Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1274 The scary little loli! (Second update)

"No, these three are the monks who killed the Youxuan Dynasty before. Now that they meet the elders of the Youxuan Dynasty, they may be in trouble!"

"Yes, it's not good for them to appear anywhere, but they have to appear in a place where the secret is opened. They are really looking for death!"

"Alas, the other party is an elder who has reached the realm of Immortal King. Now I'm afraid that no matter how powerful those three people are, they will not be able to save themselves!"

The monks in the sanctuary sighed when they saw Lin Nan and the three of them.

They didn't have any bad feelings towards Lin Nan and the three people who killed the disciples of the Youxuan Dynasty. They just felt that appearing in front of the elders of the Immortal King Realm like this was the same as death.

"Just you?"

At this time, Lin Nan looked at Elder Hao Zhan calmly.

Among the people present in the Youxuan Dynasty, Hao Zhan was the only one who had reached the early stage of Immortal King. It can be seen that the others were just disciples of the late Golden Immortal stage and were not worth mentioning at all.

"Boy, this elder will let you try the power of the powerful Immortal King!"

When Hao Zhan saw Lin Nan despising him so much, his anger rose.

After saying that, he waved his hand, and a white light was inspired from his palm, covering Lin Nan and the three of them.

The white light was surrounded by powerful laws and principles, tearing the void apart, and was in front of several people in an instant.

At this time, Lin Nan didn't even look at the other party and just ignored him.

However, Lin Momo yelled, "Hunyuan shield!"

Suddenly, a green shield suddenly appeared in front of the three people, blocking the opponent's attack.


The extremely powerful Law Tao Yun bombarded Lin Momo's Hunyuan shield, making a loud noise, and then disappeared without a trace.

"What! This, how is this possible!"

Seeing this scene, the disciples of Youxuan Dynasty were shocked.

This was a blow from Elder Hao Zhan. Although he didn't use his full strength, it was definitely a blow from the powerful Immortal King.

But now, he didn't even break through the opponent's defense.

"It must be that Elder Hao Zhan didn't really take action just now, he was just testing the opponent!"

A disciple of the Youxuan Dynasty said secretly.

"Yes, if Elder Hao Zhan is more serious, killing that little girl will be no problem!"

The other Jinxian disciples also nodded.

But at this moment, Hao Zhan's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

Although he didn't attack with all his strength just now, that white light was at least 50% of his own strength.

But it's really unimaginable that the opponent's defensive shield wasn't even broken through.

As for the group of holy monks who were watching, they didn't understand it at this time. They only knew that the elders of the Youxuan Dynasty did not kill the three people immediately, but they still didn't think much of Lin Nan and others.

"Little baby, since you want to die, I will help you first!"

At this time, Hao Zhan was also serious, he looked at Lin Momo and said.

"Old uncle, you are just a monk in the early stage of the Immortal King. Even if I stand here and let you hit me, you can't hit me!"

When Lin Momo heard Hao Zhan's words, she looked down on him completely. She looked directly at the sky with her small eyes, not even wanting to look at him.

"Arrogant! Ignorant, really ignorant! You really don't know the power of the powerful Immortal King, but you will pay the price with your life for your ignorance!"

Hao Zhan was furious at this time, looking at Lin Momo, his eyes bursting with anger.

Then, he said no more and punched forward directly.

This punch condensed the essence of Hao Zhan's lifelong cultivation. All the immortal energy in his body was mobilized crazily, and even the Dao Yun Law was driven to the extreme.


The fist wind set off a fierce wind, tearing the air and making a heart-shaking loud noise.

"No, get back!"

At this time, seeing Elder Hao Zhan's powerful attack, the onlookers of the Holy Domain monks quickly retreated.

The power in the shadow of Elder Hao Zhan's fist was more powerful than the movement of the Guiyuan secret that had not yet fully appeared, making them feel terrified.

Even the Jinxian disciples of the Youxuan Dynasty beside Hao Zhan had solemn expressions on their faces at this time, and were on guard, for fear that the attack would affect them.

However, Lin Momo still looked indifferent, and even Ling'er and Lin Nan behind her were indifferent.

It was as if Elder Hao Zhan's powerful attack that shocked everyone was like child's play in their eyes.

"Humph, die!"

At this time, Hao Zhan finally shouted loudly.

The powerful attack suddenly hit the Hunyuan shield in front of Lin Momo.


A loud noise resounded through the sky, making the ears of the monks present numb.

And in the field, there was also a thick smoke and dust, like a volcanic eruption.

"What a pity, such a small girl, ugh!"

"Yes, he was beheaded like this, so you shouldn't be too arrogant!"

"If this little girl doesn't die, her future achievements may be limitless!"

"A genius who has not grown up cannot be considered a genius!"

A group of monks watching in the distance couldn't help but sigh.

In their opinion, under such a powerful attack from Elder Hao Zhan, Lin Momo and others had no chance of surviving.

After several breaths, the smoke and dust in the field finally came to an end.

But at this time, when everyone looked at the field, they were suddenly shocked.

"This, am I right?"

"How is it possible that the girl's shield is not broken?"

"It's so, so incredible!"

Everyone was like a duck being strangled by the neck, their eyes widened and they couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

Even the disciple of the Youxuan Dynasty choked on the spot as if he had eaten a dead rat.

"What! This, how is this possible!"

Elder Hao Zhan also looked shocked, with incredible shock in his eyes.

"Old uncle, let me tell you, I stand here and beat you, but you can't even beat me!"

At this time, Lin Momo's clear and crisp voice came, with a hint of childishness, but it made everyone feel a chill rushing to their brains.

"She, she really did it. No matter where she stands, the opponent can't hit her."

Everyone's hearts were like a stormy sea, roaring crazily.

"Yeah, this, how is this possible! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't be able to believe it even to death!"

Many people could not come back to their senses and were still immersed in deep shock.

"This little girl is only five or six years old. How can she be so powerful? I feel like she has lived like a dog at this age." An old man in the Mahayana stage couldn't help but said.

He has been practicing for thousands of years, and he is only in the middle stage of Mahayana, but a five or six-year-old girl can already fight against the powerful Immortal King.

It's so irritating that people are so different from each other.

"What? Old uncle, do you want to try again?"

At this time, seeing Hao Zhan's dull look, Lin Momo said again.

With the eighth layer of Hunyuan shield, Hao Zhan, who was in the early stage of Immortal King, really couldn't break Lin Momo's defense.

"you you!"

At this time, upon hearing Lin Momo's words, Hao Zhan's face suddenly turned pale. He pointed at Lin Momo and was so angry that he could hardly speak.

He can't even break through the opponent's defense with his full blow, so how can he fight!

"Since you won't do anything, then give me a slap!"

And just when everyone in the Youxuan Dynasty was stunned on the spot, Lin Momo said again. Her tone was relaxed and playful, as if she was recounting a trivial matter.

But these words made all the disciples of Youxuan Dynasty change their expressions.

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