Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1200 What? A big shot you can't afford to mess with? (Second update)

"Third Elder, what's going on? That's my inner disciple!" Yuan Fei was a little confused, with a hint of anger in his tone.

After all, he was the inner disciple he brought, and now he died in Yaoguang City, but he was not allowed to investigate.

But then, Yuan Fei immediately came back to his senses. He was now facing many elders, especially the three elders who had reached the realm of Immortal King. In the past, if you had spoken to the elders with this attitude, you would have been slapped to death.


Na Yuan Fei immediately knelt down in front of the elders.

"This disciple is being reckless. He shouldn't have spoken to the elders like this just now." Yuan Fei began to sweat on his forehead.

"Alas!" At this time, the third elder also sighed.

"It's okay to tell you. Do you know why we have lost all our cultivation?" the third elder said slowly.

Yuan Fei shook his head, but there was doubt in his eyes.

"There is a big shot in Yaoguang City that we cannot afford to offend!" Third Elder Luo Xianwang said again.

"What? A big shot you can't afford to mess with?"

Hearing what King Luo Xian said, Yuan Fei was also shocked.

The third elder is a strong man in the Immortal King realm. Is there any big shot he can't afford to offend?

Not to mention in this small city, even if you look at the entire sanctuary, there is probably no big shot that even the powerful Immortal King cannot afford to offend!

Yuan Fei was a little unbelievable.

"Yes, he is Lin Nan! It was he who imprisoned us and demoted us to mortals! The disciple who fell just now probably found Lin Nan's mansion and was killed!" said the third elder.

The other elders also looked surprised.

However, after hearing what the third elder said, they nodded repeatedly and felt that it made sense.

In the entire Yaoguang City, if it is said that the true immortal monks can fall, there is probably only one place, and that is Lin Nan's mansion!

"So, Yuan Fei, hurry up and ask the other inner disciples to come over and take us away from Yaoguang City. Everything will be easy when we return to the Dynasty of Time!" The elders also looked anxious at this time and hurriedly asked Yuan Fei. Fei said.

In their opinion, Lin Nan should not know that there are disciples from the Time Divine Dynasty looking for them. If Lin Nan finds out later, they may not be able to leave.

At this time, Yuan Fei was also stunned. He quickly came to his senses and summoned other inner disciples with his magic talisman.

After a while, the other ten inner disciples felt that they were in the corner of Yaoguang City.

"Third Elder!"

"Seventy-one elders!"

"One hundred and eight elders!"

Those true immortal disciples were shocked when they saw dozens of elders who had lost all their cultivation at this moment.

"Now is not the time to talk, take us away quickly!"

The third elder looked at the disciples and immediately gave instructions.

"Yes Yes!"

After hearing the third elder's words, Yuan Fei and the disciples nodded repeatedly.

They immediately waved their hands and took out sacred objects and fairy treasures one by one. They were continuously enlarged and suspended in the air, like a spaceship.

Then, all the elders boarded the sacred objects and immortal treasures, and under the protection of the eleven true immortal disciples, like bereaved dogs, they galloped away outside Yaoguang City.

At this time, this scene had already fallen into the minds of the Seven Golden Immortals.

"Sir, are you just going to let them go?"

Jin Xianzi stood beside Lin Nan, bowed and said.

"That's all, after all, if a bunch of ants don't come to provoke me, then if they dare to come over again, then I'll kill them all!" Lin Nan said lightly.

Even the third elder in the Immortal King realm is just an ant in Lin Nan's eyes.

Now that they are gone, let them go.

But Lin Nan said that he would enslave them for a hundred years.

In the past hundred years, the shackles of the law on their bodies cannot be lifted even if the Immortal Lord comes.

Other than that, Lin Nan didn't care where their group of ants were.

"Yes, Master Lin Nan!"

After hearing Lin Nan's words, the Seventh Golden Immortal also nodded and quickly retreated.

A few hours later, the God of Time came inside.

"The third elder and all the elders are back!"

An announcement was immediately heard in the meeting hall.

"Okay, just come back!"

After hearing the report, the eldest elder Xiao Zhanwang and the second elder Yuhe Wang in the meeting hall showed relieved expressions on their faces.

Before, they were quite worried. After all, they didn't know what happened in Yaoguang City.

But now, since King Luo Xian and others can come back safely, it must be nothing serious.

But then, under the escort of Yuan Fei and others, a group of elders, including the third elder Luo Xianwang, entered the meeting hall, and everyone was shocked.

"What...what's going on?"

"How come the Third Elder and others have been imprisoned and become mortals?"

"I...I'm not dazzled!"

When the elders saw King Luo Immortal and others, they suddenly felt extremely confused.

What happened to cause a powerful early-stage Immortal King like Luo Immortal King to be imprisoned and cultivated.

The great elder, King Xiao Zhan, who was sitting in the first seat, also had a look of astonishment on his face. He was stunned for a moment before he asked, "King Luo Xian, what's going on?"

"Great Elder, there is a terrible person in Yaoguang City. I am no match for him. I was directly sealed and shackled by him."

King Luo Xian looked sad, with a hint of unwillingness and humiliation in his tone.


The great elder patted the seat and immediately turned the seat beneath him into powder.

"Who is so bold that he even dares to humiliate the elders of my Dynasty of Time!"

King Xiao Zhan looked gloomy and said angrily.

In his opinion, Luo Immortal King was one of the only three powerful Immortal Kings among the elders of the Divine Dynasty throughout the years, but now he was so humiliated by the other party, imprisoned in cultivation, and shackled. This was a humiliation that could only be given to prisoners.

"That person's name is Lin Nan!"

King Luo Xian said.

"Lin Nan! Okay, this Lin Nan has forged such a big hatred with our Time Divine Dynasty, our Time Dynasty will definitely kill him!"

King Xiao Zhan raised his gaze and looked at the many elders. His voice was loud and loud, ringing in everyone's ears like thunder.

"I will definitely kill Lin Nan!"

"Kill Lin Nan!"


The other elders, including those who had been imprisoned and shackled, had excited expressions on their faces and shouted loudly.


"I will first release you from your imprisonment!"

The Great Elder Xiao Zhanwang waved his hand, and a ray of white light suddenly shot out from his hand, instantly turning into rays of light that enveloped everyone.

However, those laws of light, which penetrated into the shackles on everyone's bodies, did not cause any fluctuation at all and were directly absorbed.


The great elder's face changed a little, and he seemed very surprised.

Just now, with his magical power, he could break even the oldest restrictions in the sanctuary, but it did not shake the shackles on everyone at all.

"Come again!" The great elder shouted again.


A ray of light that was several times thicker than before suddenly emerged from his body and instantly disappeared into the shackles of the Luo Immortal King.

This time, he used all his strength to only remove the shackles on King Luo Xian.


There was only a soft sound, and then the extremely powerful white light of the law disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared.

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