Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1228 The Golden Immortal Ancestor kneels down! (Fourth update)

Before, even when faced with a true immortal like the head of the Jiang family, the monks who were watching were still full of confidence in Lin Momo.

Even Zhang Kui didn't have the slightest worry.

After all, in their eyes, the head of the Jiang family is just a true immortal cultivator. And Lin Momo and Ling'er combined were two true immortal monks.

Even a behemoth as powerful as the Jiang family would probably have a hard time if they messed with two true immortals.

But then, the head of the Jiang family did not take action directly. Instead, he turned behind him and asked an old man to take action.

"That...that's the Golden Immortal Ancestor!"

Among the crowd, some monks saw the old man and suddenly exclaimed.

"What? Ancestor Jinxian? How is that possible!"

When the monk next to him heard the man's voice, his expression also changed, showing an expression of disbelief.

Golden Immortal, what a powerful existence that is.

Although these monks live in a huge city like Zhongzhou Imperial City, some of them will never see the Golden Immortal in their lifetime.

It's not too difficult to meet a true immortal monk. After all, there are many aristocratic families like the Jiang family in Zhongzhou Imperial City, and there are also some powerful holy places.

There are at least one or two true immortal monks in the Holy Land.

Although true immortal monks don't appear often, there may be opportunities to see them.

But the Golden Immortal Monk is really like a rare treasure. It is too difficult to see it.

But now, in front of everyone, the old man turned out to be a Golden Immortal monk!

"This... this is the ancestor of the Jin family. The Jin family is one of the hidden families. How could it be possible that the ancestor has come to Zhongzhou Imperial City!" The monk from before saw the old man's appearance clearly and exclaimed again.

He has never seen the ancestor of the Jin family in person, and it is impossible to see him.

But a long time ago, he saw the portrait of the ancestor of the Jin family from a precious scroll. Now when I compare them carefully, they are exactly the same.

"It's so, so unbelievable!" The man shook his head and clicked his tongue.

After hearing what the man said, the other monks who were watching had expressions of astonishment on their faces.

Especially Zhang Kui was even more frightened at this time.

Although he didn't know how powerful the Golden Immortal was, he could tell the difference from the realm. A Golden Immortal is a level higher than a True Immortal, and his strength must be a thousand times that of a True Immortal.

"Two true fairy sisters, run away quickly, this matter is none of your business!"

Zhang Kui was stunned for a moment, then stood up immediately, walked up to Lin Momo and said.

Then, he looked forward and shouted to a group of Jiang family monks, "This incident happened because of me and has nothing to do with these two girls. Come to me if you have the ability!"

Seeing this scene, the group of onlookers monks were filled with regret.

"It's over, now both this young man and the two true fairy babies are dead!"

"Yes, if you offend the true immortal Jiang family, you might be able to fight, but the Jiang family actually invited the golden immortal ancestor. I'm afraid ten more true immortals won't be enough to kill him!"

"Oh, what a pity. If the two girls practice for a few more years, they might become golden immortals!"

A group of monks immediately started talking.

But just after Zhang Kui finished speaking, suddenly, the old man who had been treated respectfully by the head of the Jiang family walked out tremblingly.

When he came to Lin Momo and Ling'er, he immediately plopped and knelt on the ground.

"Eldest Miss, Second Miss, this... this matter has nothing to do with me, I'm just passing by!" The ancestor of the Jin family cried and kowtowed to Lin Momo and the other two for mercy.


Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

"What...what's going on?" The head of the Jiang family was also a little confused.

Behind him, the group of Jiang family monks were collectively turned to stone.

"Am I right? Is that really the ancestor of the Jin family?"

"This...how is this possible!"

"Why did the ancestor of the Jin family kneel down to those two female dolls!"

"This is incredible!"

Everyone in the Jiang family was extremely surprised, but they didn't know why.

And Zhang Kui was also stunned at this time.

When he saw the ancestor of the Jin family approaching, he was already prepared to be slapped to death.

After all, the other party is a powerful Golden Immortal, and I am only at the Nascent Soul stage. In front of such a big shot, maybe the other party doesn't even need to take action. He can be wiped out with just one breath.

But what happened next?

The powerful Golden Immortal actually knelt down to Lin Momo and the others! Moreover, he seems to be begging for mercy?

Zhang Kui was stunned, everyone in the Jiang family was stunned, and all the monks watching were also stunned.

"Get up, since it has nothing to do with you, I will not hold you responsible!" Lin Momo glanced at the ancestor of the Jin family and said lightly.

"Thank you, eldest lady, thank you, second lady!"

When the ancestor of the Jin family heard Lin Momo's words, he immediately thanked her.

Just now, he was so scared that he broke into a cold sweat.

When he saw Lin Momo and Ling'er, he knew that even if he was not involved in this matter, he must kneel down to apologize to them.

Otherwise, not to mention his mere ancestor of the Jin family in the early stage of Golden Immortal, even those hidden families with ancestors in the late stage of Golden Immortal would have to face the price of family destruction.

The ancestor of the Jin family wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the Jiang family behind him with a gloomy expression.

Today, he was only invited to Jiang's house.

Speaking of which, the Jiang family has some connection with a reclusive family like their Jin family. Back then, I don't know how many generations ago, the Jiang family was considered a branch of the Jin family, a reclusive family.

Unexpectedly, he was almost killed by the Jiang family.

If he had accidentally angered the two aunts just now, and Master Lin Nan would get angry, the Jin family would be doomed.

You must know that in front of Master Lin Nan, even the Divine Dynasty that was as powerful as the Time Dynasty was directly destroyed.

And compared to the Jin family and the Time God Dynasty, they are really not even as good as a ray of fluorescence under the bright moon.


The ancestor of the Jin family came to the head of the Jiang family and slapped him in front of everyone.

The head of the Jiang family was also stunned.

He was the leader of the True Immortal Clan, and it was the first time in history that he was beaten in front of so many people.

But just when he was about to get angry, he saw a trace of murderous intent on the sullen face of the ancestor of the Jin family, and his heart suddenly thumped.

"What...what's going on?" The head of the Jiang family regained his anger and looked at the ancestor of the Jin family in confusion and asked.

"You still ask me what's going on? Today, you are dead!" The ancestor of the Jin family didn't bother to explain to the head of the Jiang family and said coldly.

"Death...determined?" The head of the Jiang family was a little dazed.

"Yes, not only are you dead, your Jiang family will also be wiped out from the Imperial City of Zhongzhou! From now on, there will be no more Jiang family!" the ancestor of the Jin family said harshly.


Hearing the words of the ancestor of the Jin family, the group of Jiang family monks were all shocked.

"What's going on?"

"The entire Jiang family will be wiped out?"

"Our Jiang family is a family that has existed for tens of thousands of years!"

Some people didn't believe it, some were unwilling, and some frowned, feeling deeply worried.

They all looked at Lin Momo and Ling'er in unison, wondering in their hearts, who are these two female dolls, who can make the Jinxian ancestor kneel down, and can also wipe out their Jiang family?

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