Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1276 Who is it that seriously injured this person? (Fourth update)

"What, are you leaving now?"

"Could it be that even the Youxuan Dynasty bowed its head in front of these three people?"

"It's unbelievable!"

The monks who were watching were all stunned. The scene in front of them simply refreshed their three views.

That was the powerful Youxuan Dynasty, and there were elders from the Immortal King realm present, but facing those three people, they still left in embarrassment.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but look at Lin Nan and his two daughters, with awe and horror in their eyes.

Originally, they had planned to take advantage of it during the fight for the Guiyuan Secret Treasure, but now, they felt like they were trying to grab something from a tiger's mouth.

Even many monks left directly, their figures flying into the distance.

This time, although they cannot benefit from the opening of the Guiyuan Secret Realm, there are also many opportunities elsewhere in the Guiyuan Secret Realm.

Those opportunities are extremely precious to monks in the Mahayana stage or even the Hedao stage.

Then, groups of monks left, and there were only a few thousand people left in the scene that originally numbered 70,000 to 80,000 people.

However, these thousands of monks have no intention of taking action. They just want to see what treasures there are in the Guiyuan Secret Treasures.

Lin Nan ignored the onlookers and drove away the monks from the Youxuan Dynasty. He took Lin Momo and Ling'er directly into the secret.

"Daddy, there are secret rooms here!"

Entering the secret, Lin Momo opened her eyes wide and looked forward curiously.

Ahead are more than a dozen secret rooms, each of which is tightly closed, and one does not know what is inside.

"Daddy, let's open the secret room and take a look!"

Ling'er on the side said cleverly.

Lin Nan nodded, but he didn't take action.

This time he was taking his two daughters out for training. As long as the two daughters could do anything, he would never help.


Soon, the first secret room was blasted open by Lin Momo's palm.

The three of them walked into the secret room and saw that there was another space inside.

However, this space is not too big, only a kilometer range. But there is an extremely rich fairy spirit inside, and under the nourishment of these fairy spirits, the spiritual herbs and elixirs grow very vigorously.

"Daddy, this is a thousand-year-old ambergris!"

Ling'er walked to a spiritual medicine, lowered her head and picked it, and said excitedly.

"Well, yes, this ambergris is probably two to three thousand years old!" Lin Nan also nodded.

However, even ambergris that is two to three thousand years old is of little value.

Now if Lin Nan wants to refine elixirs, they all require spiritual herbs that take one hundred thousand or even millions of years.

"Sister, there is one more here. This is 10,000-year-old wisteria jelly grass!"

Ling'er also found a fairy grass, which was more precious than the ambergris found by Lin Momo.

Next, the two people quickly picked all the spiritual grass beds with a radius of one kilometer.

If Lin Nan hadn't stopped them, they might have emptied the spiritual grass garden.

But these spiritual herbs are not too precious in Lin Nan's eyes.

As the Emperor of Heaven, he is unwilling to refine ordinary elixirs. Every time he refines the elixir, it must be an earth-shattering and precious elixir.

For example, in the past, there was the Shengsheng Creation Pill that allowed the Seven Sons of the True Immortal to jump directly to the Golden Immortal Peak, and the elixir that allowed the monks at the Golden Immortal Peak to jump directly to the Immortal King Peak.

If you want to refine these elixirs, the total of all the elixirs and herbs in the spiritual herb garden in front of you is less than one tenth.

Next, Lin Nan and the other three walked towards the second secret room.

After opening the second secret room, they discovered that it was an alchemy room.

There was a huge stove inside, two or three people tall.

Of course, this stove is also an incredible fairy treasure, reaching the middle-grade level. But in Lin Nan's eyes, it was still like scrap metal.

As the Emperor of Heaven, he never needed an alchemy furnace to refine elixirs. Instead, he directly used heaven and earth as the furnace and the laws of the great road as the fire.

However, Ling'er liked this pill furnace very much and put it away directly.

In the third secret room are some cultivation experiences and some common cultivation techniques.

In the fourth secret room, there are some more precious cultivation techniques, some of which point directly to the realm of true immortals.

Of course, in the eyes of Lin Nan and others, these are not worth mentioning.

The three of them opened the secret rooms one by one and gained a lot.

Especially Lin Momo and Ling'er, both of their little faces were beaming with joy at this time.

Although the treasures collected were nothing more than toys in Lin Nan's eyes. But if any piece fell into the hands of the monks from the Holy Domain, they would probably fight to grab it.

After all, whether it is elixirs, techniques, fairy treasures, formation disks, puppet beasts, or hundreds of millions of spiritual stones, they are all rare resources for cultivation.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the last secret room.

"Papa, the secret secret of Guiyuan should be in this secret room, right?"

Along the way, they didn't see the Guiyuan secret cache, Lin Momo also guessed at this time.

Ling'er on the side also tilted his head and looked at Lin Nan, waiting for his answer.


Lin Nan nodded.

He had already used his spiritual power to investigate and found out that the last secret room was indeed the secret of the powerful Immortal Lord. However, he shook his head. In his eyes, this secret was just a book that had reached the late stage of the Immortal Lord. practice techniques.

Perhaps in the eyes of other monks, having such a secret book of cultivation is simply a blessing.

But for Lin Nan, he could come up with countless stronger cultivation techniques at his fingertips.


Ling'er opened the door of the secret room with one palm. At this time, what greeted the three people was an empty room.

This room is not very big, only about a hundred square meters, and the decoration inside is also very simple, just a futon.

However, there was an old man sitting on the futon, with his eyes closed at this time, but his body exuded real pressure.

"What, there are still people alive here?"

Seeing the old man, Lin Momo and Ling'er both exclaimed.

This is really weird. How long has this old man been here? Just now they opened the secret room outside and made such a big noise. Didn't this person notice it?

"He is dead!"

Lin Nan saw the expressions of his two daughters and said lightly.


The two of them were a little confused.

The old man in front of me is lifelike and exudes a powerful aura. How could he be dead?

"It has been dead for tens of thousands of years, and it is still seriously injured." Lin Nan continued.

He was able to detect it from the old man's body. The old man was a late-stage immortal monk during his lifetime, but he suffered unbearable serious injuries in the battle.

In the end, he died of serious injuries and died.

But Lin Nan guessed that this old man was not a monk from the holy realm, but from outside the realm or from the fairy world. In the Holy Realm, even tens of thousands of years ago, there was no strong person in the Immortal Realm, not even the Immortal King.

At that time, only the Eight Ancient Sons were considered the most powerful in the Holy Realm.

Not to mention, there was an existence that was equally powerful, even stronger than the late Immortal Lord, who seriously injured the old man.

But, who in the end seriously injured this person?

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