Emperor Xuantian has been reincarnated as your descendant?"


Su Wuji was stunned when he heard this, and the smile on his face froze, slightly uncomfortable: "Master... actually became my descendant?"


Bai Qi said seriously: "So, Su Wuzhi, you should have a better attitude towards my Majesty. Don't really treat him as a descendant."

"He is both your great-grandson and your master. You can call him master, and he can call you grandpa, regardless of the relationship."

At the end, Bai Qi couldn't help but complain: "What am I talking about? Your relationship is really complicated, which makes me a little confused."

"That makes sense."

Unexpectedly, when Su Wuji heard this, he looked at Su Yang again and agreed very much: "Su Yang... No, Master, just follow what he said. From now on, I will call you Master and you will call me Great Grandpa. It is reasonable and reasonable." .”


Su Yang touched the bridge of his nose and said with a wry smile: "Aren't you trying to offend me? You don't need to call me Master, that was all in the past life."


Su Wuji shook his head and said righteously: "Xuantian Immortal Emperor led me on the path of cultivation, taught me the supreme skills, and solved my doubts. He will always be my master, even if he is reincarnated ten thousand times. This time, I also want to call you Master."

"It's just that I didn't expect that Master would reincarnate into the Su family and become my descendant..."

Su Wuji continued: "But this does not affect it, Master, just do as I say. What's more, a master is a teacher, and the title Master does not mean anything."

"This..." Su Yang nodded helplessly and said, "Okay then."

"Master, there are still a few hours until the spiritual energy is revived, and we are here..."

As Su Wuji was talking, his expression suddenly changed, and he whispered: "Someone is coming, and it's very strong. I only noticed a faint breath!"

"Your Majesty, it is indeed so!"

Bai Qi next to him did the same, and said solemnly: "This person has hidden his aura very well, moves very fast, and... is very, very strong!"


Su Yang squinted his eyes slightly and frowned: "Grandpa, Bai Qi, is the strength of the person coming here as strong as yours?"

"Hard to say!"

Su Wuji said sternly: "The power of the other party cannot be underestimated... I felt it, she... she turned out to be a child!"

"For a little girl of about five years old, this... is unbelievable, so unbelievable!"

Su Wuji said in disbelief: "How can a little girl of just a few years old have the power of a quasi-emperor!"

"It's not just a quasi-emperor!"

Bai Qi added: "I feel that her aura should be above that of a quasi-emperor, and even has a hint of a true emperor!"

"little girl?"

When I went to play and heard the words, I was extremely shocked. I couldn't help but guess: "She must be an old monster-level figure. I just don't know whether she is a powerful person hidden in the earth or an outsider."

"Here she comes, she has entered the cave!"

Su Wuji reminded: "She hides her aura and even her figure, but I'm sure she is approaching us!"

Bai Qi naturally noticed it and hurriedly stood in front of Su Yang. At the same time, he was ready to take action at any time.

The same goes for Su Wuzhi, staring ahead with all his concentration, fearing a sneak attack from the other party.

"Grandpa, Bai Qi, don't panic. I'll activate the 108 killing arrays first to test her out."

Seeing this, Su Yang directly made the secret with both hands.


The next moment, one hundred and eight formations were activated at the same time, and the scene was brightly lit.

With the help of formations, Su Yang's strength can reach a level comparable to that of a quasi-emperor.

In addition, the little girl is already in the formation, so Su Yang can naturally see her.


"It's actually Yoyo!"

After seeing the opponent's appearance clearly, Su Yang immediately exclaimed, and then he wanted to close the formation, for fear that the formation would hurt Su Youyou.

However, Su Yang was obviously overly worried. Before he could close it, Youyou had already walked out of the formation.


Just walked out.

At this moment, Su Youyou was wearing deep sea blue and could completely ignore the attack of the formation.

In fact, Su Youyou's 108 killing formations using the blue of the deep sea were useless.

She walked over step by step, and soon saw Su Yang, with strong joy in her eyes, and she was about to throw herself into Su Yang's arms.


Seeing this, Bai Qi immediately threatened in a cold voice: "If you take one more step forward, you will die!"


When Bai Qi said this, he felt guilty.

I am in one hundred and eight killing formations, complaining endlessly, but the other party can pass through without restraint.

This is enough to show that the opponent's strength is unfathomable and terrifying, far beyond what he can contend with.

But in order to protect His Majesty Zulong, Bai Qi could only accept death and express his attitude.

"Who are you and what is the purpose of coming here?" Su Wuji stared at Su Youyou coldly and asked.


Su Youyou was about to explain when Su Yang secretly sent a message to her daughter.

"Yuyou, what happened? How did you become so powerful?" Su Yang asked with concern and anxiety.

"Dad, I just met a stupid person who accidentally got this fairy dress with wide sleeves."

Su Youyou also transmitted the message and said truthfully: "There is a soul in this skirt. She told me that her name is Xiao Lan. As long as I wear it, I can have powerful power. Even a strong person at the level of the Immortal Emperor can't." Hurt me?"

"Moreover, I can deal damage at the peak of Quasi-Emperor. Dad, I am very powerful now." Su Youyou's tone was full of pride.

"Deep Sea Blue?"

After Su Yang heard these words, he carefully looked at the clothes Su Youyou was wearing, and felt that there was an inexplicable sense of familiarity and she was very friendly.

"Dad, who are these two guys? Have you been kidnapped by them? Do you need me to teach them a lesson for you?" Su Youyou asked via voice message.

"No, how could I be kidnapped? They are..."

Su Yang paused, then showed a playful smile, and said secretly: "Yuyou, let's do this, you fight them, and I'll see how powerful you are now."


Su Youyou nodded happily. She was looking forward to showing off in front of her father, but now she almost did it.

"Your Excellency, who are you? Don't you dare to give your name?" At this time, Su Wuji stood ready and asked again.

Su Youyou didn't want to talk nonsense, so she directly chose to take action and flew towards Su Wuzhi.

This move was simple and crude without any bells and whistles. He slapped Su Wuzhi with one palm.


"You didn't say a word and you looked down on me so much. Do you really think that I, Su Wuzhi, am easy to bully?"

"Immortal Art!"

"Selfless Demonic Skill!"


Su Wuji didn't hesitate. Activate your strongest state immediately.

First, he used the Selfless Divine Art, and his whole body shone with white light, showing overwhelming power.

Afterwards, Su Wuji reversed his tendons and performed the Selfless Demonic Art, and the other half of his body was covered in darkness.

Immediately after the black and white merged, Su Wuzhi's body slowly rose into the air, his eyes sharp, like a demon god, with overwhelming power.


The next moment, Su Wuji's palm collided with Su Youyou's, and both of them took a few steps back.

"Your Excellency, your strength is indeed not weak. You should be at the peak of Quasi-Emperor."


Su Wuji said coldly: "In my eyes, this is not enough. You will be defeated within a hundred rounds!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Wuji rushed directly towards Su Youyou. Su Youyou took the initiative to greet her without any hesitation.

Just like that, the two fought, and the scene was very huge. There must be a formation in the cave, otherwise it would have collapsed long ago.

It is worth mentioning that Bai Qi next to him showed a relaxed smile after carefully looking at Su Youyou's wide-sleeved fairy skirt, and stood aside without making any further moves.

"Bai Qi, why don't you go and help Grandpa?" Seeing this, Su Yang asked.

"Your Majesty, you are not in a hurry. Why should I be in a hurry?" Bai Qi smiled softly and said, "What's more, I know Deep Sea Blue, and those who are qualified to control Deep Sea Blue must be related to you by blood."

"Or maybe I got your inheritance. No matter what, you will be my helper."

Bai Qi added: "Your Majesty, you must have communicated with the little girl just now, so you are not nervous at the moment."


Su Yang had no intention of hiding it, so he nodded and said, "You know Deep Sea Blue, tell me its origins."


Bai Qi responded respectfully, then fell into memories and said, "When it comes to the blue of the deep sea, we have to mention Miss Shenxue..."

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