Urban Super Dude

Chapter 878 Empress Hongyun

Wang Yangming actually grabbed Qian Shanxue's neck!

at this time!

Qian Shanxue was still sleeping, her beautiful eyes were slightly closed, and her beautiful jade face was very peaceful.

But her body was lifted up by Wang Yangming with one hand, and her whole body exuded a faint light.

Just before Su Yang arrived, Wang Yangming broke through Qian Shanxue's imperial weapon defense and was preparing to obliterate Qian Shanxue.

"Su Yang, you're here."

Seeing Su Yang appear, Wang Yangming was not panicked or surprised at all, as if he had expected it.

He smiled softly, met Su Yang's gaze, and said calmly: "You are here just in time to see with your own eyes how I kill the woman you love."

"Wang Yangming, you are crazy!"

Su Yang knew that he was no match for Wang Yangming, so he stalled for time and said, "Good luck, what are you doing here, and why did you attack Xue'er!"


Wang Yangming smiled and said: "Su Yang, you and I are not the same people. In fact, I am plotting against the earth. The Yanlong Immortal Emperor is just my clone."

"Qian Shanxue's previous life was the Xuanyuan God. Even I am afraid of that woman. If she really awakens, she will definitely become a serious problem for me."

Wang Yangming stared at Su Yang and sneered: "Do you think I will keep her?"

"I have already told him about the relationship between you and me." At this time, Immortal Emperor Yanlong walked in and said with a smile.

"Then I don't have to waste any time explaining."

Wang Yangming looked at Su Yang and said seriously: "Su Yang, the earth cannot be revived with spiritual energy. I will not let you succeed. This is the general trend of the world and the will of heaven. No one can change it."

"The end of the era and the restart of the era are all destined. This rule is eternal."

Wang Yangming went on to say: "If you want to change the era and make the earth remain the same for a long time, you are going against the law of heaven, and you are destined to have no good results."

"I'm just acting on behalf of Heaven's way. Only by obeying Heaven's way can I have the opportunity to touch the realm above the imperial realm." Wang Yangming finally said.

"Heaven's will?"

Su Yang met Wang Yangming's gaze, suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked in a cold voice: "So, you have reached a consensus with the will of heaven?"

"Yes, you are very smart."

Wang Yangming did not hide anything and said truthfully: "As long as I prevent the resurgence of spiritual energy and speed up the destruction of the era, I will have a chance to advance to the imperial realm."

"So, it's not my fault, Su Yang. Even if it were you, I'm afraid you would make the same choice as me, sacrificing the earth to achieve yourself."


When Su Yang heard this, he said coldly: "Wang Yangming, you look down on me so much, how could I destroy all sentient beings for myself?"

"You still don't understand. It's not me who wants to destroy all living beings, but the will of Heaven. Even if I don't take action today, the spiritual energy recovery will still not be successful. Heaven will directly intervene to stop it."

Wang Yangming said seriously: "In short, you can never change the way of heaven, and no one can truly go against heaven."

"A hundred years ago, Su Wuzhi did succeed once, but what he reversed was not the will of heaven, but just ominous."

"The so-called ominous thing is that I use a treasure to radiate the entire earth and suppress the realm of cultivators. Its suppressive power is nothing compared to the true will of heaven."

Wang Yangming said sternly: "The true will of heaven is a transcendent existence above the emperor's realm. Even the powerful in the emperor's realm cannot violate it, let alone those below the emperor's realm."

"Forget it, it doesn't make any sense to say this now. Su Yang, I will send Xuanyuan Shenxuan on his way first, and then I will send you back to the west."

Wang Yangming said in a cold tone: "I will give you a favor. I will protect your relatives and friends from death for the time being. After all, they are not on the same level as me and are not qualified to be my opponents."

"But when the era is shattered, no one can protect them. Even those in the true imperial realm will die without a burial place when the era is shattered."

"Even if you are outside the territory, as long as you are born on earth, your soul will be locked and there will be no possibility of survival."

"At that time, only I can survive, because after today, with the help of the will of heaven, I will reach the imperial realm and be on an equal footing with the will of heaven!"

Having said this, Wang Yangming showed a proud smile, and then he suddenly exerted force on his fingers.


The next moment, there was a clear sound, and Qian Shanxue's neck was shattered in an instant, and he lost his breath.

Afterwards, Wang Yangming threw away Qian Shanxue's body and threw it out with all his strength.


Su Yang's heart tightened, and he hurriedly jumped up, caught Qianshan Snow, and landed firmly on the ground.

After discovering that Qian Shanxue had turned into a corpse, Su Yang was instantly furious, his eyes were about to burst, and he stared at Wang Yangming with gritted teeth.


"Wang Yangming, I want you to pay with blood!"

Su Yang was furious, put down Qian Shanxue's body, sacrificed the Void Tower and the Key to the East Mansion, and suddenly killed Wang Yangming.


However, Wang Yangming just waved his hand, and a terrifying force surged out, knocking Su Yang away.


After landing, Su Yang spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was extremely pale, and he lay dying on the ground.

As for the Void Tower and the Key to the East Mansion, they were also forced back into Su Yang's body.

There was a huge disparity in strength between Su Yang and Wang Yangming, and these two imperial weapons were almost useless.

"Su Yang, don't waste your efforts. Just as you are now, you are not qualified to fight with me." Wang Yangming looked at Su Yang with a sneer.


"Since I can't do it, then I will find someone who can crush you!"

Su Yang snorted coldly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then wanted to contact the big terror at the foot of Jiufeng Mountain.

"Is the person you're talking about the big terror down there?"

Suddenly, Wang Yangming said with a smile: "If it's him, then don't waste your efforts."

"Huh?" Su Yang frowned slightly.

"Haha, because, he is me, and I am him."

Wang Yangming did not hide anything, he smiled softly and said: "The great terror of Jiufeng Mountain you talk about is actually another clone of me."

"I started planning it many years ago, but unfortunately, I am not proficient enough in transforming one qi into three pure beings, and I have not completely mastered it, so I only split it into two clones."

"The Yanlong Immortal Emperor is one, and the great terror at the foot of Jiufeng Mountain is also one."

Wang Yangming smiled softly and said: "Once I fuse the two clones, my strength will be infinitely close to the emperor level. Even if you are at your peak, you may not be my opponent."

"Just now, the great terror at the foot of Jiufeng Mountain has become one with me. I have achieved the realm of the Immortal Emperor."

Wang Yangming said calmly: "Su Yang, you don't have to worry, I will send you on your way."

"But before that, I want to ask you to watch a good show to let you know how powerful I really am."

After saying that, Wang Yangming's eyes fell on Yanlong Immortal Emperor and said coldly: "Yanlong Immortal Emperor, why don't you merge with me quickly!"


When Immortal Emperor Yanlong heard these words, his expression suddenly froze, and his face became a little ugly.

"My lord."

Immortal Emperor Yanlong's eyes fell on Wang Yangming, and it was obvious from his eyes that he was full of fear for Wang Yangming: "Didn't you say that you won't force us to return to our original bodies?"


Wang Yangming frowned slightly and said in a calm tone: "What do you mean, you don't want to merge with me?"


Immortal Emperor Yanlong mustered up his courage and gritted his teeth and said: "Over the years, I have grown from a humble beginning, from the Qi training realm to the Imperial realm step by step, and within the Imperial realm, I am almost invincible."

"I have sacrificed too much, and now you want me to merge with you and let you control everything. I am unwilling to accept it!"

Immortal Emperor Yanlong continued: "Besides, you have clearly said before that you will not force us to merge with you. Whether we will merge or not depends entirely on our wishes. Now, you ask me to merge with you. What do you mean by going back on your word?" ?"

"It was then, but now, the situation is different!"

Wang Yangming showed displeasure and said coldly: "At that time, I did not reach an agreement with the will of heaven and did not get the opportunity to set foot on the imperial realm. But now, I have this opportunity."

"Immortal Emperor Yanlong, I advise you not to be ignorant and take the initiative to fuse with me. Maybe you will suffer less. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Wang Yangming took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "You should know that I am the main body and I have absolute control over the clone. Even if you disagree, you have no power to resist!"

"My lord!"

Immortal Emperor Yanlong gritted his teeth and said, "You actually threatened me and turned your back on me as soon as you said you would, which is too heartless!"

"So what?"

Wang Yangming urged: "Don't blame me for not giving you a chance. You still have ten seconds to think about it."


Upon hearing this, Immortal Emperor Yanlong said in a cold voice: "Okay, I, I believe you can see that I am just a soul body now. My physical body was left outside the territory and was not brought here."

"I don't have the strength of an emperor now. If you forcefully merge with me, the effect will be greatly reduced."

Immortal Emperor Yanlong seemed to have expected this scene a long time ago, so he kept a secret plan.

The reason why he came to the earth in the state of his soul body was to guard against his real body Wang Yangming.

If there is no emperor-level physical body, the forced fusion of this deity will not be able to exert the greatest effect.

"I don't need the imperial body anymore."

Wang Yangming didn't care, and said: "My other clone is already at the imperial level. After the fusion, my physical body has reached the imperial level."

"Now I only need to swallow your soul body, and I can return to the peak and reach the peak of the imperial realm."


Immortal Emperor Yanlong said angrily: "It seems that you still want to forcefully merge with me. My Lord, since you are not merciful, there is no need for me to be merciful. Do you still remember Empress Hongyun?"


Wang Yangming said calmly: "She is dead. I was the one who felt sorry for her in the first place."

"Haha, just remember." Immortal Emperor Yanlong raised his lips and said, "Then she gave you a daughter, did you know?"


Wang Yangming frowned and said, "Daughter? What do you mean? When did Hongyun give birth to a daughter for me?"


When Immortal Emperor Yanlong heard this, he knew that Wang Yangming didn't know about it, so he said: "Actually, Empress Hongyun was not dead at the time. She was still alive, and I used heavenly materials and earthly treasures to revive her."

"It's just that at that time you were so distraught that you returned to Earth and didn't know these things."

Immortal Emperor Yanlong continued: "After you left, I extended the life of Empress Hongyun, and unexpectedly discovered that she was pregnant."

"From then on, I arranged for the maid to take care of her 24 hours a day and let her recuperate in a secret place."

"Not long after, your daughter was born. She was named Crimson Red Moon and has been living in the secret realm." Immortal Emperor Yanlong said.


Wang Yangming said firmly: "Empress Hongyun is dead and has entered reincarnation. I even saw her flower in this life. Don't lie to me!"


Immortal Emperor Yanlong nodded and did not deny it, but said truthfully: "Empress Hongyun did die, but that was more than twenty years after giving birth."

"Empress Hongyun's injury is too serious. Even if I find top-notch old medicine, it can't be completely cured. If I hadn't obtained a secret realm, I'm afraid she wouldn't even be able to give birth to a child."

Immortal Emperor Yanlong explained: "My secret realm contains the maternal energy of the first opening of the world. It has the ability to bring people back to life, and the healing effect is very good."

"However, you must be well aware of the injuries suffered by Empress Hongyun. The terrifying power is in her body, constantly destroying her internal organs, and my secret realm cannot bring her back to life."

Immortal Emperor Yanlong continued: "In short, I tried my best, but Empress Hongyun still died."

"My secret realm also has a magical effect. The time inside and outside are different."

"Empress Hongyun and your daughter have lived inside for twenty years, but thousands of years have passed outside."

Immortal Emperor Yanlong continued: "Now, your daughter is in her twenties, and she is slim and beautiful."

"No, she is not only your daughter, but also my daughter. The two of us are one."

Having said this, Immortal Emperor Yanlong said in a deep voice: "However, I, if you dare to forcibly fuse with me, then don't blame me for being ruthless and destroying her!"

"She and I have already signed a soul contract alone, and even she doesn't know it."

Immortal Emperor Yanlong said coldly: "As long as I have a thought, Crimson Red Moon will lose her soul and become an idiot. There will never be a possibility of recovery!"

"Even if you reach the level of the Emperor and become an existence equal to the will of Heaven, you still cannot create the same soul!"

"That's it!"

When Wang Yangming heard this, he sneered and said: "Haha, I haven't been really threatened by anyone in a long time."

"Immortal Emperor Yanlong, you are so brave, how dare you threaten me like this, hehehe!"

Wang Yangming said ruthlessly: "But how can I be threatened by you?"

"Isn't she just a daughter? Am I more than just a daughter? If she is stupid, she is stupid. Even if she is dead, what does it have to do with me!"

Wang Yangming walked towards Immortal Emperor Yanlong step by step and said sternly: "It seems that you are unwilling to merge with me, so I will have to use force!"

"My dear, you are so cruel!"

When Emperor Yanlong heard this, he finally panicked and subconsciously wanted to escape.

"Give it to me, come back!"

Wang Yangming shouted loudly, and then spread his palms. In an instant, a terrifying power surged out, directly controlling Yanlong Immortal Emperor, turning him into a ball of dense energy, and then swallowed it.

The next moment, Wang Yangming's body was shining brightly, his aura was rising steadily, and it was extremely terrifying...

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